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The Sugar Free Challenge - Who is in??

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    The Sugar Free Challenge - Who is in??

    YUMMY!!!! know what I'll be shopping for tomorrow!


      The Sugar Free Challenge - Who is in??

      I'm losing count of the days now-- and maybe it isn't so important to count. Why was I counting, anyway? ah yeah, wanted to see if I could go a month without sugar.
      It's the 8th day today!--Most important for me is eating regularly.
      and getting used to savoury breakfasts.-- which in my opinion aren't so nice with coffee.

      So now after 2 coffees, I'm eating the rest of a salad I made yesterday--Chickpeas, sun dried tomatoes, raisins, toasted almonds, scallions, cilantro, garlic and lots of lemon juice with olive oil, salt and pepper. and a hard boiled egg to top it off.

      I will try the fig treat this afternoon--


        The Sugar Free Challenge - Who is in??

        Where's the recipe thread?


          The Sugar Free Challenge - Who is in??

          I was about to start a post on sugar addiction, but saw this thread instead.

          I have been using sugar as an emotional tool. Consuming far too much to give me a quick boost in my mood, but ultimately ending up in an unhappier me in the long term. It's amazing. We talk about booze causing emotional distress. But sugar is the silent substance that plays havoc with our mood, energy, hormones etc. too.

          So, cutting it out again as of yesterday. Already feel more mood stable today.


            The Sugar Free Challenge - Who is in??

            Hi, Life

            There is a recipe section of MWO but I didn't know about that when I started this thread:
            Is that what you are referring to?

            I saw in another thread that you feel really tired. If you have reduced the carbs in your diet quite a bit as part of getting off sugar, you might need to add salt to your diet, especially since you don't eat processed foods which of course are a major source! A clue to this would be if your diet change has increased urination. Anyway - something to consider.

            Hope you are enjoying your day off!

            Your salad sounds wonderful! - I hope you post that recipe!


              The Sugar Free Challenge - Who is in??

              Hi, Londoner

              It sounds like you've cut out sugar before. I also see big mood and energy differences without it. Like AL, once you get used to not having it, the desire for it pretty much fades away. Glad to see you here!


                The Sugar Free Challenge - Who is in??

                NS, real food recipes is the one I was looking for-- thanks! and I will post the recipe (it's from a friend of mine) 'cause it's delicious.

                So what do you mean with the urination? I have to pee 100 times a day, it seems. I'm trying to eat brown rice and quinoa -- and popcorn.

                Hi Londoner, good to see you here. I've noticed a considerable difference in my level of stability. What with not drinking and not eating sugar! I just started exercising again this morning, so I will be extra careful to get in enough calories of whole foods. Look forward to hearing more about you!


                  The Sugar Free Challenge - Who is in??

                  lifechange;1555358 wrote:
                  So what do you mean with the urination? I have to pee 100 times a day, it seems. I'm trying to eat brown rice and quinoa -- and popcorn.
                  Hi, again, Life.

                  Sorry if I wasn't clear - if your fatigue seems to be related to a reduction in carb intake it might be because your lower blood insulin level increases sodium (and water) excretion. This can make you feel really lethargic. I used to drink at least a cup of broth a day to try to avoid the problem and had to learn to actually salt some of my food. After years of avoiding salt, this took some adjustment! This is a pretty interesting article on the subject: Salt: Collateral Damage in the War on Fat - Caveman Doctor.

                  On the other hand, I felt like I had been hit by a truck for about 2 weeks after I quit drinking entirely so maybe your body is just readjusting to not having that very readily available source of energy.

                  I'm looking forward to that recipe - thanks!


                    The Sugar Free Challenge - Who is in??

                    It's funny. AL has always been a social trigger for me.

                    Sugar is a psychological trigger on a daily basis. If I am feeling stressed or bored I will turn to a sweet snack. And then some more sweet snacks because my brain wants that cocaine like stimulation.

                    Now AL is fading into the past, I need to make sure I keep on top of sugar. It definitely disrupts my general mood and feel it is a testosterone killer/estrogen breeder. Definitely sways me in the wrong direction as a male.


                      The Sugar Free Challenge - Who is in??

                      Anyone get mood and energy swihgs when first coming off of sugar? Like from positive to negative mind set and feeling sleepy?


                        The Sugar Free Challenge - Who is in??

                        Hey Londoner, my relationship to sugar is very much like you described. This emotional-psychological roller coaster. I decided to quit this time just after I quit with AL, so I'm not sure iwhich was responsible for the energy swings. Probably the sugar in both!! I have to say though I am feeling so much more stable on day 9 of no sugar-- I've been super consistent with eating regularly.
                        How often do you eat? I've been eating every 3 hours-- Protein, vegies and carbs-- and find it's helping to keep my metabolism going, blood sugars more even. I think the emotional part is a bit like quitting drinking. We have to find different ways to deal with stress, boredom, etc-- and have to just ride out the cravings. I've been eating dried fruit and fresh fruit when necessary.

                        off to work now-- see you soon, life


                          The Sugar Free Challenge - Who is in??

                          Once again, as NS said, we shouldn't put ourselves in danger with quitting sugar-- Staying sober is of course number one and I'm constantly checking that I'm ok with that. For myself though, I feel like the No sugar is helping me to make better decisions regarding everything, including no alcohol!!
                          Let us know how you're doing!


                            The Sugar Free Challenge - Who is in??

                            Londoner;1555401 wrote: Anyone get mood and energy swihgs when first coming off of sugar? Like from positive to negative mind set and feeling sleepy?
                            I think the highs and lows continue as your body gets used to life without it. I quite my sugar free gum habit earlier this year and am very pleased about that.

                            I have had some 'sugar' free pop this week, but not a lot and have only had 2 pieces of fruit. Apart from that all carbs have been complex. Feeling a lot better.
                            I used the Sinclair Method to beat my alcoholic drinking.

                            Drank within safe limits for almost 2 years

                            AF date 22/07/13


                              The Sugar Free Challenge - Who is in??

                              Still sugar (and gluten) free. I'm finally shedding a few pounds... Down to 201 as of this morning. (At my heaviest I was 226- keep in mind I'm only 5'8").

                              Happy to remain sugar free. I do still allow myself a couple bites of dark chocolate (85% cacao or above) daily.

                              I've even got my mom off of soft drinks and now trying out my lemonade (dash of organic pure lemon juice, 4-8 drops of stevia to sweeten, and ice and water). Good flavor, 0 sugar 0 calories, 0 chemicals like aspartame.

                              Still drinking a lot of coffee, though, but I'm allowing myself that one


                                The Sugar Free Challenge - Who is in??

                                skullbabyland;1555938 wrote: Still sugar (and gluten) free. I'm finally shedding a few pounds... Down to 201 as of this morning. (At my heaviest I was 226- keep in mind I'm only 5'8").

                                Happy to remain sugar free. I do still allow myself a couple bites of dark chocolate (85% cacao or above) daily.

                                I've even got my mom off of soft drinks and now trying out my lemonade (dash of organic pure lemon juice, 4-8 drops of stevia to sweeten, and ice and water). Good flavor, 0 sugar 0 calories, 0 chemicals like aspartame.

                                Still drinking a lot of coffee, though, but I'm allowing myself that one
                                Apart from physical changes, have you noticed any psychological changes?

