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June Army Thread 2019

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    Re: June Army Thread 2019

    There is no way on this earth am I taking the bog seat to work. How long did he have to use it for?


      Re: June Army Thread 2019

      [MENTION=483]Mary[/MENTION]. I am hoping to go back asap. Surgeon says plan for 6 weeks as I cannot drive for that time but might be well enough to go back earlier. However I am worried about the bog seat scenario

      Good luck with your MOT, they are quite fun wihtout the guilt arent they ?


        Re: June Army Thread 2019

        Good morning everyone. Great advice there Starty, not driving for me would be the worst, can Mr S chauffeur you around? One of the ladies in my book club was doing that for her husband and they went for drives to places she had either never been or had not been in ages. Start making a list. Do you read? Have the name of a few books I read while away, will pass them on if you do.

        Can’t say I find the MOT’s fun but that’s probably an age thing with me. Great to go in with a clear conscience though Mary. Hope Satz is having a wonderful holiday. Weather here is still horrible, might try and get a few things done outside today if the weather holds.


          Re: June Army Thread 2019

          Originally posted by starty View Post
          There is no way on this earth am I taking the bog seat to work. How long did he have to use it for?
          You know I can't remember but better the bog seat than re-admission. He was back at work sooner than he thought. He couldn't drive for 6 weeks but luckily he had two colleagues that live nearby that would pick him up and bring him home. Earlier than that the collegues would drop off files that needed his attention. While he was in he was shown by the physio therapist how to walk...........good leg.......bad leg. How to bend. He wasn't allowed to leave the hospital until he could get up and down two flights of stairs. He was only in 3 days.........he stuck like glue to his re-hab so he sailed through it.
          We also had someone visit the house to work out what gadgets he needed and show him how to use the shower seat and other stuff. The district nurse popped by a couple of times luckily on the one day when we were trying to puzzle out how to get his surgical sock things back on. We were in the middle of laughing and shouting at the sheer complication of something so simple. Can't fault the aftercare.

          [MENTION=15758]rustop59[/MENTION].......can't be long 'til the Dolomites

          The S&H's visiting today..........mummy's little soldier is 31 today.
          I've caught Mr. JC's stinky cold.
          The weather........appalling.
          It could be worse, I could be filing.
          AF since 7/7/2009


            Re: June Army Thread 2019

            Thanks for the spaghetti bog Mother JC! I rinsed the dish and put it in your new dishwasher and left some fruit salad and Chobani's in it's place.
            What is happening with your Summer up there? You need to do something before the Australian tourists start pouring into London to stand in line for the Crown Jewels.
            Only a couple more weeks until a very big anniversary I see?

            God Starty, shall we call it 'joint replacement chic'? They certainly have prepared you for it. One of those (many) things in life that just have to be gotten though as an investment towards better times. Then when you are off again we'll have a working bee to see how all of your bits and bobs can be repurposed. Maybe you could grow a climbing plant up the toilet comode? Meantime, we better start a Starty Care Package full of Netflix and book recs. Chernobyl is getting amazing reviews.

            Jeez MOT is complicated these days. I don't remember being interrogated like that.
            [MENTION=22365]rus[/MENTION]top you've just given me a great idea for weekends. A bit of a drive to a new place, a nursery and a coffee. I'll take me old Mum with me.
            If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
            Rejoined life 20/5/19


              Re: June Army Thread 2019

              Ohh yes any and all recommendations will be gratefully received. I am terrified of being bored. I am borrowing some stuff luckily (refuse to borrow a bog seat) Not sure how physio works for me. Insurance said they would pay tho! Surgeon says no stockings needed as NICE have changed the guidelines. I am delighted as if its sunny I can brown my legs. Surgeon says I might be out the next feckin day!


                Re: June Army Thread 2019

                [MENTION=22456]starty[/MENTION]....nice one on the physio. I remember it being a lot of common sense..........lot of rolling the ankles and standing up and walking.

                [MENTION=9170]byebyebridgetjones[/MENTION]...........had to look up chobani. Greek yogurt is one I'll eat. You are a good daughter.
                Tell the tourists to bring a brolly, a parka and a flask of soup.

                Still got stinky cold. Mr JC's just popped out for some cough medicine.
                He got lucky today when he rang Age Concern as the lady he spoke to went through more or less the exact thing with her father. She's sending some stuff out. Although she said it ended up with her and siblings sitting him down and laying out their worries straight to his face and it worked.
                Must go and look tragic on the settee before he gets back........cough, sneeze.......woe is me type stuff.
                It could be worse, I could be filing.
                AF since 7/7/2009


                  Re: June Army Thread 2019

                  Forget the bog seat [MENTION=22456]starty[/MENTION], you just need a shewee!
                  My sis in law actually used one for one of these 2 day hikes they were doing..

                  Yes, enormous anniversary coming up for our JC. I think we might need a list for this party, a single cake is just not going to cut it, excuse the pun :haha:

                  Had to get up at silly o'Clock as part of my MOT checks (all grand), Mr M was being very cautious with the traffic - I was 45 mins early!! I have never been that early for anything in that life. Or even early, for that matter.

