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One Step at a Time - August 2015

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    Ok, haven't made it to the gym yet. Hahahahah.

    Fen, don't be embarrassed. You were miserable and now you are taking care of it. I know it's easy to think you've wasted 16 years of your life with the soon-to-be ex Mrs. Fen but I am sure you had a lot of happy times, love and companionship. I know when I broke up with my beau of 5 years, I thought for a long time (a couple of years) that I had wasted my life and missed opportunities to date others, etc., but that resentment is what partially triggered my drinking to escalate to unsafe levels, and now I can honestly say that as a lawyer and a business owner, he taught me a lot of things that I implemented when I started my business in 2006. The things he taught me are a huge reason why I have been successful in my business. Gratitude mode really does help. I so get why you are not looking forward to the dating scene (especially in WI)...I haven't dated in years and I like my single status. ;-) Who is Ms. Wogg...Mama or K9? Mama is in Atlanta this week for work and working her tail off in her new job. She looks as beautiful as ever and has not lost her compassion for others or her sense of humor. No one has heard from K9 in a long time and she is not returning texts. We wish she would pop in because she has been through hell and back in the last year and we worry about her. Sunshinedaisies is doing FANTASTIC on Naltrexone and has had many more AF days than not. I miss her posts.

    Nora-I've never heard Jeff Daniels perform but I will google it.

    Must take off now...hope everyone is having a great day!!

    xoxo Rusty


      I am so glad that Fen is back ..... and that Fen and Dottie worked things out - no way could Fen have been Madame - whomever she is she is really trying her hardest to mess with peoples heads!

      I often lurk here but have not posted much ..... will try and post more in future. I do see how you are all doing ..... anyway am in the garden putting together raised beds from when we moved so that they are ready for next year.... just took a break, but have to get back out.

      Hugs, Sun xxxx
      How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


        Fen and Sunni, so glad you're back.
        Enlightened by MWO


          Hi SK - where have YOU been?
          I agree! It's great to have Fen & Sun here.

          Well - lunch is over......hopefully, I'll acutally turn my computer on tonight & get on here. Last night I was asleep by about 8:30!

          Liz - did you get some rest last night?
          "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
          AF - 7-27-15


            Ms. Wogg is Pauly...Paulywogg.

            Hi, SK!


              I'm really worried. I have an online friend in Ohio (another forum) who is a fragile diabetic. She hasn't emailed me since yesterday morning and we usually contact each other throughout the day. I called her home and got the answering machine. I asked for her or her son to call me back and let me know what's up. I'm really afraid she's in the hospital- she blacked out in the public library last week from low blood sugar and had to be taken to the E.R.

              Should I call her city's hospital? I know that legally they can't tell me if she's there, but maybe they can leave her a message?


                Nora, I hung out in the pool today and read. I took a long walk in the park. Which I haven't done in ages.
                Hubby found some wine that I had stashed at some point and forgotten about. He said nothing, but it was sitting on the table. Ugh. We haven't discussed the drinking at all and I wasn't about to bring it up. I have been so good and this crap is still popping up! I'd have poured it down the drain, but then would think I drank it.
                CJ came home from work. I had made dinner, she said she wasn't really hungry. She starts getting weepy at the table. Now anyone who knows CJ knows she's not one to cry, especially in front of others. Poor baby. I think it's just hormonal as she was super cranky the other day and her face broke out a bit. Always something to worry about, the bf is here so I guess he can cheer her up now.
                Fen, sun,Skendall good to see you all back and posting. Off to get ready for my early day tomorrow.


                  Originally posted by fennel View Post
                  I'm really worried. I have an online friend in Ohio (another forum) who is a fragile diabetic. She hasn't emailed me since yesterday morning and we usually contact each other throughout the day. I called her home and got the answering machine. I asked for her or her son to call me back and let me know what's up. I'm really afraid she's in the hospital- she blacked out in the public library last week from low blood sugar and had to be taken to the E.R.

                  Should I call her city's hospital? I know that legally they can't tell me if she's there, but maybe they can leave her a message?
                  Call the operator at the hospital and just ask to be connected to her room, you know like she is there. They may put you through if indeed she is there, I hope everything is ok.


                    Ugh. She's not there. I wonder if she would have been taken to a larger city? I really hope I hear from her soon. This is just so not like her.


                      Hey guys, Fen,just keep looking that's scary,Liz,don't worry about the found bottle, that was ages ago that you hid it and you have been doing beautifully, I'm proud of you raining cats and dogs here, I'm trying to quit smoking for realz this time and am using the e-cig but made the mistake of having a real one,now my hearts racing, lovely,hope everyone is ok,have a good 'in
                      I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                      I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                      Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                        Pauly - wow, you got rain?!?!? Send some this way, will you? Sorry about the heart racing.

                        Fen - That is scary about your friend. I certainly hope that her son calls you back.

                        Liz - I'm sorry that hubs found the wine. I know how you feel except when hubs found it, I was drinking. Bad feeling there. I felt so discouraged and upset with myself. Of course, today I stopped to pick up a bag of ice at the liquor store. Aarrrggghhhh - that wasn't easy. I think I'll have hubby run in to buy the ice for me for awhile. I hope CJ is better.
                        "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                        AF - 7-27-15


                          Liz, I am sorry about hubs finding that old bottle and placing it on the table. My ex did the exact same thing to me. It feels so crappy!

                          My friend is okay, thankfully. She works from home and was working over-time and did not receive my calls or emails until she finished work. Her kid has anxiety issues which require her to work from her home- he can't handle being alone for a lengthy period of time. I told her I was glad she called when she did, as a sheriff's wellness check was next on my list!

                          After I talked with my friend, I called my sponsor. It was a really good conversation.

                          So nice to see you, Pauly. I hope your heart settles down soon!

                          Nora, are you putting the ice in front of a fan? I can't imagine how hot it is where you are right now.


                            Evening all,
                            Volunteered at a local event tonight...worked the beer booth...good thing I never liked beer....LOL
                            Paul came with his daughter and she looks so much like him..she was very nice. Kind of scary that he wants me to meet his family....guess I am OK with that.

                            Newbie's Nest

                            Tool Box
                            AF 9.1.2013


                              Dotts - that's nice that Paul came to see you. How old are his kids? I'm glad that I didn't work a beer booth today! It would have been tough.
                              "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                              AF - 7-27-15


                                He has 3 daughters that r all over 30. Yep no temptation at all and if u volunteer the beer is free...OMG......So back tomorrow for a while then Paul and I are going back for the food. Met some nice folks so that was good too...
                                Gotta say again that life is good...and I am very grateful....

                                Newbie's Nest

                                Tool Box
                                AF 9.1.2013

