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Violated by cheesecake

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    Violated by cheesecake

    As part of my work I have to support people in community activities, so yesterday we went to a nice tea shop where I was looking forward to indulging in some cake, lovely. I chose a nice looking slab of chocalate cheesecake yum I thought. First mouthful went in, I had a suspicious feeling and then the second mouthful went in, I was very suspicious by now and did the sniff test aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaargh!!!!

    IT'S FULL OF BOOZE. I could of cried....guess what I did folks.....

    Left it.

    Think I still count as being on day 23 AF.

    Love Sam xx

    Violated by cheesecake

    Yes you are still 23 days AF. That was not by choice!
    "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


      Violated by cheesecake

      Ooooh poor Sam!!! What terrible luck!!!
      Of course you are still on day 23! Argghhh!
      Go get yourself some more cheesecake though!!!
      Love Jen
      Over 4 months AF :h


        Violated by cheesecake

        Oh Sam,
        You could have had that cake. Commercial bakers use artificial aromas to flavour their cakes. If they had actually used real liquor, the alcohol is not very stable and would have evaporated a long time ago.
        Ah, well, go buy another one.
        *Definition of Insanity: doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result* Albert Einstein


          Violated by cheesecake

          Listen to Fan - he is a senior member, after all.

          Booze usually dissapates (pardon the spelling) with cooking, so the alcohol is actually gone, so I hear. Good for you for stopping. Now go get yourself a piece of real cheesecake.


            Violated by cheesecake

            Well done, and yes, the alcohol does evaporate from cooking. You are safe! But ya done good! I think that your 23 days remains intact.
            AF as of August 5th, 2012


              Violated by cheesecake

              it was the smell yuck, poison xx


                Violated by cheesecake

                Know of alcohol in other cakes but not cheesecake. Give yourself a pat on the back though for not eating it. Did you swap it for a lentil sandwich?


                  Violated by cheesecake

                  Kahlua chocolate cheesecake is my favorite. So I know they definitely make boozy cheesecake!
                  :h :h :h :h


                    Violated by cheesecake

                    MMmmm....Takes me back to my childhood. My fave cake was a rum cake my Mom used to make. She used rum extact usually unless she had a few extra bucks set aside to make it with real rum. The alcolhol was of course baked out by the time I got it. Good job turning down a chocolate cheesecake. Not sure I could have turned down the chocolate part.

