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Spring Army Manoeuvres - March 21

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    Re: Spring Army Manoeuvres - March 21

    Originally posted by mollyka View Post
    Oh Benjy -- I couldn't work with old people - I really couldn't -- fair dues to you -- my mum was the sweetest loveliest being on the planet -- she was gentle and kind all her life -- but in old age -- she never turned on me for some reason - or my children - but crikey my sisters and their children had it rough sometimes... dunno what it is really but no - I wouldn't have it in me to do it
    Ah you could Molls - you'd love it - I know. You are a softie - you even love the poxy dog .......:haha:
    It's not them - it's their illness.
    Last night's tirade was tiredness of telling them over & over the same thing. But really all they want is someone to listen to them and get their stories.
    Impossible to do 'cos we are so busy and their families are only back after 12 months. It's cruel.

    I'm off to buy a gun for when I hear my my 2 whispering about Nursing Homes


      Re: Spring Army Manoeuvres - March 21

      Originally posted by mollyka View Post
      Haha...well at least that was temporary (the hip)..I think as well it's lack of filter with old people...the true thoughts and behaviour comes mum had a big problem for years with some of her older grandchildren ...they were greedy and grabbing..even with her..but she couldn't stand my sister's being taken advantage when she got old she let rip!
      Not sure how that would apply to your FIL tho Mary!

      Morning all.. lots of ideas to try with the dog today thanks to some great advice..thank know who you are! Finding it hard going at times ..there's only so much Joe can yeah...New day..New ideas!!

      I read an article where it said the young ones are terrified of being forgotten about and passed over for promotion at home so realising now why even in my job some of these 'bright young things' who think they've re-invented the wheel are volunteering to 'help out' in HQ
      Joe could sit on the chair and do some training with Max Get a mat or towel, and each time Max goes near it reward him by chucking a treat (tiny one) to him. He will get the idea that mat means treats. Then get him to lie on it (treat) then head on floor (treat) Once he has leaned the mat is base and lying on it gets rewards you are half way to getting him to settle there. It does take a while and its ongoing practise but it will keep Joe busy without tiring him and also build their relationship. Remember to release him from the "game" after a couple of mins training as well so he doesnt get bored. I taught my boys to put their nose on a coin to get a treat. So funny as when we are playing sometimes they put their nose on the floor in the hope of getting something


        Re: Spring Army Manoeuvres - March 21

        Here is a good vid to illustrate it Calm Any Dog! - YouTube


          Re: Spring Army Manoeuvres - March 21

          Good morning everyone. Delighted so many of you getting the jab and no reactions. Ordered that book Starty, thanks for all the advice. Don’t know if we can get that cheese paste here, will have a look later. I usually cube leftover Sunday roast and keep in fridge for a treat for himself when out walking. Mean the dog Molly, not the hubby. Lol. Note, that this is not my dog, never wanted a big one again but somehow I got landed with him. Can’t leave him to his own devices and he needs exercise so I concentrated on lead and recall but he needs more so off I go again.

          Not as nice here today but got a walk in. Off now on the dreaded grocery run.


            Re: Spring Army Manoeuvres - March 21

            Morning (just) and waves to the world.
            Just wondering if I can pull I'm just going to lie on the bed and read for a bit when I know fine well I'll fall asleep before I've finished a paragraph.

            [MENTION=22456]starty[/MENTION] should write a how-to book. Can't remember which dog it was but we bought the Cesar Milan one.............after about four pages it went in the bin. I was not going to put a shock collar on my pupper or use a choke chain. I wanted my pupper to love me not fear me.

            Chopped up tinned hot-dog sausages worked a treat with Bess.
            It could be worse, I could be filing.
            AF since 7/7/2009


              Re: Spring Army Manoeuvres - March 21

              Originally posted by starty View Post
              Joe could sit on the chair and do some training with Max Get a mat or towel, and each time Max goes near it reward him by chucking a treat (tiny one) to him. He will get the idea that mat means treats. Then get him to lie on it (treat) then head on floor (treat) Once he has leaned the mat is base and lying on it gets rewards you are half way to getting him to settle there. It does take a while and its ongoing practise but it will keep Joe busy without tiring him and also build their relationship. Remember to release him from the "game" after a couple of mins training as well so he doesnt get bored. I taught my boys to put their nose on a coin to get a treat. So funny as when we are playing sometimes they put their nose on the floor in the hope of getting something
              Originally posted by starty View Post
              Here is a good vid to illustrate it Calm Any Dog! - YouTube
              Started trying the first one and that youtube clip is excellent -- haven't tried it yet - but after his walk will give it a go... joined some groups on FB as well and loads of little tips there to give a go... so simple -- but simple me didn't think of them -- I agree Jackie -- couldn't bear an animal to be afraid of me --- some of the things available are horrific... ignoring him for 30 seconds is the worst punishment we can give Max:welldone: His jumping up is a big issue to me -- I know I'm very tall - but my god at full stretch he's nearly up to my head and has knocked me almost off my feet many times -- now the last couple of days we've just been turning our back to him and ignoring when he jumps -- he HATES that -- and (fingers crossed) after 2 days - this morning he hardly jumped up once -- huge breakthrough.

              Like you Rusters - I would rather a smaller dog -- not one of those tiny fur bundle ones -- but a mid-size -- but we have what we have -- and yeah Benjy -- despite myself - I do love him -- but I really can't wait for Joe to take over the full day to day operation -- but we're getting there - - Joe is really improving -- mentally as well as physically

              Heard a whisper yesterday that the boyfriend of my micro-manager has been promoted and is coming to work in our branch after lockdown -- there isn't room for two at that grade in the branch - so praying that she is being moved -- I will happily work on till I'm 70 if that happens cos he's a dote --
              Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
              contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                Re: Spring Army Manoeuvres - March 21

                Originally posted by JackieClaire View Post
                Morning (just) and waves to the world.
                Just wondering if I can pull I'm just going to lie on the bed and read for a bit when I know fine well I'll fall asleep before I've finished a paragraph.

       should write a how-to book. Can't remember which dog it was but we bought the Cesar Milan one.............after about four pages it went in the bin. I was not going to put a shock collar on my pupper or use a choke chain. I wanted my pupper to love me not fear me.

