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FORWARD -- MARCH --- ARMY March 2020

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    Re: FORWARD -- MARCH --- ARMY March 2020

    [MENTION=22839]brit[/MENTION], dont be daft, you had a massive amount of worry. Delighted everything is sorted now. So many people stranded, its awful. Im sure there will be a few books and movies about this bizarre time, soon.

    Tabbers, so sorry to hear that. It really does feel like its getting closer. We all have our sanity outlet now and its not booze. Your garden is going to be a picture this summer.
    How are you doing, still ticking off the days?

    Well we were stopped outside tesco this afternoon by the Guards (Police). Mr M and I were not supposed to shop together, or travel in the car together!
    The details are all a bit unclear yet, I suppose we just stay put unless we are desperate for something (does foundation and hair dye count :sad
    We did go for a cycle with the kids - could do about 10k semi circle without going beyond the 2k parameter.

    Hope zoom was great craic [MENTION=7008]JackieClaire[/MENTION]!
    [MENTION=9170]byebyebridgetjones[/MENTION], Im going to wear my party clothes on Monday, heels and full make up. Or a tracksuit.
    AF - July 19th 2015 :happy2:


      Re: FORWARD -- MARCH --- ARMY March 2020

      I just tried to get onto the website, and there's a queue to get on! My wait was over 1 hour. That's something I have never seen before (Limited staff, understandable).. I suppose that's one of many things I have never seen before of late.
      Last edited by IamMary; March 28, 2020, 07:18 PM.
      AF - July 19th 2015 :happy2:


        Re: FORWARD -- MARCH --- ARMY March 2020

        Originally posted by byebyebridgetjones View Post
        Rusty-woman, I'm so sorry. I know how much that place means to you and is your sanity. The big advantage that we all have is being a bit introverted. I feel so sorry for people who need the outside world to feel normal. The extroverts will be really suffering over the coming months.
        Have to agree Bridge. I've been thinking how wonderful the silence is. Empty roads / no-one annoying me in work - unless urgent / I just love how people's wings are clipped and they have to think of ways to amuse themselves & not be entertained every minute.

        But then I'm weird ....

        We will be a different nation when this is over. A gang of hopefully sober , hairy, grey haired, bearded ( and that's just the women) neanderthals emerging from our caves. Ugly but fully equipped to survive anything (!)
        Last edited by satz123; March 29, 2020, 02:40 AM.


          Re: FORWARD -- MARCH --- ARMY March 2020

          Ah well - no-one awake yet ?
          Rosie sitting on my chest won't let me get up...

          But I'm off to the frontlines again today
          Quite enjoying my 'hero' status :horse:


            Re: FORWARD -- MARCH --- ARMY March 2020

            Originally posted by byebyebridgetjones View Post
            That's very sad, Tabbers. I heard the stats from Italy this morning from overnight and they were so horrendous that I'm not even going to repeat them here. Profoundly upsetting news. The Australian press flagged an early rise in the reporting of domestic violence, no doubt linked with the early rise of people running off to the bottle-o.

            Funny, the first thing I bought at the beginning of this saga was dog food. Three very large bags. Is that hoarding?
            Nope, don't think so, there are a lot of our foods we can't share with our furry friends if they run out.

            Originally posted by IamMary View Post
            Tabbers, so sorry to hear that. It really does feel like its getting closer. We all have our sanity outlet now and its not booze. Your garden is going to be a picture this summer.
            How are you doing, still ticking off the days?
            Two steps forward, one step back. Still in the spirit of one day at a time I never tire of waking up on a Sunday morning with the clarity of a Saturday AF under my belt, Sundays mornings are special somehow.

            Originally posted by satz123 View Post
            Have to agree Bridge. I've been thinking how wonderful the silence is. Empty roads / no-one annoying me in work - unless urgent / I just love how people's wings are clipped and they have to think of ways to amuse themselves & not be entertained every minute.

            But then I'm weird ....

            We will be a different nation when this is over. A gang of hopefully sober , hairy, grey haired, bearded ( and that's just the women) neanderthals emerging from our caves. Ugly but fully equipped to survive anything (!)

            Hi Benjy, up since 6am personally. Keep safe out there.

            Just a quick thought on our 2 week lock down, why don’t the powers to be just tell us the reality, this will almost certainly be 12 weeks, just look to China to see our future.

            With that in mind I found this letter one of reality and of hope, maybe others will see it differently.
            For this too will pass.

            A letter to the UK from Italy: this is what we know about your future | World news | The Guardian
            Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


              Re: FORWARD -- MARCH --- ARMY March 2020

              Good morning Army Ladies and Gent!!!

