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International Army - 2020 - HAPPY NEW YEAR!

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    Re: International Army - 2020 - HAPPY NEW YEAR!

    I know you're all right..and I am cowardly ..also guilty as sin of behaving similarly
    Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
    contentedly NF since 8/04/14


      Re: International Army - 2020 - HAPPY NEW YEAR!

      [MENTION=22839]brit[/MENTION] always be our Whizzy :hug:

      [MENTION=9170]byebyebridgetjones[/MENTION].......wasn't sure who you were talking about and saw a clip this morning......the one where he goes to shakes a woman's hand.....he's a proper charmer..............she should have belted him straight in his nether regions.
      It could be worse, I could be filing.
      AF since 7/7/2009


        Re: International Army - 2020 - HAPPY NEW YEAR!

        Been reading back--Love that you are now International! Great stuff Molly on all those AF years. Still not great on ANY internetty posting but do think of you all and always valued the support here.


          Re: International Army - 2020 - HAPPY NEW YEAR!

          Cross post JC. Love that you remember me as Whizzy. Training for the London thingy in April so need to keep on the straight and narrow.


            Re: International Army - 2020 - HAPPY NEW YEAR!

            Originally posted by brit View Post
            Cross post JC. Love that you remember me as Whizzy. Training for the London thingy in April so need to keep on the straight and narrow.
            Text me your number and we'll follow you.
            It could be worse, I could be filing.
            AF since 7/7/2009


              Re: International Army - 2020 - HAPPY NEW YEAR!

              Will do at the time( or the week before0


                Re: International Army - 2020 - HAPPY NEW YEAR!

                Morrison is a fecking idiot, thank god we have some good premiers of states to support everyone and a lot of others. Morrison would see us burn to the ground prick.

                best not get us Aussies started Molls lol.
                AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                  Re: International Army - 2020 - HAPPY NEW YEAR!

                  Ah Ms A welcome back - maybe you'll stay a while ?


                    Re: International Army - 2020 - HAPPY NEW YEAR!

                    An uneventful day in the office. Didnt even get to use the 'bag of hair' comment.
                    [MENTION=11158]stirly-girly[/MENTION], Id note the reg and ring it in.

                    Originally posted by JackieClaire View Post
                    Another question before I run off to the pharmacy (Mr. JC's near death with a cold) many of us have driven hungover????
                    Absolutely and Im ashamed to say, fully aware that I should not be driving.

                    Originally posted by brit View Post
                    I did start drinking again but am glad to say managed to kick that in the head and got back to my other addiction --running!
                    Think of all my lovely Army friends often!
                    Hope Mr A (B) - that was Mr G's joke is responding well?
                    Delighted your back running, get back here now and we will bore them all to tears with fun stories about runners and compression socks :haha:

                    Yes, your man Morrison is another tool.
                    AF - July 19th 2015 :happy2:


                      Re: International Army - 2020 - HAPPY NEW YEAR!

                      Originally posted by available View Post
                      Morrison is a fecking idiot, thank god we have some good premiers of states to support everyone and a lot of others. Morrison would see us burn to the ground prick.

                      best not get us Aussies started Molls lol.
                      He is a fucking knobcloud.
                      And I can't help but think that today's announcements/decisions have been too late coming. Aloha! Action stations!

                      Yes he pretty much groped the woman for the cameras, JC. WTF.
                      Mary would rather eat a bag of hair than let a polli feel her up, wouldn't you Mers?

                      Trapped inside away from the heat today so I just pottered around. I play a game where I watch a random YouTube cleaning vid and then do whatever is on it (pretending that I am being watched on YouTube)
                      Again, I can't believe how much you can get done when you don't even mean to!
                      If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                      Rejoined life 20/5/19


                        Re: International Army - 2020 - HAPPY NEW YEAR!

                        Good morning all! Have to agree Morrison is a knobhead--We have Boris The US have Trump and the Aussies have him.
                        It would have been lovely to bump into Molly in Chester yesterday no sign of her anywhere.
                        Off to parkrun in a bit not looking forward to it as I feel a but nauseous but I need to do this as I know I will feel better after a bit of a run. I always remember the Malahide Parkrun when we had our meet up and Sonia O'Sullivan recognising me Ha ha.Happy Days.


                          Re: International Army - 2020 - HAPPY NEW YEAR!

                          Hiya Whiz...on the plane ready for take-off...had Joe on Whizalert as sign of you..he was talking bout the day we had a wee outing to Newgrange and all...morning all else...tbh all politicians are knobs...just some more knobbish than others!!!
                          Morning all c u other side irish sea xx
                          Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                          contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                            Re: International Army - 2020 - HAPPY NEW YEAR!

                            [MENTION=8529]mollyka[/MENTION] home, bonny lass.
                            Some couple of petty moans for you.........
                            Waiting for the kitchen fitter to ring. Not sure what they're called but its one of those lights that are embedded in the ceiling is flickering. Not the biggest problem considering what's happening in the world but its driving me insane. Ended up poking it with a broom handle last night. If I hear 'teething problems' one more time I know where the broom handle will be going next.
                            I've got Mr. JC's cough and cold and want my bed and a hot water bottle but must go and get my glasses fixed. I'm just about two inches away from the screen with these cheap readers.
                            As I say very petty.

                            [MENTION=15947]Nursie[/MENTION]...........congrats on those 18 days which should be 20 plus by now. Always remember you setting up that alternative to MWO when it all went belly up over here.

                            [MENTION=22839]brit[/MENTION]..........self care for you, my lovely. Remember see you crossing the line two years're famous

                            [MENTION=9170]byebyebridgetjones[/MENTION]'s about putting a hose or a shovel in your PM's hand and telling him to get stuck if he cares so much.
                            It could be worse, I could be filing.
                            AF since 7/7/2009


                              Re: International Army - 2020 - HAPPY NEW YEAR!

                              Molly I loved our outing to Newgrange--You had just packed in the cigs that weekend. Hello everyone else, Just back from Parkrun and a bit more running, I am now so unfit but so grateful that I can still get out to run--


                                Re: International Army - 2020 - HAPPY NEW YEAR!

                                I truly couldn't run for a bus but I can walk a smart watch for Christmas and did 27k steps on Thurs and 31k yesterday...I'm reliably informed by my daughter what knows EVERYTHING that that's a good number of steps for an aul wan :happy2:
                                Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                                contentedly NF since 8/04/14

