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Spring Army Manoeuvres - March 21

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    Re: Spring Army Manoeuvres - March 21

    Good morning been awake for hours and waiting for the hospital bed and equipment to be picked up. Today I am sorting out more funeral stuff out but dreading going through the clothes. I am ready for more company today so the girls (daughters ) are coming this morning. I am spending hours talking to my Norweigien daughter who is beside herself with grief and so hard for her as she is unable to get home. I have organised to livestream the funeral so she can "be there".
    We had been married for 53 years.


      Re: Spring Army Manoeuvres - March 21

      Good morning Troopers from a warm and sunny Athens. Temps up around 20C today. We really haven't had much of a winter so far this year and it doesn't look like we will. A couple of days of snow and that was it. Hopefully we won't have a long summer plagued by heat waves.

      As for the "like button" - no real reason for it, I guess. But the @ is a way of showing a person that you are responding to or addressing them specifically. Nothing wrong with that, that I can see. However, if someone dislikes it so much, then we simply don't @ them!! :smile:

      Originally posted by satz123 View Post
      Stirls I don't think that's been confirmed ? Even if it's true if everyone is vaccinated then the virus can not spread anyway.
      Just to be clear about the vaccination issue - I am not against it. Definitely people who are at a high risk should have it. And whoever else wants to. My point is that it is not a get-out-of-jail-free ticket. You can still get the virus but will have milder symptoms or be asymptomatic and you still have to adhere to the restrictions as far as wearing masks, social distancing etc., so you don't transmit the virus to others. That is all I am saying. This from Time Magazine last month....

      The way most people think of vaccines is pretty simple: you get vaccinated, and your immune system is primed and trained to fight off the invisible intruder in question, be it virus or bacteria. If you’re protected, you can’t be infected, and if you’re not infected, then you can’t spread it to anyone else.

      And that’s true most of the time. But not all vaccines work that way, and it’s not actually what the two COVID-19 vaccines authorized by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration—made by Moderna and Pfizer-BioNtech—are designed to do. Their effectiveness is measured by how well they protect people against moderate to severe COVID-19 disease—not how well they prevent infection or spread of the COVID-19 virus itself.

      That’s an important thing to remember as more doses reach more people in coming weeks. While the shots are 94% to 95% effective in preventing disease, there aren’t definitive data yet that they completely shut down the virus enough to stop it from moving from an infected person to someone else—say, if that vaccinated but infected person isn’t wearing a mask or isn’t keeping the recommended six feet apart from others. That’s why public health officials have said that even if you’re vaccinated, you can’t, unfortunately, ditch the mask or start holding intimate dinner parties with your other vaccinated friends and family. That won’t happen until researchers finish their studies on the vaccines, which will take another several months, to determine how well the shots have stopped the virus from jumping ship from a vaccinated person to someone else.

      However, there has been some early good news on that front, thanks to two recent studies, one by AstraZeneca and one by a group of Israeli scientists. Both groups recently published data suggesting that COVID-19 vaccines might reduce the spread of virus, but that data begs closer scrutiny. (AstraZeneca’s vaccine is authorized in the U.K. but the company has not yet applied for authorization in the U.S.)

      Anyway, that is all from me on that subject. I hope that any who wish to be vaccinated will be able to do so ASAP.

      [MENTION=22839]brit[/MENTION] - Mrs. A, thinking of you. Glad to hear your girls will be with you.

      Back later....
      Last edited by stirly-girly; March 5, 2021, 05:05 AM.
      For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
      AF since 10/10/2015:yay:


        Re: Spring Army Manoeuvres - March 21

        Morning and waves to the world,
        [MENTION=22839]brit[/MENTION] heart goes out to you and your family. Not an easy task a the best of times but under covid rules its crap..........wish I could think of a politer word.

        Didn't sleep well after a humdinger of a row with Mr. JC......early evening and didn't speak all evening. We don't argue to this degree very often but it was horrible. I can't remember what started it or how it escalated to a screaming match and then the silence.
        I'll be back later when my mood has lifted.
        It could be worse, I could be filing.
        AF since 7/7/2009


          Re: Spring Army Manoeuvres - March 21

          Originally posted by brit View Post
          Good morning been awake for hours and waiting for the hospital bed and equipment to be picked up. Today I am sorting out more funeral stuff out but dreading going through the clothes. I am ready for more company today so the girls (daughters ) are coming this morning. I am spending hours talking to my Norweigien daughter who is beside herself with grief and so hard for her as she is unable to get home. I have organised to livestream the funeral so she can "be there".
          We had been married for 53 years.
          Bless you..that's a lifetime..we're married 43 years and that seems like all my life. So glad you're seeing your heart goes out to your daughter in mum died in Wexford and for very different reasons I couldn't be felt surreal almost...I hope she has companions to look out for you need to do the clothes yourself? I think that would be extraordinarily painful..maybe one of the girls would do it?
          This too shall pass as they consolation to you at the moment...thinking of you my friend xxx
          Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
          contentedly NF since 8/04/14


            Re: Spring Army Manoeuvres - March 21

            Xpost Jackie...fecking HATE rows and hate silences all the more..I very different context...this too shall love each's only a row xxxxx
            Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
            contentedly NF since 8/04/14


              Re: Spring Army Manoeuvres - March 21

              Originally posted by stirly-girly View Post
              OOOOOOO - Tall, blonde, well-built? Do tell, Bridgeee......
              Like button...
              If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
              Rejoined life 20/5/19


                Re: Spring Army Manoeuvres - March 21

                Good morning all,

                Bloody freezing here and not enticing me to do much other than walk which I have done.

