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December 2019: International Army

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    Re: December 2019: International Army

    Originally posted by satz123 View Post
    Arra that was just alcohol-fuelled fake motivation NS - not real ....
    As for the gym & exercise - all I want is to fit into all the clothes in my wardrobe. After that I don't give a monkeys.
    (but I do like the odd compliment I must confess)

    Great post NS.
    Well your looking lovely today Satz.. (that sounds like a sleazy ol' lad)

    Great post [MENTION=18725]NoSugar[/MENTION] - I definitely care less about what people think, partly because I have nothing to hide anymore and partly because I am happier in my skin, more confident in myself I suppose. That took a while to happen though.
    BUT most of your kids have left home by now, so you dont need to cook and clean all day long... I need Pav to back me up here!!

    Molly I feel for you, she would drive me potty. Any chance of getting a moved within the library?
    AF - July 19th 2015 :happy2:


      Re: December 2019: International Army

      Thinking of you all. I’ve been heads down in an exciting project that is ready to launch by 2/3/20. My activity here has been sporadic. I do regret that. I plan on much more participation in the coming weeks. I love this forum because of you all, and that so many have found success. It’s not easy, but you have to do the work. That to me is key. Also forgiveness. I forgive myself for judging myself as weak or less than. I often say how we are with any issue, is the issue. My daily mantra is: I am so happy and grateful that I am finally free from addictive behavior. I may start a new thread, I think many will be interested in. More to follow. In the meantime, blessings to all x
      Last edited by techie; December 12, 2019, 01:58 AM.
      Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


        Re: December 2019: International Army

        Morning Techster! So good to hear you sound so positive - and get going with that thread - I will be there in spades!!! looking forward to it!

        I could ask for a transfer Mary but there is a nasty toxicity in senior management - I shouldn't say it - but it's true - they are all women and it's become a sort of nasty spiteful little coven at the top.. if you put your head above the parapet by something as innocuous as asking for a move you can be sent exactly where you don't want to be - and believe me there are plenty of places I would like even less... it adds to the poisonous atmosphere that pervades the place - and also - a bit like Benjy - and it's not an ageist thing - but there are promotions being flung around like confetti at the moment - some of us have had our career and really don't want to be starting on that ladder again - ranging in age from 40 to 65 - and we choose not to go for promotion any higher but these '(not so) bright young things' are getting promoted and really they are insufferable - they know nothing and I should laugh at them but sometimes it's very irritating... but d'ya know -- all in all - I do love my actual job - and lots of the folks I work with are lovely -- just all getting me down a bit -- and that's ALL about me - thanks for letting me vent!
        Last edited by mollyka; December 12, 2019, 05:12 AM.
        Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
        contentedly NF since 8/04/14


          Re: December 2019: International Army

          Afternoon all. Vent away Molly, better in than out. Seems to be a lot of toxic work atmospheres at the moment. Leaving in droves from our place. Voice of the employee survey results dismal a few months. Giving extra days holiday! Job done. I just go in do my bit and leave but it’s easy when you are only two days.

          Lovely to see you Techie, will definitely pop into that thread. Hi to everyone else. Off to get the hair done, catch you all later.


            Re: December 2019: International Army

            *that should have read, better out than in, poxy phone, can’t see what I have typed.


              Re: December 2019: International Army

              Great post [MENTION=18725]NoSugar[/MENTION]! I stopped giving a rats ass what people thought about me a long time ago! I don't know if you remember a writer named Erma Bombeck who died several years ago. She knew that she was dying, and stated something that has always stayed with me. She said that she wished that she had spent less time cleaning the house, and more time playing with her children. Makes sense to me!

              Congrats on the weight loss Satz!

              I keep telling you to get a voo doo doll Molly....

     you've got me curious about this New thread that you're thinking about starting. Don't keep us in suspense too long!


                Re: December 2019: International Army

                Evening and waves to the all,
                Just been to the vets for Bess's 6-month check , of course with her being 15+ years old we always go with our hearts in our mouths. She's fitter than the pair of us. :happy2:Another 6 months of her meds and a slightly bemused Mr. JC at the cost.
                Then we voted. Believe it or not our local polling station is in the local pub. Its a proper dive and prolly the most people they've seen over their doors since the last election.

