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September Army 2021

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    Re: September Army 2021

    Hello Army friends. So interesting you mentioned gutters, JC. I just had gutter guards installed. My house is surrounded by oak (the messiest) trees. They drop leaves year round. I was having to clean gutters several times a year. Hopefully this is an answer. In other news, I was distressed to read about the emergence of “The Mu” variant. Is there no end to this scourge. I have three overseas trips backed up with airlines payed and other associated costs.

    I must mention that my wife and so I drove to a neighboring town for dinner last evening but we were refused entry because we didn’t have our vaccination cards with us. I feel this is overreach. We were both masked. Human stupidity is rapidly mutating into many other strains of stupid which are far stupider and can inflict even more stupid damage on the stupid world. Have a wonderful weekend folks.
    Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


      Re: September Army 2021

      At the moment I've got two men on the roof cleaning the gutters. I'd forgotten they were coming and didn't half get a fright.
      I detest anyone in or around my house.
      Maybe the gutters - it's a few hours - but having to be nice to builders for anymore than that freaks me out.

      Her next door must be building the inside of the Taj Mahal ..... they are there every day for 4 weeks. Disturbing all manner of rodent & spider nests..
      Big fat rat in the shed & MrS swears he saw a mouse in the house the other night. :egad:

      I wouldn't mind but her house bears no resemblance to those around her any more - it's a palace. But still she finds SOMETHING to rip out & replace.
      It's an illness my sister says :haha:


        Re: September Army 2021

        Originally posted by techie View Post
        Human stupidity is rapidly mutating into many other strains of stupid which are far stupider and can inflict even more stupid damage on the stupid world. Have a wonderful weekend folks.
        Oh dear :hug:
        Now Techie would you be happy to be within breathing distance of someone who wasn't vaccinated?
        I wouldn't.
        Anyhoo sorry for the disappointment but - bright side - nice to know the restaurant is adhering to safety guidelines.
        Where did you eat ????

        A big % of the unvaccinated apparently are Healthcare Workers.
        Now they are being 're deployed' ( moved downstairs) in the Nursing Home if they are not vaccinated.
        I would be asking questions if my mother was being treated by an unvaccinated nurse or doctor.
        Last edited by satz123; September 3, 2021, 04:04 PM.


          Re: September Army 2021

          Id believe that Satz, my buddy needs 24 hour care and always had a problem getting carers, but its almost impossible now as most are not vaccinated and she can't take the risk.

          Ahead of your blind man, mine came today [MENTION=7008]JackieClaire[/MENTION].. it marked the start of the Taj Mahal refurb

          Your trip sounds gorgeous [MENTION=15758]rustop59[/MENTION]. Weather is still holding up too..

          Went out for dinner tonight with a few friends in work, malahide. It was hopping! Leaving cert results night.
          Restaurant and bar after scanned all our covid apps. It's just the norm now, well until Oct 22nd.
          3 drank, 3 didn't.. I used to dread these nights, struggling to fit in without booze... now I just struggle to stay awake!!
          Last edited by IamMary; September 3, 2021, 07:01 PM.
          AF - July 19th 2015 :happy2:


            Re: September Army 2021

            Morning folks, just realized reading your posts I haven’t spent a night away or even sat in a restaurant since all this started back in 3/20 wonder what that says about me. Up early as my inner alarm goes off around 5.30 as usual, noticing the mornings are dark now and the days getting shorter but that’s ok, it’s still the best part of the day for me, I really enjoy the solitude and lack of outside noise and distractions. Just pondering on my sobriety and how it is so different this time from the 13 months sober stint I did a few years back. My change of mindset about AL and despite all the big talk I don’t think I ever really let go or thought I was never going to drink again. I am not talking dry drunk here for I was happy sober it’s just that I had left a crack in the door. It’s firmly shut now with big bolts and a deadlock and the mirror on the wall is no longer a place I detest looking into and seeing my blurry red eyed, puffed up, stupid head looking back.
            Happy sober Saturday folks, life for all its ups and downs is still such a better, real place without the fog.
            Last edited by Tabbers (a.k.a. KTAB); September 4, 2021, 01:09 AM. Reason: Can’t spell
            Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


              Re: September Army 2021

              I love the way the light changes through September


                Re: September Army 2021

                Morning and waves to the world,
                Shock of the day...........Mr. JC's gone to Slimming World this morning :egad: He's piled the weight on during the pandemic. I lost so much weight three years ago when I had c-diff and kidney problems I went down to a size 8, scrawny, and looked ancient. So I'm back to happy size 12 but I am pushing to a 14 so a few weeks for me eating the same as him won't do me any harm.
                [MENTION=22411]IamMary[/MENTION] deepest sympathies. We've got IKEA boxes in the garage full of 'stuff' to put back. TBH I think I'll leave them there and if we haven't emptied them by the new year just chuck them in the tip up the road.

