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Day four

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    Day four

    I have been a wine drinker for 10 years, almost daily, sometimes as much as a bottle. I always drank after work. I'm on day four,no wine and having headaches. I'm trying to drink water but, keep wanting to take some advil, but didn't want to have to depend on the advil. How long do the headaches last for?

    Day four

    Hi Next50,

    You're here which in itself is great.

    With headaches you need to keep drinking water and eating well. The Advil may not be a great idea, but do please see the Dr if you can for more qualified advice.

    Keep talking here. It does help.

    If you can't have one drink, don't have any - My Nan


      Day four

      Hi Next50, and welcome. It is great that you are realising that you may need to examine your relationship with alcohol, and it's potential power over you. Putting some sober time under your belt will really help give you perspective.

      The headaches for my were nasty for a week or so, and hung around for a few weeks, but it was well worth the pain. Hang in there.

      I don't believe that you can get addicted to ibuprofin, such as Advil. If you take a tone of if, daily, over a long period of time, it can be hard on your organs, but to use for a few weeks, or here and there, I don't believe there is a risk.

      All the best,
      Sober since Feb 7, 2010.

