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One Step at a Time - December 2018

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    Re: One Step at a Time - December 2018

    Morning friends,Nora,I try to avoid Advil and all that stuff unless I absolutely need it too,Rusty,I'm sure your after Christmas dinner is gonna be great,thats actually a good idea to have a get together after the big day cuz i always feel sorta down when it's all over with,Liz,hope you're having a nice visit with Mark,LB git here yesterday but I was too tired to chat much,she went over to Kell's for most of the night anyways,Bird,when do you leave? Wish Techie would come by and say hi,he said he would after Thanksgiving,hope he's doing ok,off to get ready,,,been draggin all week for some reason,just no mojo much love to all and wishes for a happy AF Thursday!
    Last edited by paulywogg; December 20, 2018, 08:47 AM.
    I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

    I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
    Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


      Re: One Step at a Time - December 2018

      NS,i love when you pop in
      I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

      I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
      Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


        Re: One Step at a Time - December 2018

        Pauly hope you're not coming down with something. Maybe it's all the holiday prep/anticipation that's zapped your mojo. How long is LB staying?
        Nora, ugh, your work situation has got to be so frustrating. It couldn't hurt to try diet and exercise for the fibro pain. I don't know much about it, worth a try. My doctor told me NSAIDs are rough on the kidneys and increase your bleeding time, Tylenol is rough on your liver. Pretty much, pick your poison. I try not to take much of anything either.
        Nothing going on here. My house is a mess but I will wait till the baby leaves tomorrow to straighten it for Christmas Eve. Got my Christmas manicure today and I love it. Taking it slow and trying to find the joy. I spoke to mom about Christmas and we just don't know what to expect. I think just talking about it today helped.
        Rusty, Bird GLassie, miss you guys and hope all is ok
        Last edited by Lizann; December 20, 2018, 06:55 PM.


          Re: One Step at a Time - December 2018

          Just got a text from Erin. Dan is working from home tomorrow, so no Logan for us. Mark and hubby were going to take him to Marks office for their huge holiday party. They are disappointed. I'm sure they'll have a good time anyway. I told them to bring me some food home.
          Just wondering if any of you guys have work related celebrations? The gift baskets are pouring in at work.


            Re: One Step at a Time - December 2018

            Hello everyone. We don't have a big work celebration. We will have pizza for lunch tomorrow and we have Monday & Tuesday off. Many, many years ago we had a party at a pizza place. Of course, the beer was flowing (I must have been drinking wine coolers cause I didn't drink beer) and everyone was feeling happy. One of the employees had a car accident on the way home. So, we don't do that. And, we have never had a fancy party.
            I think it's cute that your boys are disappointed that they aren't taking Logan. I think that is so sweet.

            I've been a little bit dragging this week too. Not sure why. Maybe because I know I'm going to have a 4 day weekend. Tomorrow is hubby's birthday so I better go wrap his presents. I ordered a yoga mat from Wal-Mart for pick up at the store. Somehow it got mixed up with my delivery order so the box was delivered today. I think he probably figured out what is in the box.

            I am worried about [MENTION=11089]techie[/MENTION] to be honest. He promised he would check in as soon as he got back.

            I also wish that Glassie would check in.

            Enjoy time spent with loved ones. :heartbeat:
            "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
            AF - 7-27-15


              Re: One Step at a Time - December 2018

              No work parties for me Liz which is fine cuz I used to hang out with the girls outside of work and they're all heavy drinkers,I did buy one coworker a sweater and a Himalayan salt lamp I'll give to her on Saturday,she's my fave one up there so I like to give her something,,,eww,one of my regular cane in today and gave me a card,I opened it on the way home and on the cover it said "Have you been Naughty or Nice?"Inside it said "I hope you're naughty tonight" wtf!!!? I took the $20 bill out and just threw the card away,I think it's gross from a customer! Thats something a husband or boyfriend would give not a customer eww again
              I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

              I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
              Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                Re: One Step at a Time - December 2018

                Oh and I forgot to mention. Thank goodness that I have never been a big tylenol/advil person. I take aspirin for a bad headache (and I know that's not good for you either). I guess I'm lucky that I haven't been using it. That might have made my problems worse.
                "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                AF - 7-27-15


                  Re: One Step at a Time - December 2018

                  Pauly - that is a strange Christmas card to give you. :egad:
                  "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                  AF - 7-27-15