                I am glad you are having some company Mrs A. And I am so sorry for your girl who is stuck abroad. Awful for her. 53 years is such a long time I am sure you are going to miss him so much. I think we kind of become part of the other person and when they are gone, some of us goes with them. Such a hard time for you all xx

                Sorry about your row JC. I hate rowing and yes agree the silences are worse. Its the feeling that is almost palpable and it is not nice. It was a year ago I sent Mr S a text laying down exactly how I felt. Talking hadnt worked and getting angry even less so the written word seemed my last option and something in that text changed things thankfully.

                Stirly, interesting article. I think it is pretty well established that the vax's are not going to be the total panacea that is hoped for. My reasons for getting it is because I do not want to be a social pariah which is what I think it will come down to sadly.


                  Re: Spring Army Manoeuvres - March 21

                  Hey bridge


                    Re: Spring Army Manoeuvres - March 21

                    Originally posted by JackieClaire View Post
                    OMG I remember when you did your shower/bath thing. I was so in awe of the lot of you. I could have got a gold medal in lurking back then.
                    We used to have Friday shower night. It was funny as. The full exfoliation.

                    Originally posted by stirly-girly View Post
                    One of my absolute favourite times at MWO was Tigger's travels around the world. It kind of brought us together even more. I remember the day he arrived at my place from Jackie's. I actually teared up a bit that I got to host him. It was so cool that so many of us got to share our little corner of this universe through his travels.....
                    Wasn't that a great idea? I loved looking at the photos coming back.

                    Originally posted by starty View Post
                    Hey bridge

                    Sorry you had a barney with Mr JC there JC. I can't even imagine staying with the same person for all of those years. Do you have days where you can't stand the sight of them?

                    Hiya there Brit I feel so sorry for your girl there unable to get back. How are you holding up love?
                    If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                    Rejoined life 20/5/19


                      Re: Spring Army Manoeuvres - March 21

                      Morning all..wood pigeon on crack outside my winda


                        Re: Spring Army Manoeuvres - March 21

                        Originally posted by byebyebridgetjones View Post
                        I can't even imagine staying with the same person for all of those years. Do you have days where you can't stand the sight of them?
                        Yes - sometimes I want to tell him to f*ck off & run away. Then I think about it & can't be arsed :hahaha:
                        MrS can't stay silent too long. I do the silence & it's bliss for a few hours.
                        Last edited by satz123; March 5, 2021, 11:19 AM. Reason: Swearing


                          Re: Spring Army Manoeuvres - March 21

                          Originally posted by satz123 View Post
                          Yes - sometimes I want to tell him to f*ck off & run away. Then I think about it & can't be arsed :hahaha:
                          MrS can't stay silent too long. I do the silence & it's bliss for a few hours.
                          Ha ha, often feel that way. Hope yourself and Mr JC have made up, horrible when there is an atmosphere. My heart goes out to you Brit and your poor daughter who is away. It must feel as if you have lost part of yourself.

                          Same old,same old here. Did the dreaded grocery shop today, that was the highlight of the day.


                            Re: Spring Army Manoeuvres - March 21

                            Originally posted by satz123 View Post
                            Yes - sometimes I want to tell him to f*ck off & run away. Then I think about it & can't be arsed :hahaha:
                            MrS can't stay silent too long. I do the silence & it's bliss for a few hours.
                            God yeah!!

                            Joe's weapon of mass destruction was silence!
                            Evening all...what a lovely day ..and still bright at the longer evenings
                            Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                            contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                              Re: Spring Army Manoeuvres - March 21

                              Xpost Rusters...still avoiding shops me...imagine trying to find excuses to pop out to get the dreaded booze every day!!
                              Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                              contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                                Re: Spring Army Manoeuvres - March 21

                                Originally posted by brit View Post
                                Good morning been awake for hours and waiting for the hospital bed and equipment to be picked up. Today I am sorting out more funeral stuff out but dreading going through the clothes. I am ready for more company today so the girls (daughters ) are coming this morning. I am spending hours talking to my Norweigien daughter who is beside herself with grief and so hard for her as she is unable to get home. I have organised to livestream the funeral so she can "be there".
                                We had been married for 53 years.
                                MsA :hug:
                                I can only imagine what going thru the clothes will be like.
                                I'm sure though that many of his possessions will bring back happy memories or even let you smile.
                                Just go with the emotions and don't try to stifle them.
                                Either way there is no mad rush is there ? Take your time. :hug:

