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Getting sick after detox

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    Getting sick after detox

    Did anyone detox and then seemed to get physically ill shortly after? I have had a viral chest infection for 2 weeks now. Cannot remember ever being this poorly for this long in the past. I am wondering if it is anything to do with my body healing from abuse?

    Anyone else experience this at all?

    You poor love.
    I honestly don't remember being ill but I do remember the lack of sleep. I do however remember having a chat with my doctor after I'd detoxed about my liver. It may be simplistic but he basically said that our poor auld livers were going full force protecting us from our alcohol consumption so the other hundreds of things are left on the back burner.... so to speak..... and that protection will take a while to come back. Once we've stopped the booze its sort of forgotten what to do so viruses see us as an easy target. As I say simplistic but t made sense to me.

    Liver Functions - How the Liver Keeps Us Well
    It could be worse, I could be filing.
    AF since 7/7/2009


      Starty, I used to never get "bugs" even when everyone around me did. But during the 18 months or so after I quit, I felt like I caught everything that came by - figured I wasn't killing them in pickled blood anymore or something! Luckily whatever was going on seems to have resolved itself ( or maybe the flu shots that I finally agreed to have last year and this actually work).

      i hope you start feeling better soon! xx, NS


        Thanks JC and NS it is comforting to know I am not alone. I guess it just takes time to get the balance back.


          I agree Starty, we put the shit in our bodies for so many years and now are bodies are healing. Get a check up at the doctors though. I had a migraine type headache for 5 weeks. My brain was probably thinking wtf is all that wine girl. I do know that alcohol will not get rid of the virus. Hope you feel better soon.
          AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


            Thanks available. Yes I have been to the docs they just tell me to wait it out.


              Alcohol actually has anti virus and antibiotics qualities. I never caught a cold or flu when I was drinking. I think that may be jus about the only benefit. On the other hand alcohol severely damages the immune system. My blood work some months ago showed. My white cells were below normal range, like someone one with cancer or autoimmune disease. If this is typical then what you are experiencing is normal and will resolve. I suffered with severe sinusitis at first but its now resolving as my body gets stronger. I do take a clove or two of garlic daily and probiotics
              Its for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm then and DO NOT let yourself be burdened again by a yoke of slavery. Gal 5:1


                I have always been heavily into supplements so didn't suffer too badly.

                When I was smoking I rarely got a full blown cold... As soon as I felt one coming on I would chain smoke to kill the sad is that! lol

                Fill up on supplements.....particularly co enzyme Q10 (150mg daily) large doses vitamin B, C and some zinc.


                  I think that when the blanket of alcohol is removed, aches, pains, illnesses for a period become more noticeable. Then you just get used to it!
                  I used the Sinclair Method to beat my alcoholic drinking.

                  Drank within safe limits for almost 2 years

                  AF date 22/07/13


                    I think you might be right YKB!