                Chopped up tinned hot-dog sausages worked a treat with Bess.
                [MENTION=7008]JackieClaire[/MENTION] I agree - training by punishment is awful. I watched yer man Cesar on utube but it didn't sit well with me.

                Rosie is spoiled in some ways but she deffo knows when she's done something dangerous or bad. Knows the word 'bold'.
                Reminds me of my kids who knew the tone of voice without us ever having to do anything physical to control them.

                I hate hate hate making any animal do things just to amuse us humans - but she picks up on laughter or clapping & will do something she knows is funny.
                Recall is about the most important thing I think.

                After that she's rubbish at commands that don't make sense - like giving the paw or fetch:haha:


                  Re: Spring Army Manoeuvres - March 21

                  Ceasar is an evil bstard in my opinion.

                  Best thing I ever learned is ignore the behaviour you dont like and reward the stuff you do. So when he jumps up and you turn away he immediately gets four paws on the floor. Let him know that is a good place to be and he will soon learn that the good stuff comes with four on the floor.

                  Training a dog is brilliant when its going well and we have managed to communicate what we want which in my view is the hardest bit. When I watch trainers make it look so simple its because they are clear and simple in their instructions and a joy to watch. I video'd myself training once. Not a joy to behold at all :haha:


                    Re: Spring Army Manoeuvres - March 21

                    Originally posted by mollyka View Post
                    ignoring him for 30 seconds is the worst punishment we can give Max:welldone: His jumping up is a big issue to me -- I know I'm very tall - but my god at full stretch he's nearly up to my head and has knocked me almost off my feet many times -- now the last couple of days we've just been turning our back to him and ignoring when he jumps -- he HATES that -- and (fingers crossed) after 2 days - this morning he hardly jumped up once -- huge breakthrough.
                    See you instinctively know your doggy.
                    The one piece of advice I found was that dogs are pack animals and ned to know the leader. They then find their place in the pack & respond to our actions or tone of voice.
                    At least Joe is working with you not like MrS.
                    Some of the things I had her doing as a pup he undid. Nothing huge. Not feeding her from the table & she going into her bed when we were eating dinner. He totally undid it when I'd be in work.
                    Ah well !
                    Last edited by satz123; March 25, 2021, 04:48 PM.


                      Re: Spring Army Manoeuvres - March 21

                      Evening folks...just saying goodnight...madly busy day tomorrow so need sleep!!! Talk tomorrow xxxx
                      Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                      contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                        Re: Spring Army Manoeuvres - March 21

                        I'm just popping in to say nighty night and good luck tomorrow, Molls.
                        Are your shoe polished and your packed lunch made?
                        It could be worse, I could be filing.
                        AF since 7/7/2009


                          Re: Spring Army Manoeuvres - March 21

                          Originally posted by mollyka View Post
                          -- and yeah Benjy -- despite myself - I do love him --
                          I KNEW it.....You gave yourself away with daily walks and the purchase of Rich Tea biscuits, Molly. Up until that it was pretty convincing (not)....
                          If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                          Rejoined life 20/5/19


                            Re: Spring Army Manoeuvres - March 21

                            Originally posted by byebyebridgetjones View Post
                            In my experience in aged care, Satz, selfish people turn into selfish partners, selfish parents and selfish old people. At least they are consistent.
                            Well said Bridge.

                            Mr M bought a bottle of prosecco this evening. Looked at it, realised that that it was alcohol free and said, Interesting, I wonder what thats like, and proceeded to sip it like any other wine.
                            If that had been me, I would have been RAGING! back into the car or moved onto to the next bottle (hopefully, I had a few spare, if not, I was going to be in a serious pickle).
                            AF - July 19th 2015 :happy2:


                              Re: Spring Army Manoeuvres - March 21

                              Originally posted by IamMary View Post
                              Well said Bridge.

                              Mr M bought a bottle of prosecco this evening. Looked at it, realised that that it was alcohol free and said, Interesting, I wonder what thats like, and proceeded to sip it like any other wine.
                              If that had been me, I would have been RAGING! back into the car or moved onto to the next bottle (hopefully, I had a few spare, if not, I was going to be in a serious pickle).
                              I used to laugh uncontrollably if someone put a bottle of alcohol free wine on the table. What's the point? I don't like the taste of it. The function of this stuff is to get me off my pea brain. Wine tasting and spitting it out? Equally hilarious.

                              Well, there's another week gone with nobody letting us know what is happening at work. All of the managers above us (I use that term lightly) have gone on leave or to other jobs, leaving us with the bimbo who can't even author her own emails without help. There is a part time admin who nobody can even locate, myself and one other colleague to do the jobs of seven people. Today we discovered by looking into the online payroll system, and noting some sign off changes, that we are reporting to someone completely disconnected from our work. As I read back, I realise that it must sound as if I am making this up. I have been working for 40 years and have never experienced such incompetence in my life. If it was a nursing role, people would be dead.

                              Anyway, that's my little shitfit for the night.

                              The weekend dawns, full of promise!
                              If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                              Rejoined life 20/5/19


                                Re: Spring Army Manoeuvres - March 21

                                Just a quick pop in to say good morning. Sleep was better last night and I am breaking my day into chunks. Off for a big walk again with another friend this afternoon.

