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Neural Feedback, This can change your life!

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    Neural Feedback, This can change your life!

    Hi all:
    I work at a holistic health clinic, world renowned. As part of my position I do biofeedback training with the guests. This has led me to various biofeedback conferences, at which I have learned about neural feedback. This is a form of biofeedback where one's brainwaves are trained to move the patterns to the normal range of functioning in specific brain regions depending on the need which is seen.
    I have personally been having neural feedback training for my alcohol overuse and it seems to have made a dramatic shift in my cravings and hence use.
    This seems nothing short of miraculous to me and I wanted to share it with the community.
    It is covered by my health insurance and this change has come about in 6 one hour sessions, although I am going for 10 total. I've been asured that these changes hold over time as well.
    There is controled research which supports the use of this technology for addiction. It also used with kids for Adhd AND WITH ALL AGES FOR DEPRESSION, ANXIETY AND OTHER CONDITIONS.
    I hope this is helpful. Feel free to contact me if you'd like to discuss this further.

    Neural Feedback, This can change your life!

    Very interesting. I have heard a lot about this. It makes sense. I wish I knew more. Please keep us updated.
    Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

    Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


      Neural Feedback, This can change your life!

      Thanks H. Very good info!


        Neural Feedback, This can change your life!


        Han, I remember you talking about this in chat the other night. It sounds so interesting, and so I want to bump this up for anyone who has not had a chance to read it.

        This may be an alternative to those who can not afford places like Lenair. Especially if this is a treatment that medical insurance will cover.

        Thanks for sharing the info!

        Love, Me
        Alcohol is simply the device between success and failure.


          Neural Feedback, This can change your life!

          Hi Han, This is very interesting. I would love to learn more about this. Are there any good websites we can check out? I know that biofeedback for pain management is covered by many medical insurance policies. It would be wonderful if this is as well!

          Please tell us how to find out more information. Or, feel free to pm me.

          A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

          AF 12/6/2007


            Neural Feedback, This can change your life!

            I was a subject in a biofeedback project performed by college students (translate free). I was having tension headaches and it got rid of them.
            Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


              Neural Feedback, This can change your life!

              **bump** Hanuman...Greeneyes.....any links?
              nosce te ipsum
              (Know Thyself)


                Neural Feedback, This can change your life!

                Det, that was 25 to 30 years ago! I had it at USC (South Carolina). I think it was a Department of Psychology Program. I was part of research and then they probably began using it as a treatment clinic.
                Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                  Neural Feedback, This can change your life!

                  This is fascinating, any more news or links? Listen to me hah, I don't even know how to download a photo never mind download links so I just wait for someone else to do it..

                  Rather die standing, than live on my knees, begging Please..... No More.......


                    Neural Feedback, This can change your life!


                    Hi All -

                    I used to work with a recovering Heroine addict who swore that neural feedback is what has saved him from relapsing. Growing up, he also believes he suffered from ADHD. In his exeperience the neural feedback has been a life saver.

                    This is all second hand news but he did give me the following website. When I looked into it, it was not covered by insurance (at least not mine). It is expensive, but if it could take away the cravings and constant battle in my head, it may be worth looking into.

                    Also, I do believe that if you have medical spending account at your work, that this would qualify as a reimbursable expense. You could then finance the cost interest free for a year. That is my current plan.

                    Julie J.

                    Brain State Technologies


                      Neural Feedback, This can change your life!

                      Is this similar to the Baud Bio Acoustical Utilization Device

                      I read about this device as a hand held unit used mostly with children with ADD and ADHD that a person can use to help them alter their responses via their brain.
                      Has anyone heard of it or tried it as it is cheaper than the sessions and once you have it you can use it forever for a wide variety of issues?


                        Neural Feedback, This can change your life!

                        Here's what I said about these products on another similar thread:

                        This stuff is pretty intriguing. I've reviewed quite a lot of what has been written so far in the professional (neuroscience and psychology) scientific journals about all this. So far, there are no studies in the literature indicating any long-term beneficial effects at all, whether for alcohol-related problems, or other variables, in using these devices. At this point, very little is actually understood about how (or even whether) attempts at directly manipulating the wavelengths of electrical activity in the brain can be therapeutic. It bears watching. Cautious optimism is probably a good view to take of it all, and especially the "caution" part, as it applies to stuff that is being sold on the internet with rather overblown promises...

                        Just a cautionary note.



                          Neural Feedback, This can change your life!

                          Hi, I have actually gone ahead and recently tried this. When I started the treatment I hadn't had a drink in just over a week. I went through 10 sessions which is the average course according to the person who treated me. Although I felt better in some ways after the treatment I didn't feel as though it had achieved what i had set out for. I took two weeks away and I am starting another 10 sessions this week. She indicated that for severe addictions it can take up to 35 sessions.

                          It is not cheap but if it works it will be well worth it.

                          i have noticed some changes in how I deal with stress and issues that I relate back to the treatement. It has been four weeks since yesterday since I have had a drink

                          If you like I can give another update after the next ten sessions.



                            Neural Feedback, This can change your life!

                            never herd of it but i alo will look into it moe remember canada i s 20 years behind in som feilds specially where i am the north hahha ty gyco

