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Anyone in the First Week of Their Unpteenth Quit?

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    Thanks Jackie. I do seem to be feeling better today. I think it is because I have been out and about and not sitting at the computer all day. I think starting Monday I will set a timer to get up every hour or so and do a small chore to see if that helps. I am taking the All-One and I am convinced that is helping me as I do not seem to have horrible cravings as long as I take it every day. Thanks for reminding me about tea, I will start drinking that again. I went out and bought some chocolate this morning, haven't had that for a long time and wanted a treat, so I think a cup of British tea and a couple of pieces of chocolate would be a lovely treat at the end of the day. Hmmm…not sure if I can wait until this evening now TMH, I do agree about coffee tasting great when AF. I often couldn't even face coffee when hungover.

    I'm going to a concert in the city park this evening - no alcohol allowed. This is the first time I've been to one, mainly because I always wanted to drink. Now I'm free to go - how about that! I'm so grateful to be AF.

    Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!!


      Rhabk you everyone for taking the time to read and post. I'm too tired to go back and wrote a long post but thankfully tired form busy day and not from drinking.

      Hope all are strong and sticking close. I'll post more in the mornin x


        Hi everyone....
        I am not doing well. Such a waste! How can I keep doing something I know is destroying me. At this point I normally run and hide but I also know what happens then.
        I know I have not been doing 'the work' so today I need to change that and put more effort in.
        Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


          Hello Daisy,

          Youve done the best thing under the circumstances and come back here. I am sure the safety of coming back here has allowed me to keep trying to quit. Only dread and shudder to think if I hadnt the support of the good folks here, what state I would be in.

          Just a few thoughts- whilst you're thinking of 'work' that needs doing- and what made you drink.... I though I could keep drink in the house and be strong and not tempted. It doesn't work for me. At least not in the beginning of this quit.The first few days/ weeks I really need to be cold turkey and not even around it. I'm not sure what your circumstances at home are- can you rid all booze for a while?
          Triggers- anything you noticed? I have loads and i know I need to be more aware when I am home. I'm currently still visiting my mums, and here find less to trigger me. I know tonight when I return home I will have to be super mindful and aware. I'm afraid.
          Work- I am trying to be more and more mindful. Think of all you have and what you stand to lose. Think of those fighting for their loves with cancer or such like (I think of my father who I lost to cancer) and how we never know what is around the corner.

          It's hard being mindful, and for me that is the work!

          Lots of triggers this weekend for me and I kept saying ' not at the moment ' or ' maybe later '. Even just saying that to myself!!!

          I've realised the idea of NEVER drinking sends me to the bottle for that 'one last drink'. Where as taking it One Day, even one minute at a time is more palatable.

          Sorry more ramblings :-(

          I had a dream I drank last night and was so disappointed. Very relived to wake up and realise it was a dream. I wish I could say I felt refreshed and raring to go but alas, two kids and night feeds and night wakings I feel shattered. Lol. Think it takes a good few weeks to get the residual toxins out.

          Daisy keep trying. We have to. I'm happy to talk more if you need anytime.

          Hope everyone else is having a lovley sober lazy Sunday.

          Back later
          Last edited by MinStar; July 12, 2015, 07:03 AM.


            Howdy quitters! Just a quick pop in this morning, I want to get out and get some work done on the seacan addition before it gets to hot! Will post more later this eve when we're back in town...

            BG on your 7 month milestone!
            Quitting and staying quit isn't easy, its learning a whole new way of thinking. It's accepting a new way of life, and not just accepting it, embracing it...
            Worry about tomorrow, tomorrow. Just get through today. Tomorrow will look after itself when it becomes today, because today is all we have to think about.
            Friendship is not about how many friends you have or who you've known the longest. It's about who walked into your life, said "I'm here for you", and proved it.


              Oh my dear Cowboy - you are the BEST!!!

              Thank you.

              Love reading all your posts this morning before I head out the door. The support for each other is amazing.
              Min - you are sounding great / determined. You got this girl!!!
              Daisy - big hug. Glad you are here trying. As Min says - use this to evaluate what works and where the triggers were. Each step brings you closer.

              I found when I just gave up fighting, when I just accepted that I could not moderate, not drink - it was this huge burden lifted. There were still struggles, still challenging times, still wish I could ( poor me) - but the fight was over and it just got easier. Hope that makes sense.

              Off to work - have a great day everyone and celebrate where you are in life and the wonderful things we do have.


                Min, your advice to Daisy is spot on. Listen to you! I see such progress in your quit. Keep doing what you are doing.

                Daisy, coming back after a slip builds the foundation for that final quit. Don't think about anything but getting through today AF with our help here. I know you want this so you will get there. "My Way Out" is different for everyone but the one thing that is the same for each of us, is the need for support. Always feeling like you can come here and get the support you need is essential to your final quit.

