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Developing Happiness

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    Developing Happiness

    My daughter (8yo) brought this home from the school counselor department....I thought I'd share. We are all kids at heart.

    Your Happiness Level Is:
    50 % what you were born with
    10% your life experiences
    40% UP TO YOU!!!!

    10 Things We All Need For True Happiness

    1. A Belief That You Deserve It:
    The happiest people believe in themselves. They try their best. When things go wrong, they don't blame it on a bad day, or bad luck. Happy people try lots of ways to solve a problem, or make things better.

    2. Finding Joy In Small, Everday Pleasures (rather than big things that cost a lot of money):
    Talking with a friend, finding an unusual flower or a cool rock or insect, running through a sprinkler or watching a sunset.

    3. Get Your Mind Off It:
    If you make a mistake, don't get stuck going over and over the "would-a", should-a, could-a's". This is called "Dwelling". Dwelling is a very bad word in a world of happiness. When a problem comes up, try to fix it, and move on.

    4. Be Kind:
    If you think only about yourself, you'll feel lonely. Do things you enjoy doing, but think of others. Being kind to others makes you happy. Why? Because they'll be kind back.

    5. Millions of $$$$$....NOT!

    Many people think that if they had a whole bunch of money, they'd be happy forever. What's more important than money? Love, doing your best in school, good health.

    6. A Close Family:

    What is a family? It's people who love you. It's important to share the duties, as well as the pleasures with these people.

    7. Good Friends:

    They make you feel wonderful, like you for who you are, and always tell you the truth.

    8. Goals:

    We need to work toward a dream, or a goal (or a few of them).

    9. Fake It Until You Make It:

    Wish you were happier? Fake it for awhile, and you'll develop new habits. If you greet people with a smile, they'll smile back. Stand tall, look confident, and you'll get respect.

    10. Be Happy Now:

    Most of us say we'll be happier when or if....we make the team or we'll get something new. But real happiness comes from finding joy in what is happening now, and appreciating what you have.


    1. What goes peck, peck, peck ouch?
    a woodpecker with chapped lips

    2. What happened when the skunk wrote a book?
    it became a best smeller

    3. How do people who are afraid of animals feel?

    4. Why did you buy a new watch?
    I thought it was about time

    5. Did your watch stop when it hit the floor?
    there wasn't any time to get off

    6. What did the bull say to the cow?
    Will I heifer see you again

    7. What did you say to the surgeon when he said he had to operate?
    Suture self

    8. When is parade day?
    March 4th

    9. How did Joe get lost in the fog?
    I don't know, but he'll be mist.

    10. What did Adam say to Eve on the night of Dec. 24th?
    "It's Christmas, Eve."

    :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic

    Developing Happiness

    thanks seabreeze xx


      Developing Happiness

      Thanks seabreez, that is lovely xxx


        Developing Happiness

        Seabreez......that is so lovely...thankyou x x x x
        "Every passing minute is a chance to turn it all around"...Penelope Cruz...Vanilla Sky

