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Anyone in the First Week of Their Unpteenth Quit?

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    Wow Minstar,I'm 41 too,I have a 2 year old grandson who I love dearly, but it's always a relief when his mom and dad pick him up,I don't have the energy for a full time small child, but you're doing it perfect time to kick al to the curb you need your energy for the babies, stay here,I plan on posting here daily you'll be good company was thinking about how I loved to drink to forget everything, well that included everything, brushing my teeth, washing my face,eating dinner, cleaning the house no won't be "escaping" anymore, hello to all,let's have a peaceful but productive Tuesday
    I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

    I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
    Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


      Thank for the welcome Lizann and Paulywogg!

      Yes a lot of energy and why I've been drinking. I know an excuse but the only time I do something for myself and still be with the kids.

      I think I need someone to talk to on a more daily personal level than what the NN can offer- though it's a great thread I feel it doesn't help me much.

      So starting again today. Had weekends binge so back on. I need to do this for myself first.


        Look at all the energy here. This is awesome. I love to read NN but like you it's too active for me. I need a smaller circle to stay connected. This thread was/is my "nest". Welcome and if you haven't, read from the beginning of this thread when SS started it when you have a chance. Take care, stay close.
        Last edited by Ginger999; January 13, 2015, 10:00 AM.


          Min star, let's do this. PM me anytime you need too. I'm here for you!


            Welcome MinStar, we are glad to have you. Let's make this it!! My 18 month old grandson is living with me and it's exhausting!! Love him to death but when he kisses me goodnight, I am relieved... ahhh.. out comes the knitting.

            My teeth and face haven't been cleaner than when I am sober. I sometimes even manage the teeth twice a day. :-)

            Advice: don't wait until you are my age to quit... I'm 58. Wasted years, wasted life.

            Stay close.
            "If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading."


              SS, I'm 55 and done wasting my life too. My so. Is having a gastroscopy tomorrow which is causing me major anxiety. He doesn't need a drunk mommy right? I need to pull it together and be there for my boy.


                Hello lizann ginger and Ss.

                Sorry I failed today. Had a few.

                Lizann- hope all goes well x


                  MinStar, tomorrow is another day! Stay with us ok?


                    Minstar, before you drank what was on your mind? Before you drank did you think about coming here first? If you haven't yet, go to the toolbox (in my signature below) and read through the tips. Find one or two or three things that make sense to you and have those tools at the ready the next time the beast comes calling. I wouldn't have gotten where I am today without a good solid plan and the support here. We all want to kick AL's ass to the curb. We can do it together! Stay close and read, read, read!


                      It's great to see both new and old faces here teaming up to put an end to the nonsense. Let's all do it and keep each other in the game. When you have drinking thoughts come on here and read and post and tell someone what you're feeling. Don't let the urge become bigger than what it is.....just an attempt by The Beast to keep you wallowing in the same pit you want out of. Think of drinking thoughts as the enemy. Recognize them and confront them head on. Don't let them fester until you convince yourself that you have to drink to stop the battle. It doesn't work like that. You know as soon as you drink you won't like it and you'll be right back to square one starting the battle all over again. Tell yourself you're not going to start over again.....if you refuse to take that first drink you will win. And it does get easier as time goes by. Make it a purpose. Make it nonnegotiable. I like to say you have to quit fighting. You have to step out of the ring. If you never step into the ring, you can't get knocked down.

                      You can do it. Don't over think it. Make it so in your mind, you just don't drink. Make it so it's not an option.

                      A BIG Congrats to BG for 30 days! You go girl!


                        Hey ginger! Yes thought if coming here several times but screaming baby and toddler to fed I didn't get a moment! I know a solid plan is the key. I even prepared dinner waaaaay egote so I wasn't hungry. Just didn't get a chance to eat beforehand. I will take a look at the tool box again tomorrow. Maybe need to eat something between lunch and dinner so I'm not totally starving and susceptible to opening a bottle.

                        Thank you for replying and your support x


                          Minstar, It's tough when we have the wee ones to fit time in for ourselves. Do they nap? If so, can you use that time to come here and check in and read. I guarantee that once you get a few days AF you'll begin to feel so much better and have so much more energy to deal with those babies!!

                          Stay close when you can. Make it a priority for you. :}


                            Welcome Minstar! This is a great thread and has been really helpful for me in keeping AL at bay. Wishing you the best, we are here if you need an ear, remember to come and read and post, we are here to help!


                              Thanks guys!

                              Daughter in preschool and son napping. He is a horrible napper around 4-7pm. My witching hours. I need to be aware at this time.

                              I managed a full week AF last week so I know the benefits! Just need to stick to it. I find the first day the hardest as I just think 'oh what the heck- I'll start tomorrow. This will be the last day' but then I end up having so many days Of drinking.

                              I am sick of it ruling me!!!!!


                                Hey all,Chief that was an excellent post don't over think it,I do that,need to stop! I've just felt so sick these past few weeks, with various things it's been harder to implement the changes I'm trying to make Min,today is a new day,use it to your advantage I have blood work on Friday and I can't wait, I have got to find out why I feel so sick a lot,they're gonna check my hormones this time too,I know a lot of my "sickness" is just allergies, I get congested and that develops in a sinus headache then a tension headache, bleh, seems all the meds I try don't work,or make me dizzy,read up on natural stuff and they said apple cider vinegar, anyone ever use this for anything? I just know it stinks and taste gross!hope we all have a great hump day
                                I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                                I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                                Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!

