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Army thread, 17th of May

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    Army thread, 17th of May

    Just wukin mollymoo. Too old for this lark
    Hows you?
    Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
    Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


      Army thread, 17th of May

      mollyka;1318107 wrote: Hey Pingu! watcha do this after?
      Still not sure how great I'd be at a wedding Not that I'd even want to drink - still reckon I'm brainwashed - but gawd I'd be bored methinks!

      And what you been up to oh shagged one
      I loathe wedding receptions LOL, I always got through them by drinking all the free wine as quickly as possible
      I am going to dig deep and survive without trying to think about it
      Then on Sunday I'll go to AA pleased with myself for not stressing about drinking

      even at an alkie wedding LOL.....
      I have a drink problem, I have been AF since 15 March 2011 and I am working hard to stay that way

      They don't call me Pingu Purple Pants for nothing....


        Army thread, 17th of May

        Weddings are shite I prefer funerals

        At least you dont have to pretend to be happy at them!!
        Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
        Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


          Army thread, 17th of May

          mollyka;1318114 wrote: Bit the same -- finding full time work a bit relentless tbh - would love a 4 day week - but that ain't gonna happen

          :H I thought only Irish people loved funerals!! My mum had a friend who used to rate them 'great funeral' 'grand funeral' and 'rubbish funeral' - the rubbish one's were where she got no gossip and no one got drunk and made a show of themselves :-)

          Who's getting married Pings?
          Oh - was talking to the mammyoffuturegrandchild today - herself and HER mammy and me are going off to buy the cot next week and gonna have lunch out an all --- woulda been PETRIFIED before --- really lookin forward to it now!
          I am MUCH more comfy at funerals than weddings. I think I would love your mums friend :H
          Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
          Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


            Army thread, 17th of May

            a mate of Gareth's, really nice guy, been sober for 13 years. Took me to aa a few weeks back. He's really happy!
            I have a drink problem, I have been AF since 15 March 2011 and I am working hard to stay that way

            They don't call me Pingu Purple Pants for nothing....


              Army thread, 17th of May

              Sorry that I haven't time to look back over the last posts and comment. Got back from walking Dogger to an urgent call from my Sister-in-Law. Have to be off to bed as 6 a.m. comes early in Stirly-World.

              Wishing all of you...


              See youz tomorrowz...
              For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
              AF since 10/10/2015:yay:


                Army thread, 17th of May

                Ahoy all!!

                Hope this finds yall well on a Thursday evening - it's Friday morning here YAY YAY YAY!!!

                Didn't get time to call in yesterday - my dad has ended up in hospital so it was straight there after work yesterday and by the time I got home I was too shagged to log on even, I basically fell into bed.

                I'm looking forward to the weekend, and catching up with everyone in the army x x

                Oney, a special message - I'm proud of you and you are going well with your mouth maintenance - it will be another form of recovery - a recovering potty mouth :H:H I could take a lesson out of your book, surely. x x x


                  Army thread, 17th of May

                  Oh Ta Molly for part synopsis as I am so busy here. No time for computer also no time for drinking thoughts.
                  I may not be posting but I do hold you all close.

                  I hope you all enjoy running with me on Sunday as I think of you mostly then.


                    Army thread, 17th of May

                    how did Pinky get on in her exam??? Just wanted to know before I hit the sack.
                    Zenners, that was horrible for you, hate seeing accidents.
                    Nite Molls x


                      Army thread, 17th of May

                      littlepinkcat;1318081 wrote: the exam went much better than expected, the topics i revised came up, i forgot a bit so i made the last part up, kinda winged it but the first part went really well, i did the best i could so im pleased, u cant remember everything, ive definetly passed, not sure about agood grade though, well thats it over, im gonna enjoy me summer break, thanks everyone 4 ur support
                      I see................well done Pinky, big relief eh? Im happy for you and your partner ,more free time!!:l


                        Army thread, 17th of May

                        niters all, off to read my book 'the legacy', looks good!


                          Army thread, 17th of May

                          Anyone around? Need sleep. sweating and panicking going on. have 2 busy days ahead. feel bad but may have to take something....was doing so well without

                          bloody wanky insomnia...
                          I have a drink problem, I have been AF since 15 March 2011 and I am working hard to stay that way

                          They don't call me Pingu Purple Pants for nothing....

