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Spring Army Manoeuvres - March 21

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    Re: Spring Army Manoeuvres - March 21

    There are no words that'll make any difference to how you feel..just know there are lots of folks here who care for you...sending lots of love xxx
    Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
    contentedly NF since 8/04/14


      Re: Spring Army Manoeuvres - March 21

      :heartbeat::hug:Brit, I echo what the others said. It is very early days so be gentle with yourself. Beautiful spring day here, shame to be inside but it was a work day. At least the evenings are longer. Hard to believe that next weekend is Easter. The police have started the check points already, determined not to let the masses go to their holiday homes. We won’t be getting out of level 5 any time soon.


        Re: Spring Army Manoeuvres - March 21

        It was a lovely day alright --- good to get out in the garden - even if Max won't allow me to garden.... he likes his own form of gardening which involved holes.... and yeah the lovely long evenings -- feels strange sitting here in broad daylight nearly till bedtime!

        Didn't realise the trap I was falling into with this poxy work phone -- heaps of shit to catch up on... buggering thing even had to come on my walk to Ardgillen today...
        just finished knitting a big long scarf ( for next winter) using up the ends of loads of different balls of wool -- I did it in stocking stitch but now it just rolls up on itself -- looks rubbish -- anyone know how to get it to flatten out -- I'll try ironing it damp but not hopeful
        Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
        contentedly NF since 8/04/14


          Re: Spring Army Manoeuvres - March 21

          Could block it. That’s what they do with some of the crochet blankets. I don’t have a board so I use thick bath towels and pin the item down and then spray with water and leave to dry. Google it,might be worth a try.


            Re: Spring Army Manoeuvres - March 21

            Originally posted by rustop59 View Post
            Could block it. That’s what they do with some of the crochet blankets. I don’t have a board so I use thick bath towels and pin the item down and then spray with water and leave to dry. Google it,might be worth a try.
            Just googled that ...yup could work..thanks ..I'll let you know!!
            Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
            contentedly NF since 8/04/14


              Re: Spring Army Manoeuvres - March 21

              How are you tonight MrsA? I know when I thought I was going to lose Joe and I couldn't see him...a couple of nights I just cried and cried for hours...ironically the following days after those sort of breakdown nights I felt a lot better...what I'm trying to say in my cack handed way..don't be afraid to cry...that's just me tho..not sure if it's a good thing or not...thinking of you pet xxxx
              Last edited by mollyka; March 29, 2021, 03:15 PM.
              Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
              contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                Re: Spring Army Manoeuvres - March 21

                Originally posted by brit View Post
                Good morning. It was 4 weeks ago yesterday that my lovely husband died and I feel as grief stricken as the day he died. I am getting out for walks and even tried a run this morning. I have great family and supportive friends, who keep telling me I am strong and can get through this. BUT I CAN'T. Going out for a walk now.
                Oh MsA :hug::hug:- is it 4 weeks?
                Techie's post is lovely and maybe some comfort to you - I love that : 'the veil is thin and he is always there with you'. Start your running again and keep that in mind.
                Put on ear phones and talk to him if you like .... (people will think you're on the phone

                Boris is opening up the UK again - even a small thing will make things less bleak. You can enter your races again ?
                Last edited by satz123; March 29, 2021, 05:11 PM.


                  Re: Spring Army Manoeuvres - March 21

                  Might be a while before races are allowed (unless your an elite like our [MENTION=11089]techie[/MENTION] :happy2, but the roads are wide open.. do you run with a buddy [MENTION=22839]brit[/MENTION]?
                  One day at a time, seems like that should apply to so much :hug:

                  Rustop, do you really think we will be stuck in this lockdown for much longer? I was getting a bit hopeful about April.

                  FIL had an operation on his knee, so lots going on.

                  My sister cut my hair, the relief!
                  AF - July 19th 2015 :happy2:


                    Re: Spring Army Manoeuvres - March 21

                    Morning Army! I guess we've a few more weeks to do but I feel we'll be roaming freely soon enough...moxy load of vaccines for this month..once the over 50's are done we'll be away!!!! Can't wait to see Kerry again!!

                    No news this end..grass cutting for the day ..can't wait ;-)
                    Last edited by mollyka; March 30, 2021, 03:06 AM.
                    Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                    contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                      Re: Spring Army Manoeuvres - March 21

                      Morning and waves to the world.
                      Just a little light reading if you can be bothered.
                      COVID-19 Response - Spring 221 (Summary) - GOV.UK

                      Jenny and Ads are coming up on Easter Sunday. They are allowed in the house only to use the bathroom and they have to wipe down anything they touch with an antibacterial wipe when they're finished.
                      Its going to be interesting it'll be the first time Buddy their Beagle will meet Mikey.
                      It could be worse, I could be filing.
                      AF since 7/7/2009


                        Re: Spring Army Manoeuvres - March 21

                        Hello Army. As we approach Easter Sunday, I thought you would enjoy this beautiful rendition...

                        An Easter Hallelujah - Cassandra Star & her sister Callahan - YouTube
                        Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


                          Re: Spring Army Manoeuvres - March 21

                          Evening everyone. That is beautiful Techie, thank you so much. Glad you are able to have family around JC, am sure the doggies will become great friends. Hard to believe that it is Easter. Just finished work and I am taking the Tuesday after the bank holiday off so will not have to go in again for nearly two weeks. While it is great to be getting out of the house for a few days it is not the same with so many working from home. Glad to be having a break.


                            Re: Spring Army Manoeuvres - March 21

                            Well now
                            Me Hole Martin - our esteemed leader has extended our fecking lockdown another week instead of loosening restrictions.

                            The economy in this country cannot survive if they keep this up.
                            We're the only country in Europe where Construction is still closed.
                            Some small / medium businesses will never open again.
                            Ireland famous for it's old , small - full of craic pubs will be replaced by big bawdy pubs that can afford to re-open after 12 months.
                            Same with our lovely restaurants they just can't afford the overheads any more.
                            And retail - the small shops suffer again - can't even do 'click & collect' at the door.

                            The big lads like Dunnes Stores , Marks & Spencer & Tesco are raking it in.
                            It's wrong on all levels.


                              Re: Spring Army Manoeuvres - March 21

                              Hi Mrs A.

                              Love and hugs from over here. When i lost my partner 20 years ago, not much helped with the pain. Devastating. I couldn't run away from it, i had no choice but to be in it no matter what numbing agent i employed. But as a musician, i wrote songs about her. The act of writing on the page helped me at least to release something from inside to outside. Like journaling or writing poetry, stories, my thoughts. Talking - to her or friends. Thinking of you.

                              'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                              Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                                Re: Spring Army Manoeuvres - March 21

                                Yo Satz.

                                Our govt. provided some financial assistance to businesses and employees during our lengthy lockdown periods. Jobkeeper, and Jobseeker they called it. Not perfect and a few missed out, but it has been of some benefit to many. Does Eire have anything like this? I think England had something similar? But you are right in that many small businesses here didn't survive either. It's bloody hard.

                                Thanks Techie for that beautiful rendition of the now classic Len Cohen song.

                                Take it easy

                                'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                                Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-