                    Re: One Step at a Time - December 2018

                    Hi all,
                    I am home and had a wonderful time. I ate so much though, I will be on veggies and fruit for a couple days. The town we went to has a lot of German stuff, so we ate at a German place twice and bought some chocolate, candy and hit the German bakery to bring stuff home for everyone. We hiked so much I am sore. Wish dd1 would have went but maybe next time. Dd2 talked all the way. Told me she wants to work on her music degree again at some point. I have been waiting a long time to hear that, so was pleased. .....Nora, sorry about the liver but I am sure you will treat yourself well and repair it. So good news about Savannah! Hope hubs has a good bday....Rusty, hope your party goes well. You must be a wonderful hostess!.....Liz, hope the movie was good. When I was working, we always had our parties at work, since one of the aircraft hangers had been converted into a venue by one of the owners haha. We would put a band together since there were always a few musicians working there.....well, I am behind on my little online classes, and still have to do my painting and a basket I am making for my SIL who sent me the salmon. They don't have xmas until Jan 7 so I can be a bit slower on that one...later....b


                      Re: One Step at a Time - December 2018

                      Morning friends,yea Nora I didn't like that card,I mean it was a nice thought to give the card,just not that particular one haha,Bird,glad you had fun,the pics were just gorgeous! Kell took Lou and Romeo for pics with Santa last night,they looked so cute! Have terrible anxiety this morning just cuz I know Christmas is right around the corner,I need to get a grip on it,waves to Liz,Glassy and Rusty,have a wonderful AF Friday!
                      I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                      I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                      Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                        Re: One Step at a Time - December 2018

                        I know what you mean. My anxiety had been really hitting me too.
                        "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                        AF - 7-27-15


                          Re: One Step at a Time - December 2018

                          Hi all,
                          The kids went to Atlanta to visit a friend and the traffic is so bad. Took them over 2 hours to get there and its about an hour there. They are on the way back so I am trying to stay awake to make sure they get back ok....Pauly, I forgot to say that card was creepy. Also, loved the boys pic on fb!


                            Re: One Step at a Time - December 2018

                            Hey guys. I did read back and promise I will comment more tomorrow, had a really nice day. Went out with hubby and Mark for dinner and just talked and talked. Mark had to run to pick up a last minute gift for Joe (Cjs husband) so we walked around the stores just a bit, not too crowded, when we got home, Mark showed us a lot of his pictures from his trips. So enjoyable.but it is late and I have to work tomorrow.
                            Waves to everyone. . .


                              Re: One Step at a Time - December 2018

                              Good Morning, Friends!

                              I am off to get a new phone in a while so I thought I would check in and say HELLOOOO!!
                              [MENTION=9757]NoraC[/MENTION]-I hope hubs enjoys his b-day celebration and the gifts you got him. Wheat and dairy are really inflammatory previous doctor told me they are especially bad if you have fibro. Re: fatty liver. A change in diet and exercise are the keys, from what I've been told. A dear friend of mine had it, too, and she doesn't drink.
                              [MENTION=19302]Lizann[/MENTION]-cute pics of Mark and Logan on FB. To answer your question about what drinks I am serving for my party...I am serving LaCroix sparkling water, and a modified Kids' drink I found on FB called "Mr. Grinch". It's lime sherbet, and instead of Sprite, I am using LaCroix, and then you put red sugar on the rims of the glasses so it likes like the Mr. Grinch outfit. Three of my guests drink and one does not so my friends who drink might bring something to add to their drinks or they'll probably just bring their favorite beer...Miller 64. BLECH! I was never a beer drinker so that is not appealing to me at all. My main purpose of this party is to give some joy to my new friend, Tammy, who is mourning the tragic death of her father. Her dad was mentally ill and February of this year, he became unruly and rather than have him taken to a local mental health facility, his ex-wife called the police and he ended up in jail for the weekend. It was bitterly cold here and when he was released from jail, he walked home and froze to death in a field near his house. Tammy really misses her dad and when I told her I was having a little gathering, she was thrilled to be invited.
                              [MENTION=17650]paulywogg[/MENTION]...Pauly...I think your client was just joking and wanted to get you a funny card. I hope I don't offend you but I didn't think it was creepy. He was just trying to be funny. But if he's a creepy client anyway, yes, then I say UGGHHH as well!

                              Cute pics of Lou and Romeo on FB.
                              [MENTION=2634]bird[/MENTION]-did the girls have a fun time in Atlanta? It's a great city...but that traffic!! UGH!!! So glad I don't have to travel there anymore!

                              [MENTION=11089]techie[/MENTION]...please check in. We are worried about you here.:hug:
                              [MENTION=8902]Glass Half Empty[/MENTION]-We miss you!!!:heartbeat:

                              I am off now to start my day...Happy AF Saturday to all!
                              Last edited by Rusty; December 22, 2018, 09:14 AM.


                                Re: One Step at a Time - December 2018

                                No he's creepy Rusty!
                                I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                                I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                                Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!

