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One Step at a time - April 2015

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    Zenny, how are you? Good to see you popping in.

    Dottie, you are making excellent progress,

    Thanks ladies for your msgs of support,
    Enlightened by MWO


      Hiya Hilary! I'm fine, really, all in all. It's hard coming to grips with my mum getting to that stage of life (I'm an only child and she lives on an island 50 miles off the NW coast of Scotland while I'm here in Florida)...but it is what it is.

      I'm glad it's getting better for you Dotts. Hang in there... x


        Zen, so good to see you! Sorry about your mom. It's so hard.
        Mama, frozen what for dinner? What's good on netflix these days? Glad your taking some time to relax.
        Nora, good for you ttfping. Maybe that's what I need, but I'm a little scared.
        So my sons work visa was to Switzerland was declined. He is upset and of course so am I. His boss will try to appeal it. He is supposed to leave in a month. Airline and train tickets have been purchased and housing secured. Well so that was my day. Hoping for a better day tomorrow. If you need me, I'll be in the blankie fort!


          frozen Stoufer's lasagna..what a silly I am!
          SK - I posted on that other ridiculous thread. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
          Stay here and be safe in our blankie fort.
          Liz - why in the world would they decline his Visa?
          Chins Up Buttercups....gotta scoot. I'll be back later
          Love you all
          I love my family more than alcohol.:h
          Live in the Solution....not the problem


            Morning all,
            Gym later then my class tonight.
            Sun is out so it is all good today.
            Back late.

            Newbie's Nest

            Tool Box
            AF 9.1.2013


              Morning all - Dragging today. I've been taking Lorazepam at night and it makes me tired in the morning. Guess that's better than drinking though right???
              I'll be honest, there are some things that I would like to talk about with you all......but, I'm not feeling safe & secure in our Steppers Blankie Fort. Seems like too many harsh feelings out there ready to pounce & attack us. Maybe I'm just being paranoid? I hope that it's just my own paranoia. I know that I can trust you all with anything and you'll either slap me upside the head or hug me or both. ROTFL
              Anyway, I'm doing better now. Depressed but think that goes with the territory after leaving Mum.

              Zen - it was GREAT to see you! Need a pic of your newest addition.

              Reccie - you need to come by too!!! :hug:

              Ok - got to run - people keep walking by my desk and staring.
              "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
              AF - 7-27-15


                Nora what is wrong?? We are here for you...((_))

                Newbie's Nest

                Tool Box
                AF 9.1.2013


                  Made it only 7 days this time...then the emotional calling, "You have done so great and look at all the stress you handled this week! It deserves a break -a little wine break, so you can relax"
                  ...that's the voice that is so hard to resist.....
                  "Go Placidly Amid the Noise and Haste"


                    That darn voice can be strong G2G,I always hear it on certain days 4,7,14, around 30 etc, just gotta tell it to piss off Nora, you know we're always here for you,each other really, don't be paranoid about posting, sheesh look at the crap I post! I really truly don't care what anyone thinks,I'm an open book and have nothing to hide or be ashamed of(except many relapses) I don't try to post anything mean or hurtful ,I'm just here for support and my friends here tired as heck this afternoon,took 1/4 of an antabuse and I swear it gives me aanxiety?maybe it's a reaction to something in my body lotion, or the parmesan cheese I had on my spaghetti? I dunno, I've googled it to death and can't find a thing, was fine until I took it, seems to happen everytime, weird, hope everyone is having a good night
                    I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                    I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                    Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                      g2g - I understand about that voice! It is strong. I have been having a very hard time fighting it for the past year. I had been doing better before but this past year has been awful. Just keep hanging on. Don't focus on the fact that you drank, look to tomorrow when you don't drink. :hearbeat:

                      Thanks Paulie & Dottie - I know that I can talk to you all. Just hard to open up at the moment. Feeling bad enough about myself without opening up to rude posts like the one to Rusty. But, I'm fine. One Step at a Time, right?

                      Paulie - I'm sorry that you are having problems with the AB. I don't get anxiety but I do seem to suffer from more depression at times. That might be part of what is going on with me. I actually didn't take one today hoping that I could shake off this feeling. I have plenty in my system so drinking is absolutely not an option. I do know that if I stay on it for several weeks at a time that my symptoms go away - depression, headache, etc. But, I don't like to stay on it everyday for a long period because I seem to get palpitations. Nothing serious but irritating. So, I need to try every other day for now unless I find myself skipping them. Then, it will be back to daily again. Are you still going to AA?

                      Well - I'm going to lay down & read for a bit. I've got a headache. Maybe, I'll go get my eyes checked tomorrow. I'm sure I need new glasses.

                      I'll try to check back in later.

                      Has Sunni moved?

                      Liz - any word yet on the work permit?

