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    Hi everyone! :new:
    Why do I do this to myself?!! I'm hungover again this morning (third time is less than a week). I decided to watch a movie last night with a glass of wine. But to have a glass, I had to open a whole can probably see where this is going. Long & short of things, a bottle and a half as well as two beers later and I'm feeling terrible today...for more than one reason.

    My Story: I started drinking when I was a teenager. I would binge on the weekends with my friends, but I would never really drink throughout the week. As far as I was concerned, I think I was a pretty normal teenager. I'm 27 now - my drinking has become more and more intense, and not on purpose! I used to have a couple glasses of wine a night, more on the weekends while hanging out with friends. I was a happy, silly drunk. In the last year, I've noticed I'm drinking more than I used to. A bottle of wine a night is no biggie...and the hangovers are MUCH worse than they used to be! Another thing I've noticed is that I'm no longer that happy, silly funny drunk anymore. I'm such a jerk! I get argumentative. I like to belittle my boyfriend. I say racist things, even though I'm not racist. I become a bully. I gossip more. I make REALLY inappropriate comments. I talk about people behind their backs, even if they're within earshot.
    This is NOT the person I am! I'm not a bully or a gossiper!
    Over the past few months, my fantastic boyfriend has been getting shit on by me...when I'm drunk. Everything from his 'stupid loud' truck, to the fact that he wanted to play golf when we didn't have any other plans, except that I wanted to hang out with him instead. I turn into such a bitch! My boyfriend plays in a band. Last night he came home with their new CD and put it on for me to listen to. I wasn't quite done my movie, but be was really excited about it and made me pause the movie. Instead of listening to his CD and being the loving girlfriend that he deserves...the bottle and a half of wine, bitchy girlfriend came out. I picked the first song to pieces...and his excitement and pride about it, too. I feel like the worst person in the world. My boyfriend, however, is loving and forgiving. He was cheerful again this morning to me, even though it's the last thing I deserve.
    Alcohol turns me into a terrible person. That being said, I've never had a problem NOT drinking...yet, anyways. So I may as well quit while I'm ahead, and while I still have a fantastic relationship with my boyfriend, not to mention my friends too. I'm going to go sober until Sept. 24th. That day is our anniversary and we're going to the mountains for a picnic & a bottle of wine (insert romantic setting here). After that, I'll keep up my sobriety. I have no choice.

    Day one....I should sound too dramatic, I suppose. I'm hungover and would probably be sick if I so much as smelt booze.

    :thanks: for listening!!!


    Nessa, you've taken a great first step. From what I've read, I'll tell you, as an older person, (with much heartbreak from years romancing the bottle), the absolute best thing you can do in your life right now is to not drink. Maybe that rare, special occasion, like you said, but not as a habit, not as bad as years of regret. You can read some horrific stories here. I hope you do. It can save you right now. Recognize that, and go on to live your dreams without a ball and chain dragging you down, and getting to a place when it IS the first thing you think about in the morning, and the last at night. My best hopes for your future. Please, if you get nothing else from this site, listen to this advice and don't give AL ONE inch in your life. Your boyfriend sounds fantastic, but not even a saint can stand an alcoholic for long.
    Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
    awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.awprint:



      :welcome: Nessa,

      Just wanted to add my hellos and welcomes. Not going to overload you with advice just yet but just give you a link to the tool box. A great read and full of coping strategies.

      Glad you found us. Keep reading, keep posting and let us get to know you better.

      J x
      It could be worse, I could be filing.
      AF since 7/7/2009



        Hi Nessa,

        Welcome to MWO, this is a good place!
        You are young & smart to recognize & do something about your drinking now before it gets worse because it will get worse.

        Please feel free to drop in the Newbies Nest thread for more support - see what the others are doing

        Wishing you the best!

        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:



          Nessa, I really applaud you for seeing the progression of this thing earlier in your life than I did! It's all familiar territory. The difference is that I just ignored it and kept on going. And believe me - no matter WHAT I *wanted* (stop after afew) or promised myself, once I started I couldn't reliably stop.

          I also can relate to the transition from basically being a happy drunk to somewhere along the way, turning into a mean drunk. My life is a bout a million times better now that I don't drink any more. I believe it will be that way for you too. AL just does nothing positive in my life any more, that's for sure.

          Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
          Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

          One day at a time.



            Welcome to MWO, Nessa. What a smart young lady you are to recognise that you're on a slippery slope and that it leads to a life of loss and ugliness. So many of us here wish we had your insight when we were as young as you.
            Doggygirl is inspiring to everyone here, and her support and advice are legend. She has told it exactly as it is.
            Stay here in this wonderfully safe and supportive environment and you will find encouragement, inspiration, understanding and love. I stumbled (literally) onto this site a year ago and found My Way Out of the nightmare of alcoholism. I couldn't have done it alone.
            Once again, welcome, and my commendations for the brave step you've taken. My very best wishes for you in your journey.
            Love and hugs
            :h Mish :h
            Never give up...
            GET UP!!!

            AF since 25th November, 2011

            What might have been is an abstraction
            Remaining a perpetual possibility
            Only in a world of speculation.
            What might have been and what has been
            Point to one end, which is always present. T.S. Eliot

