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Everyone please please wish me luck

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    Everyone please please wish me luck

    For those of you who I was chatting with last week, I had planned on visiting a walk-in clinic in my area to get the topa. Unfortunately, due to things which could not be avoided, I was unable to do so. I do, however, have a doctor's appointment today at 2:30. I really really hope she will prescribe me topa, but at this point, i will take anything - campral, baclofen...I really need help. This weekend was really bad for me. I way overdid it and I feel edgy and anxiety-ridden as a result. I feel awful about myself. Obviously the supps are not sufficient for me. I am a complete mess, and hopefully this will be enough to get me a prescription. (Sniffle) I just feel so awful. I am so ashamed. Sorry to wallow in self pity but I am really feeling bad today.
    I am hoping, praying begging that I get a script. I dont know what else I can do at this point.
    Love you all,

    Everyone please please wish me luck

    Oh Jen:d
    Yes, I do wish you all the best getting what you need from the Doctor today. We all can relate to the horrors of the morning after. That's why we're here. Hope you feel better sonn.



      Everyone please please wish me luck

      Hi Jen

      I'm just starting out too, my last drink was Saturday night and yesterday was horrible and today I feel so run down and sick. So ready for this change and for the first time in years I feel that I WILL beat this addiction and move on the way I want to with my life. I'm so glad I found this site.



        Everyone please please wish me luck

        Jen, If not will get what you want I am positive of that. Chipper up! Gabby


          Everyone please please wish me luck

          Thanks guys. I am just terrified. Terrified I wont get the script (you should see the articles I am armed with though - lol) and terrified that I will get it but it wont work. Oh I am a mess.


            Everyone please please wish me luck

            Don't be terrified Jen. It will all work out. Just get through today for now.

            If you don't get the script we can work another way. If you do get the script you can make a new plan & just be about the plan. Either way you can just make a new plan & be about it.

            You are right now way into your head from thinking about it, obsessing about it... making it worse than it actually is...and being harder on yourself than you need to be ... you will find a way to make it work..

            Breathe Breathe


              Everyone please please wish me luck

              Best of luck for ya


              Best of luck to ya,

              I the doc won't prescribe, you can get on line without a script cuz that is what I did when mine wouldn't.......AND you will be in all our prayers, topa (or whatever) is just one of the many tools we have that we can use.....these boards are indispensible!!

              Keep us posted w/ your progress, and good luck!:h :P

              Mary Anne:y


                Everyone please please wish me luck

                Re: Best of luck for ya

                Hi Mary Ann
                Thanks so much! In Canada (where I live), I dont think you can get it online without a script.....but I could be wrong....actually I know there was one site that someone from canada told me about (I think they "make you" a prescription online so if things dont go as planned at the doctor's, then I will seek alternate routes.


                  Everyone please please wish me luck

                  Re: Best of luck for ya

                  That was me and I have been taking it for a week and it seems like it is working. I was away on vacation. I am still drinking but about half as much and two nights nothing. So best of luck!! I will be keeping my fingers crossed if you don't get it go the India route. It will work out just don't give up!


                    Everyone please please wish me luck

                    I GOT THE TOPA!!!!

                    I feel like crying I am so happy. The doctor prescribed me the topa. I already took one. Thanks to everyone for their support. I am looking forward to a new life and I am optimistic now about the future.


                      Everyone please please wish me luck

                      Re: Best of luck for ya

                      Hi Jenny,
                      I am also Canadian (Southern Ontario). I think you were the first to welcome me into the fold. This is my 8th. day with all you guys and have only had 2 glasses of wine last Sunday. Jenny, don't be terrified, you can do this. I know I was terrified as well - terrified of another failure. I do not have the book yet, nor the CD's. I don't know what to attribute my sobriety to, other than the incredible support from all of you and the knowledge that I am not alone with this problem. Everybody was talking about supplements. I remembered that I had a whole carton of such a thing somewhere in the cupboard. (It was a freebe some years ago). I just started to take it, over and above the daily vitamins. Let me tell you, I really don't know what I am doing. My cravings have been minimal so far - it's probably all in my head. Let's all just muddle on - one day at a time.
                      I should be turning off my puter during this storm, but it's actually exhilarating to watch from the safety of ones office.
                      Jenny, if one door closes another will open, for sure.
                      I'm thinking about you.


                        Everyone please please wish me luck

                        Re: I GOT THE TOPA!!!!

                        I'm not a cowgirl....I just live in the ole west. city girl here


                          Everyone please please wish me luck

                          Re: I GOT THE TOPA!!!!

                          CONGRADS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Don't you feel like you won the lottery!


                            Everyone please please wish me luck

                            Re: I GOT THE TOPA!!!!

                            I think the day I got my scrip was one of the happiest days I've had in a long time. I felt so strong and proud of myself. I couldn't believe that I had had the courage to do it. That's how you must feel. It's Everest! Congratulations!

