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Acupuncturist - how do you pick a good one?

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    Acupuncturist - how do you pick a good one?


    I have back pain, neck pain, high stress, addiction and general anxiety. How do I find the right acupuncturist (ie highly skilled, and not a quack)? My insurance covers it, but... Any tips to make sure I get what I need without getting noted as "addiction" on medical records? I do really have bad back/neck problems from a car wreck years ago, but I'm not sure that will help with drinking. Thanks for the input!

    Acupuncturist - how do you pick a good one?

    The accupuncture used for addiction is actually focused around the ears. Some hospitals have even started employing accupuncturists in their detox wards. At least that was the case in my last job (hospital pharmacist). You might be able to find out if a local hospital employs or recommends someone. As far as avoiding the label of addict, it can be tough. In some cases insurance requires a prescription to cover accupuncture. At least make sure the prescription doesn't specify for addiction, and then maybe ask the accupurist if they could treat you for addiction without recording that or billing with that kind of note. is tricky. But the accupuncturists who treat addictions commonly may be more understanding and treat you for the addiction but leave the record saying for back pain.


      Acupuncturist - how do you pick a good one?

      I get acupuncture but I have to pay out of pocket. My acupunturist gave me a form she fills out for patients to get reimbursed from the insurance co. she did include alcohol abuse as one of the codes but not as the main diagnosis. I chose not to submit it because I don't want it in my records. My job offers a flexible spending account so I'll get reimbursed tax free rather then having that code in my insurance file. I think word of mouth is the best way to find any type of provider. I also did a search and read reviews in the local paper. I don't know where you live but here in the northeast U.S most towns have a free weekly paper and once a year they have the best of all the local businesses. Good luck
      :lilheart: "Love is large, love defies limits. People talk about the sanctity of is by definition sacred. Not some love between some people but all love between all people"
      ~Jennifer Beals~:huggy


        Acupuncturist - how do you pick a good one?

        Don't know they're all pricks....Sorry Ha!
        ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
        those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
        Dr. Seuss


          Acupuncturist - how do you pick a good one?

          I found that the ones that were trained in CHINA were the best for me!!!Accupressure works for many things and it's free just for looking up where and how on the net...
          sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!