              So glad to hear everyone's kids got back home safe and sound!!

              Originally posted by JackieClaire View Post
              We're cleaned our knobs and knockers this morning just for the delivery people/postmen.............they knock ...........leave on the doorstep.

              Where's Stirly this morning???? or afternoon or whatever time it is.

              I'm here - I was just so involved getting some deep cleaning done yesterday that I wasn't online much. Basically had the lappie on to play music. I haven't gotten to the doorknobs yet, Jackie, but I did clean out the sockets in my multi-socket extension cord.:egad: I don't much like housework but when I get going, I keep seeing things that need to be done and go from one thing to another. My apartment looks like I just moved in - stuff everywhere - but I am slowly getting it tidied up. Washing every article of non-clothing that needs to be washed - sofa throws, curtains, etc. At some point I will have this squeaky clean home to NOT receive visitors.

              Originally posted by mollyka View Post
              Can't imagine going to a meeting in all of this - achully -- wonder are they cancelled??? fecking horrifying that for a lot of people!
              Joe is doing the whole 'I'm fine -- I'm not anxious/bothered anything' and I sort of wish he'd just 'fess up to feeling SOMETHING off -- I just feel like such a whingebag
              going to get lunch -- highlight of the day -- talk later
              Molls, everyone's reaction and method of dealing with this situation is different. You don't sound like a whingebag to me - just expressing your opinions and concerns about what the near future holds. I think all of us to some degree are experiencing a lot of different emotions from worry to fear to anger about this world crisis we are going through. Let's face it, none of us has ever gone experiences something like this, nor have we been informed as to how to ready ourselves to face such a situation. Even people with the most positive outlooks on life will find it hard going with everything that is required to get us through this - restrictions, loss of income, uncertainty about the future not to mention the inevitable of losing people close to us. So, no one whingeing - just expressing their thoughts and after all, if we don't have the lines of communication open by whatever means - this forum, facetime, texting, whatever, we are going to have an even harder time dealing with all of this.

              Originally posted by satz123 View Post
              Ah well - no-one awake yet ?
              Rosie sitting on my chest won't let me get up...

              But I'm off to the frontlines again today
              Quite enjoying my 'hero' status :horse:
              Unsung hero, that's for sure, Satzy. Don't know if I would be so willing in your shoes. Especially if others were not adhering to the rules - masks, gloves, etc. Hat's off to you, our girl!!
              Originally posted by Tabbers (a.k.a. KTAB) View Post
              Evening all, just reading back about a dozen pages, seems everyone is ok?
              Have stayed home from work all week and not been outside the gates, just thankful I have a big garden to play in. Heard news of a man we know locally passed from the virus on Thursday. It seems so inhumane that his loved ones couldn't spend the last moments with him. But this is the evil bastard virus we are fighting against. I fear it won’t be the only person locally to die.
              Sorry for the depressing post, but it really does somehow take it to a new level when it’s on your doorstep.
              So it is good all the work that needs doing in the garden and odd jobs around the house, it is so important to keep busy I think. People who just sit and watch tv all day and vegetate doesn’t bear thinking about two weeks down the line. I was speaking to a Garda (police) sergeant, I know, last week and he said they are concerned about a big increase in domestic violence coming from families being stuck indoors together for so long.
              Jeez cheerful sod ain’t I.
              Good night ladies.
              Tabbers - good to see you. As for the highlighted part about that man dying by himself - there was an article I read that was written as a wake-up call to parents who are not keeping their kids at home -mostly teens from what I understand. Basically what it said is that if your child gets the virus and has to be hospitalized, he/she will be taken in an ambulance that you are not allowed to ride in, isolated in a room that you are not allowed to enter and will have to go through the whole process alone. It really brought home to me what can actually happen if someone gets the virus and has symptoms that require hospitalization.
              As for the domestic violence, I had heard that about a week ago, that there had been a huge increase. I'm sure that having kids home from school, plus not working and not knowing how to deal with that would send someone who was already inclined to take it out on others, into a rampage. Sadly, another result of this crisis. My bet is that the limitations put on people concerning their activities outside the home will also restrict addicts - whatever their addiction - from getting their supplies and that domestic violence will be a result of that as well.

              I guess I should get back to cleaning now that I've written an epistle.

              Wishing you all the best day you can make it!!!
              For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
              AF since 10/10/2015:yay:


                Re: FORWARD -- MARCH --- ARMY March 2020

                Good morning everyone I have been up hours too but was Netflixing. Just watched Self Made. Agree with you Bridget, I’m an introvert too and don’t mind being at home but it must be hell for the extroverts. The lack of traffic is wonderful. The thing I’m finding strange is that the choice of being able to do what i want is taken away from me. As Tabs says this too shall pass.