                      Dotts - hope that you had a good class tonight. Did you say that this was the last one?

                      Skendall - how are you doing?

                      Rusty - are you busy working? I forgot to tell you that we got written up on our audit. So, writing corrective actions, etc and he comes back out in 3 weeks. Nothing has changed in the fact that bosses daughter is doing it all. I don't even know what is going on there anymore. I have got to get a resume written but I don't even know where to begin since I've worked at this company for 37 years. ???

                      Ok - need to call my friend who is going to Cleveland Hospital tomorrow. She has an aneurysm and this is her yearly check to see how much it has grown and if they are going to have to do surgery.
                      "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                      AF - 7-27-15


                        Yes G2G, that voice is strong and it was calling me today too. I did not drink, but it was darn hard.
                        Nora, I'm sorry you worry about posting here. I hope you know, I would never judge or put you down. Like Pauly, I'm an open book and I can ignore the nasty stuff. The good I've gleaned from this sight way outweighs the bad!! Don't know where I'd be without you all!
                        I've only seen the one nasty comment about rusty and frankly don't understand the reason for it. I love you rusty, you are always so kind and including everyone. Anyway, I for one will continue on my usual posting journey.
                        I read the email from the powers that be in switerzland and their exact words were it will be "unlikely" that they will grant him a work visa. We are looking for alternate vacation plans this summer but right now I feel as if we are in limbo.
                        Well thanks for being here, I love you all and have helped me tremendously. I will be licking my wounds yet again this evening in the blankie fort.


                          I am just in from work and will keep posting away. I know others may be in rough patches in their lives and sometimes thing come across wrong.
                          I was craving beer tonight from stress, but did not give in. But jeez oh pete my face is covered in pimples. I am 54 and have zits? Hubs says its stress. Need to go to bed so I can be ready for tomorrow.
                          I love you all
                          I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                          Live in the Solution....not the problem


                            Good Evening Stepping Friends,

                            PLEASE just let that nasty comment go, will you? It did NOT bother me, so don't let it bother you or deter you all from posting. I think it was a drunken poster who does not even remember posting it. We've all done that when our drinking was at its worst, right? As far as the person who "liked" the comment, she has always been so very kind to me and she is going through a horrific time right now. Let's cut her some slack, ok?

                            Go2goal-don't beat yourself up...that wine as reward thinking is SO hard to change. At least it was for me. I found working out after work really took my mind off of drinking, because I concentrated on doing something fun and healthy for my body with likeminded people. If I could make it past the after work "I deserve a glass of wine" witching hour, I was ok. Stay with us. We love having you here.

                            Liz, thank you for the sweet comments about me. Why was your son denied a work visa? Can you appeal it? I am so sorry you are dealing with this and I admire you for not drinking.

                            Nora, yes, I am busy working in Michigan, but my client is so sweet, and this site is close to a pretty nice mall so I did some damage tonight after work. Hahaha. So your auditor has to come back in a few weeks? There must have been major findings! You've been with this company 37 years???? Wow, that is longevity!! So sorry you are feeling badly after seeing your Mom.

                            Zen-good to see you! Thanks for popping in. :-)

                            Mama-good job for passing on the beer! And zits, OMG...I can't believe this...I have them now, too!!!

                            Pauly-how old are your kids? I hope Louie is better. Good job on taking the AB, too.

                            Dottie-you are sounding stronger every day. You are an inspiration to me.

                            Skendall-how are you doing?

                            Well, I think I will watch "Chicago Fire" til the end and head to bed. See you tomorrow!


                              Good Morning
                              I was so tired last night that I just fell into bed without eating.....not that I couldn't miss a few meals!
                              Nora - I feel so bad your work situation, but I am so proud of you for taking the AB. Pauly, stick with the AB if you can, I couldn't take it as it gave me migraines.
                              hI Lizz and Dots and g2g. Forgive yourself for the wine and know today is a new day, ok? We are not an or nothing gang here. You will get unconditional support and an occasional shoe in the butt if needed.
                              Rusty - your kind heart inspires me.
                              To liven things up, Tucky has been replaced with ....let me see....Devil Barbie? She is a beautiful, size 2, 28 year old snot that answers phone and is the biggest frickin diva bitch I have ever met. She has been so blatantly nasty to me that even I am shocked. I replaced her best friend and it's on. I gave every body little chocolate easter bunnies and he told ne to "quit trying so hard" and that's just the beginning. I get mad but then I get involved in work and it passes but I may have to "slap a ho"!! HA!
                     cream...and Devil Barbie!
                              Let's make it a good one my loves!
                              K9 - where the f are you?
                              I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                              Live in the Solution....not the problem


                                I missed Beloved Mr. Bear???
                                I miss you too Sunshine Bear!
                                I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                                Live in the Solution....not the problem