                [MENTION=23230]bushido[/MENTION]..........tell us a bit about yourself.
                It could be worse, I could be filing.
                AF since 7/7/2009


                  Re: September Army 2021

                  [MENTION=23230]bushido[/MENTION]..........tell us a bit about yourself.[/QUOTE]

                  Afternoon everyone. Yes do tell us a bit about yourself Bushido, we are a friendly bunch.

                  Back from hols so washing machine will be doing overtime next few hours. Yea, delighted the work has started Mary, keep repeating, it will be worth it, it will be worth it to yourself.

                  Well done Mr JC, very proactive joining slimming world. Know of another man who joined it and lost a lot of weight. I tried it once but telling me I could have as many roast potatoes I wanted was like letting a kid loose in a sweet shop. I gained weight!

                  Need to do some good shopping, hope everyone having a nice weekend.


                    Re: September Army 2021

                    [MENTION=15758]rustop59[/MENTION]....................its his second time around. The women (as its mostly women) hated.........well not hated him more put out because he always got slimmer of the week. Another side effect of covid is eating too much. Once he put his mind to something he does it to the letter. Tbh I could use to lose a few pounds as well'

                    Our washing machine has decided to dance around when its on spin and make the most peculiar noises. So got to find a washing machine mender. I've got someone who can to do the annual heating check and a bloke to fit new blinds this month. I may as well get them keys made and they can let themselves in. You can guarantee when they say between 8am and 1pm.............its going to be 12.55 am.

                    Nighty night all.
                    It could be worse, I could be filing.
                    AF since 7/7/2009


                      Re: September Army 2021

                      My washing machine is possibly 98 years old (in washing machine years) and will not die.
                      It sounds like it's about to launch itself into space with every spin, but the clothes are still there when the door opens.. I'd love one of those new ones with a 15 min cycle.

                      Eyes closing.. I have a 36k run tomorrow.. Great post Tabbers.
                      Last edited by IamMary; September 4, 2021, 05:52 PM.
                      AF - July 19th 2015 :happy2:


                        Re: September Army 2021

                        Originally posted by IamMary View Post
                        My washing machine is possibly 98 years old (in washing machine years) and will not die.
                        It sounds like it's about to launch itself into space with every spin, but the clothes are still there when the door opens.. I'd love one of those new ones with a 15 min cycle.

                        Eyes closing.. I have a 36k run tomorrow.. Great post Tabbers.

                        Best of luck on that run Mary. I rarely run that far unless it’s training for a tri or marathon. I struggled doing 15k yesterday but we have shite air quality and I wore aNike sport face mask in the heat. Yuck. Just awful ��
                        Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


                          Re: September Army 2021

                          Good morning everyone.Good luck with that run Mary it sounds tough hopefully good weather for you.
                          I am off to North Wales with my running club to support them doing a half marathon. Trying to keep myself busy as it would have been our wedding anniversary


                            Re: September Army 2021

                            I was working away in a field in Cornwall over summer using a Laundrette in the local town. I got home last week at the end of season to be reunited with my washing machine and have bags of clothes to do.
                            I joined this site a few years ago but never used it and slipped back into daily habitual drinking. Having been away all summer on a campsite with no need to drive and a work culture of drinking it has been off the scale. I am now back home and trying to stay sober, at least for a while to detox and get some perspective.


                              Re: September Army 2021

                              Morning and waves to the universe,
                              [MENTION=22839]brit[/MENTION]..........are you dressing as cheerleader.................:rara:
                              Another hard day for you, sweetheart, but the Army will surround you with love.

                              [MENTION=23230]bushido[/MENTION]..............nice to hear from you.

                              Sorry to be so short I've got a gut feeling something's up with Jenny and Ads. Can't put my finger on it so I'm hoping Mr. JC can get something out of her.
                              It could be worse, I could be filing.
                              AF since 7/7/2009


                                Re: September Army 2021

                                Good morning everyone.

                                Have one of these Brit :hug: The first year is the hardest but as JC said you are surrounded by all of us and you are doing brilliantly. Really hope all is ok with Jenny, this pandemic is hard on couples. Few broken romances in this family but maybe for the best, have to look at it like that, no point having regrets.

                                Good luck with the run Mary. Bit foggy here today but going to take the dogs out in a bit. Better charge my headlamp for the morning, back to walking in the dark.