                  Re: FORWARD -- MARCH --- ARMY March 2020

                  Waves to the world,
                  First official day of Spring the clocks went forward.....baltic oitside and I have no idea what time it is. Mr. JC laighs as he says I must be the only person in the world who gets jet-lag loosing this hour.

                  [MENTION=21798]Tabbers (a.k.a. KTAB)[/MENTION] is so sad. I read of a young woman who has been badly disabled all her life...........raised millions for childrens charities like Children in Need. She died on Friday of her disabilties (not the virus) and just one parent can go to her funeral. I broke down.
                  Oddly enough months and months ago I chose just to be cremated, no crowds, no relatives............then have a memorial service later.

                  I'll let Mr. JC to ask their criminal lawyer about the domestic violence. She has to cover police stations for the swines that demand to see thir solicitor, They're in a poor area of the city so its rife to start with.

                  [MENTION=22411]IamMary[/MENTION]..............the zoom stuff is today. My cousin in the USA is organising it. He must be beside himself they're about 100 miles outside of Boston these of his twins has some problems from being born so premature.
                  The fact my fringe is now so long, my roots are so grey............he'll think we've bought an Afghan Hound and wonder where I am.

                  I'll be back later when I'm a) not so tired b) not so grumpy.
                  It could be worse, I could be filing.
                  AF since 7/7/2009


                    Re: FORWARD -- MARCH --- ARMY March 2020

                    Quick hello, Im finding Im busier than ever, in particular with phone calls to check in on family/friends. Also an introvert, happy in my own bubble, so no hardship overall.

                    Dont know tabbers re the lock down period, I suppose they dont really know themselves.
                    They are on the radio now, saying that the expect the peak to be in 2 weeks. How do they know when we hit the peak? Surely if they lift restrictions it will come at us with a vengeance?

                    Doing a drive-by drop off to my folk now, back later.
                    AF - July 19th 2015 :happy2:


                      Re: FORWARD -- MARCH --- ARMY March 2020

                      Hi folks hope you all ok!? Xx
                      Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                      contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                        Re: FORWARD -- MARCH --- ARMY March 2020

                        Hiya everyone ,how are we all doing?bearing up considering?hope so.Tough times for us all...apprehension fear ,worry ,scared ,anger..depression .a whole range of emotions greed selfishness self preservation,kindness generosity ..a whole range of actions.No matter what we as a race will come through this,..we all owe it to ourselves and our loved ones to make sure we are part of it all stay safe ,where possible stay at home ,where not and you have to work ,keep your distance ...and make sure others do matter in what way you explain it to them.Not a lot I can do ,but happy to listen or chat to anyone either here or pm if it will help...

                        yoiu know this is a bit serious ...the DFS sale has been cancelled ..

                        a laugh a day, will brighten the way ,

                        I didnt realise that it took 16286 bricks to build our gable wall
                        af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                          Re: FORWARD -- MARCH --- ARMY March 2020

                          Hi Mick and all,

                          Bearing up considering. I reckon i'm one of the lucky ones. 1. i still have work and wages coming in, for now anyway. 2. I have transformed myself from problem boozer/problem thinker to a grateful fairly content within, solutions focused mofo.

                          Wishing y'all an easy, peaceful 24 hours. X

                          'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                          Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                            Re: FORWARD -- MARCH --- ARMY March 2020

                            The zoom thingy lasted longer than we thought........I know I was cynical about it all but it was a hoot. We reverted back to being children in my Aunt's back garden except we could thump each other.
                            Very tired now though.
                            It could be worse, I could be filing.
                            AF since 7/7/2009


                              Re: FORWARD -- MARCH --- ARMY March 2020

                              Originally posted by IamMary View Post
                              They are on the radio now, saying that the expect the peak to be in 2 weeks. How do they know when we hit the peak? Surely if they lift restrictions it will come at us with a vengeance?
                              Mers yer man 'Simon says' 2 weeks full throttle lockdown and that's the strictest it will get. They will reassess in 2 weeks then but fully expect to be able to loosen restrictions a tad by then.
                              If you watch Sky News tonight. They have a reporter within China trying to fly to Beijing - unbelievable but very impressive restrictions - even air stewarts were in FULL PPE on board & taking temperatures mid-flight.
                              They have decided it's now a foreign problem & don't want us there.


                                Re: FORWARD -- MARCH --- ARMY March 2020

                                Originally posted by JackieClaire View Post
                                The fact my fringe is now so long, my roots are so grey............he'll think we've bought an Afghan Hound and wonder where I am.