                  Weather is crap. Send us over a few rays there Bridge.
                  AF - July 19th 2015 :happy2:


                    Re: June Army Thread 2019

                    Good morning everyone.

                    Hope you are feeling better today JC. Not surprised with the weather we are getting, sun peeps out the odd time and then away it goes. Not going to Dolomites until end of July so will still be around for your back big celebration. Just finished Small great things, Jodi Picoult Starty, very good. I use BorrowBox from our library, get all my books electronically. The new ones you have to reserve, might be worth a look beforehand. You can get ebooks and audio books .

                    Not raining today so I might venture into the garden, just in from nice walk.


                      Re: June Army Thread 2019

                      [MENTION=22456]starty[/MENTION], have a look see at these. Keep the brain cells moving and there really are too many times you can watch Homes under the Hammer.
                      Free courses - OpenLearn - Open University

                      [MENTION=15758]rustop59[/MENTION]..........its hard to believe. Me, someone who couldn't go 10 hours let alone 10 years.:egad:

                      Got my Micky and Minnie mouse tapestries I did down to the woman who's going to make them into cushions. They're a surprise gift on the big day. The pair of them have been Disney mad since before they met. In fact that's where they were in May this year.

                      The blessed cold is just a very dry throat and sneezing. Did sleep a whole six hours in a row last night. Long, long time since that's happened
                      It could be worse, I could be filing.
                      AF since 7/7/2009


                        Re: June Army Thread 2019

                        Well done on the 6 hours [MENTION=7008]JackieClaire[/MENTION], dont think Id survive. Do you catnap?
                        Ive used borrow box too Rustop, its brilliant. Doing a trip with my girls this weekend, might download something for the car.

                        Weather is so disappointing
                        But its almost Friday.
                        Last edited by IamMary; June 20, 2019, 05:43 PM.
                        AF - July 19th 2015 :happy2:


                          Re: June Army Thread 2019

                          Morning and waves to Bridgeeeeeeeeeee.
                          [MENTION=22411]IamMary[/MENTION].............I do get a nanna nap in. Thing is I've never been a good sleeper and add in years of alcohol abuse I rarely do a 'proper' eight hours. Oddly enough its when we go to the hotel near Loch Awe I sleep the sleep of the innocent.
                          Supposed to be sunny all day. A nice drying day.
                          It could be worse, I could be filing.
                          AF since 7/7/2009


                            Re: June Army Thread 2019

                            Good morning everyone.

                            Fab morning here and just enjoyed a lovely walk in the woods with the doggies, also had breakfast outside, so nice to see some sun. Having lunch with my crochet ladies and then think I will buy some salad stuff and maybe even barbecue this evening. It’s the simple things that bring so much pleasure now. Am very lucky to have always been a good sleeper and need my 7/8 hours. Have been having 8.5 the last few nights, don’t know what that is about but I will take it. Have a great weekend everyone.


                              Re: June Army Thread 2019

                              Evening.. not a bad day, sun came out. Love eating outside too [MENTION=15758]rustop59[/MENTION], even a cup of tea in the morning..

                              Back in the day, when I was trying to quit the booze, I was convinced that I'd never sleep properly again, believing that my wine was what got me me sleep. Well it did, but it wasnt proper deep sleep. My drinking actually started/progressed over a bout of insomnia when I was in my late 20s. Thats when I started to buy my own booze stash for medicinal purposes, I said to myself..This is an interesting blog and she talks about drink + sleeping.
                              I was wrong about the booze and sleep. Mostly I sleep well, but I have my moments and can really feel it the next day if I dont sleep well (before I didnt notice so much, because I felt a bit tired and crappy most days). [MENTION=7008]JackieClaire[/MENTION], that's interesting about Lough Awe.. what do you put that down to?

                              Going south tomorrow with my girls. I was going to do a big shop for the boys, but theres no point, they have no intention of cooking :shakingno:
                              Last edited by IamMary; June 21, 2019, 05:44 PM.
                              AF - July 19th 2015 :happy2:


                                Re: June Army Thread 2019

                                Hello All,
                                I've got no rays for you, Mary! It is creeping up to 9 degrees here from a 2 degree start. We do have sun for now so I'm slowly making my way down to the garden via the deck. I can't believe it is another week gone and here I am on the deck again with the mug and the doggers.
                                A busy one was had with an event to organise which traditionally goes pear-shaped that didn't.

                                Re the embolis stockings - get a sharpie and mark the heal with a small dot or arrow right on the edge. Then in your hands roll them down until they look like a very large un-used ....erm....condom.....then roll them back onto your leg making sure that the black dot is still in the centre of your heal. Glad you won't need to use them Starty. The best way forward is always movement.

                                Hope the tragi-drama worked for sympathy JC.
                                If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                                Rejoined life 20/5/19