                ABC, you are our best cheerleader! Thank you for keeping track for us. You are such a great guy. I'm so happy we are traveling down the AF trail together.

                BG, CONGRATULATIONS! Seven months is an amazing milestone. I knew you were on your last quit shortly after I met you. Your resolve is solid. Thank you for sharing your quit with us. You have so much to offer all of us.

                Trip is going great. This RV park is dissapointing but you take that chance when you go places for the first timewith out a personal recommendation. Lots of long walks/hikes so I'm in heaven!

                Hope everyone has a great day. Stay close and read/post/read! Love you guys!


                  BeachyGirl, Congrats on 7 months in the piggy bank! I am so happy for you! xoxox

                  AF since January 7, 2014 *Never, never, never give up. ~ Winston Churchill*


                    Congrats Beachy great post Min,see if we all just band together and work out our kinks together we can nail this! Look at the LOAMERS thread,those ladies basically made a pact to get and stay sober and they have some of the largest numbers in my MWO history, especially being a big group off to Boulder city in awhile to get lunch and out of Vegas for the day,hope everyone has a super sober Sunday
                    I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                    I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                    Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                      Pauly, BC..... one of my favorite places!


                        Awesome BG!



                          Evening all. A quick check in. Made it home and all kids in bed. Unpacking tomorrow just can't face it at 10.30pm.

                          Thanks for all your help guys. I will post again in the morning

                          Until the. CONGRTS on 7m BG. What a fantastic achievement!


                            Hey all, have not read back. Had an amazing time and am suffering from a bit of jet lag. Skype with my son tonight and all is good. More tomorrow


                              Morning all. Quick check in and Hello and welcome back Lizann. Hope all went well and son is settling in.

                              Everyone sleep well? Still weird dreams my side and mostly groggy when I awake but thankful for not habig drunk

                              daisy- you ok?
                              How are the new quitters of my gang doing?

                              Feeding time at the zoo- back later x


                                Howdy quitters! I'm not sure if I have a case of the "blahs" or a bit of heatstroke lol because I'm having trouble thinking of something meaningful to write... First, welcome back Liz!! Details of the cruise please and how sonny boy is liking his new place!

                                Daisy, never give up trying, you know we're always here for you! May I ask a question, how many people in your life know about your desire to quit drinking? Are they supportive of you? Have you confided in your Dr. about it? Just trying to think of ways to help you get to a quit that sticks! :hug:

                                Pauly, I was interested in your post about the Loamers, what do you think it is that makes them successful but our group seems to grow and dwindle, grow and dwindle?

                                Min, I've noticed a change in your posts as well, I think that the advice you're giving is just what the Dr. ordered for many! Service and kind deeds are an important part in recovery and you're getting a great start in that direction!

                                To the "starting again" quitters, please tell us and be brutally honest about what you need in ways of support? Are we saying things that don't help, maybe even offend? What things do you need to hear to help you stay between the lines on your journey?

                                Jackie, as Ginger put it, I'm kind of the cheerleader around here, I keep a sobriety calendar so that I can acknowledge milestones, birthdays, etc. I have you down as June 15th your quit date and Bri as June 16th, is that correct?

                                OpenH, where did you go? On holidays or something? I also misplaced your quit date.....update please!

                                SS, hope your weekend was great, don't stray to far eh!

                                Not sure where mama, Mr V, Mischa, Bri, Bandit, and the rest of the crew went, hopefully they are sticking with their quits!

                                Another week behind us, another week ahead of us, don't make the same mistakes you did last week and carry forward your successes, no matter how small, be grateful and show it, and never, never, ever quit on your quit! Have a great one my friends!!

                                Edit: I just remembered, last night I was cleaning up the "Notes" on my phone and came across this little "chant" my counsellor gave to me. I used it quite a bit in the beginning when my emotions started to get the best of me, maybe it can help others as well...

                                Not all wrong, not all right,
                                Life is never black or white,
                                In the now, on we go,
                                Fearing not win, place, or show.
                                Not all good, not all bad,
                                Judgment only makes me mad,
                                Never perfect, not all knowing,
                                Little by little, constantly growing.
                                Last edited by abcowboy; July 13, 2015, 07:36 AM.
                                Quitting and staying quit isn't easy, its learning a whole new way of thinking. It's accepting a new way of life, and not just accepting it, embracing it...
                                Worry about tomorrow, tomorrow. Just get through today. Tomorrow will look after itself when it becomes today, because today is all we have to think about.
                                Friendship is not about how many friends you have or who you've known the longest. It's about who walked into your life, said "I'm here for you", and proved it.

