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WooHoo for WAVEY WOO!!!

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    WooHoo for WAVEY WOO!!!

    After your creative efforts with "Ode to Tip" to commemorate my 60 days, I thought I'd respond in kind

    My avatar was done using paint: just the computer version

    There is a bloke by the name of Wavey
    By his swearing, you would think he's in the Navy

    For a living, he claims to be a painter
    I like to think of him as the resident MWO entertainer

    The man has a very weird sense of humour
    Most people just think he has a brain tumour

    The guy drives like a maniac in his ute
    So much so, the Oz police want to prosecute

    He says he loves to surf the waves
    In secret, he covets my slaves

    He's tried his hand at being a Buddhist
    Gave up on it when the Dalai Lama told him he's the rudest

    Sometimes, he has a tendency to offend
    But if you're his friend, he'll fight to the bitter end

    Wavey Woo, you deserve to feel proud
    And I'd like to join you in shouting it out loud!

    You've done yourself a lot of good
    As I always knew you would

    Even if you're a slow starter
    You never act like a martyr

    I'll do whatever it takes
    AF 21/08/2009

    WooHoo for WAVEY WOO!!!

    And some folk might think you're a tad rude
    But I happen to think you're a pretty cool dude
    With yer big white collars and latex suits
    your dress sense it may just confuse
    But deep down you're one hell of a guy
    One week sober and ready to fly!

    Go Wavey woo!!
    Well done my friend !!
    Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
    Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


      WooHoo for WAVEY WOO!!!

      And listen to your dissen
      aint great
      the bac made you turn up late
      and that white collar shirt is really crook
      Im gonna read a book
      and just because your a surfer
      dont mean your a blurter
      just doin the 7 days ...DOOF DOOF DOOF SOOK DOOF CHKA CHKA DOOF
      yO man is like ridin a clean break
      in the tube .....zoneing away
      just doin it the wavey woo way MMM MMMM
      DOOF DOOF CHK CHK DOOF DOOF chk Muver....doof doof chk chk BOOM doof
      Well done


        WooHoo for WAVEY WOO!!!

        With collar's a la John Travolta,
        He'll soon take some lucky gal to the altar,
        Surprisingly smart, with a big lion heart,
        His path to success will not falter.

        Great stuff Waves.....Pump it up!

        'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

        Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


          WooHoo for WAVEY WOO!!!

          Of your fishes you are very proud
          If you think something, you say it out loud!
          You can be rude and you like your porns,
          You have boobs and you have horns.
          You have the balls to drive a white ute,
          In your Elvis collar and your Mannilow suit,
          But you've done a week, thats no mean feat,
          To rack up those days, and a week complete.
          But theres a part of you that you cannot hide,
          And thats how sweet you are inside,
          And so well done on ditching the wine,
          I am so glad you are a friend of mine!!

          I am very very proud of you!


          "It's not your job to like me, it's mine!"

          AF 10th May 2010
          NF 12th May 2010


            WooHoo for WAVEY WOO!!!

            :H :H :H :H :H

            We can publish an anthology of Wavey Poems...
            I'll do whatever it takes
            AF 21/08/2009


              WooHoo for WAVEY WOO!!!

              give us a wave wavey

              :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

              Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
              I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

              This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


                WooHoo for WAVEY WOO!!!

                i cant do the poetry of tip
                or starty or reggie or git
                but I'm glad you are fine
                and still off the wine
                so from me its just very well done wavey!
                Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

                Harriet Beecher Stowe


                  WooHoo for WAVEY WOO!!!

                  There was a young fella called Wavey

                  Drank wine 'till he went feckin' crazy

                  He met all of you

                  Then knew just what to do

                  Give it up and now I'm quite the Lady
                  What you perceive is what you believe, so make sure you look at things the right way....


                    WooHoo for WAVEY WOO!!!

                    There once was a fella called Wavey
                    a week AF, well thats bravey
                    He's got nuts like grapefruits
                    and is partial to utes
                    MWO without him is like spuds without gravy
                    It's time I put my big girl pants on. :grannypants: I hope they fit.


                      WooHoo for WAVEY WOO!!!

                      Youre a lady gee when did you do the snip and tuck


                        WooHoo for WAVEY WOO!!!

                        oh holy cr#$@!
                        You guys have just made me laugh my as#$ off for the first time in ages!

                        Wavey,you are an inigma,
                        the Aussie stigma
                        the arch-type male,balls of a whale!

                        Wavey, you rock in waves!
                        totally AWESOME dude,
                        you can't delude...

                        the ones,your friends..
                        who, rules to bend,
                        love you....

                        (I know I'm not one yet Wavey..but you do inspire in your own awesome way! make me think of Good Charlotte forsome weird reason!)

                        My big brother used to surf and no longer does..I wish he would, he needs to do that! He used to be good too!


                          WooHoo for WAVEY WOO!!!

                          no poetry here, just a big congrats on 7 days Wavey


                            WooHoo for WAVEY WOO!!!

                            Bloody well done Wavers!
                            'Tis with our judgements as our watches, none go just alike, yet each believes his own - Alexander Pope


                              WooHoo for WAVEY WOO!!!

                              I'm just not creative. But I can laugh my tu-tu off.

                              wavey-woo.... lucky you.
                              Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT

