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    I just put a total cost to my drunken hobby this year and that's it. The grand total of two hospital trips, and an attorney to protect my stupid drunken ass from losing custody of my son forever. Those hospital bills after tedious negotiations with the hospital, and paying doctors, ambulances, CAT scan, ER doctors, etc. For what??? I didn't even have that much fun that I can remember. I got fat and seriously got behind in work and family.

    Screw you alcohol!!! You got 2009 from me but 2010 is MINE.


    Yeah, if only it were our pocketbooks that suffered the most

    You forgot $$ for alcohol, not that we really want to tack more on to your list...

    Here's to your 2010!!
    :nutso: I take pride in my humility :nutso:
    Graph of My Drinking From July '09 to January '10

    Consolidated Baclofen Information Thread

    Baclofen for Alcoholism and Other Addictions
    A Forum
    Trolls need not apply



      GH love your attitude, I am going for 2010 also, it is going to be mine



        Oh yeah loOp.. The point of my post is to take stock of the damages! Easily $300 a month (alcohol and the extra junk food I'd grab to make myself look less alcoholic on binges.. -four solid months of sobriety total for the year..I'll estimate that at around another $2,400 OUCH!! $11,376
        I bitch about alimony, alcohol has cost me almost 3x as much!!