                [MENTION=11089]techie[/MENTION].........big fat :hug: and will be watching for the new thread.
                [MENTION=8529]mollyka[/MENTION]...........vent away. If it stops you killing someone can't do any harm.
                It could be worse, I could be filing.
                AF since 7/7/2009


                  Re: December 2019: International Army

                  Thanks folks - tossing up between voodoo dolls and asking for a transfer.. something is gonna give for sure tho - just gets worse every day

                  Great news about Bess Jackie - you can relax now for another while! -- interested in the UK vote tonight - just pray the DUP get literally DUMPED --- serve them right - filthy money grabbing racist pigs... I'm not keen on them:welldone:
                  Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                  contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                    Re: December 2019: International Army

                    Originally posted by mollyka View Post
                    --- serve them right - filthy money grabbing racist pigs... I'm not keen on them:welldone:
                    Ya don't say Molls :harhar:

                    I couldn't give two flying ***** who gets in or who goes out in the UK.
                    I'll take my one day at a time and not worry about something I can do nothing about :thumbsup:
                    Just deal with any ripples headed our way - it's all we can do.
                    Last edited by satz123; December 12, 2019, 06:01 PM.


                      Re: December 2019: International Army

                      Thats hilarious you vote in the pub [MENTION=7008]JackieClaire[/MENTION].. well probably makes more sense that shutting down half the schools in the country for the day..
                      Interesting times ahead. Delighted Bess is fit and well.

                      Mr S is also in a toxic job, hes been there forever but things changed a few years back. To say he hates it is an understatement. Hes ready to walk into any job at all, as long as he can get there in 15/20 minutes. Its going to hurt financially but we'll just cut our cloth. There goes my refurb! :crybaby:
                      AF - July 19th 2015 :happy2:


                        Re: December 2019: International Army

                        Very late for me to post. Normally I'd stay up for hours to watch the results but think the results obvious.
                        [MENTION=8529]mollyka[/MENTION]...........couldn't have put it better myself.
                        Mr JC toddled off to bed ........The poor beggar did A-level (big exams when you're 18) in politics and I've questioning everything ...............then I'got to the stage questioning WTF has he done to his hair and where did she get those shoes and honestly that coat doesn't match her dress.
                        It could be worse, I could be filing.
                        AF since 7/7/2009


                          Re: December 2019: International Army

                          Oh I don't care about them Satz...just delighted DUP were shafted ...Nigel Dobbs lost his seat ..karma!!
                          That's mainly my prob Mary..the travel I could impose on myself for asking for a move ..could be plunked off in howth or blanchardstown - don't fancy travelling again..left the bank because of 4 hours travel a day

                          Getting mithered bout Christmas now it's sort of crept everyone all organised?
                          Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                          contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                            Re: December 2019: International Army

                            Well PTL that's over for another five years and that's me out of political talking.

                            As its Save the Children jumper day I'll be dragging my minion jumper out of the wardrobe. I'm not going anywhere but its quite cosy.
                            I've finished Chrimbo shopping (just the back-breaking wrapping to do) and started the shopping far its got sprouts, a roll of tin foil and Christmas themed kitchen roll.
                            It could be worse, I could be filing.
                            AF since 7/7/2009


                              Re: December 2019: International Army

                              Evening All, and a massive wave to Techie and his exciting new work project . How nice it would be to be excited about work.

                              And a big snuggle for Black Bess passing her check up.

                              Get you on the toxicity ladies. I always thought too many women working together without a gender balance was a dangerous thing.
                              Work is flat strap and I've had after work appointments every day. So I'm going to head off to bed and see you all on the deck tomorrow morning for a bucket of coffee and a read back.:happy2:
                              If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                              Rejoined life 20/5/19


                                Re: December 2019: International Army

                                Originally posted by mollyka View Post

                                Getting mithered bout Christmas now it's sort of crept everyone all organised?
                                No :egad: trying to stay calm & cool about it.
                                I have them all this year
                                FFS I tell myself it's only a meal. But MrS is off already with "have to haves"
                                5 types of potatoes ;
                                Sherry trifle;
                                in tact turkey - with legs wings etc;
                                sprouts that smell like farts;
                                Ham - boiled to an inch of its life. I mentioned I will do ham in slow cooker where it will steam nicely - he looked as if I'd hit him with a big stick

                                ps I have none of the above .....
                                BAH ! HUMBUG !
                                Last edited by satz123; December 13, 2019, 09:47 AM.

