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    Hi everyone,

    Just read a few other threads on here and just wanted to know if anybody here has hyperparathyroidism. I am going to an endocrinologist tomorrow to be checked out for this. GP already says that my blood results say I have this problem.

    It's strange when I read about all the symptoms and I have majority of them I thought that they were all due to drinking too much.

    I go through stages of being very fatigued, having muscle weakness, short term memory loose, night blindess problems, low libido, unhappy feelings.

    I suppose the alcohol does not help this problems at all. I have been AF for 2 days now and I am going to stick with it.

    Any help on this problem. :anyone:


    Hi -- I am hypothyroid I am not familiar with the condition that you have described. I take Armour (90mg) for my condition. My father also has it.



      I'm hyperthyroid, never heard of hyper-para-thyroid! But I see you're UK, maybe they're the same thing... I lost a lot of weight and got dizzy real easy before I was diagnosed three years ago. Once they figured out what it was and I got on the meds (PTU & Propranolol) I felt better within a week or two. I know I felt a lot worse everytime I drank, that obviously doesn't help. And the drugs can make you more affected by AL - I've always had a problem, but on the thyroid drugs, I got drunker much faster, so be careful of that. IF you have what I have! Which maybe you don't... just do as much research as you can, and good luck! I feel pretty normal now in that department anyway.



        Hi Millie. I was recently diagnosed with this. Tiny, I too am Hypothyroid. The Parathyroid glands are not the same as the Thyroid gland. The Parathyroid glands produce a hormone that regulates blood calcium. If I understand this correctly, when hyperparathyroidism is when one or more of the 4 parathyroid glands bascially gets "stuck" in the "on" position producing a constant stream of hormone that says "we need more calcium in the blood!" even when you DON'T need more calcium in the blood. The main source of calcium for the blood is the bones. So...constant leaching of too much calcium from the bones is one of the main problems - that of course can lead to osteoporosis for one thing.

        Then there is the problem of where the excess calcium in the blood ends up. Kidney stones are one possibility.

        My understanding is that the primary cause is a parathyroid adenoma (tumor). These are almost always benign. They are usually not diagnosed as a result of the symptoms. Usually (as was the case for me) high blood calcium shows up on a general blood test where usually something else is being checked. In my case, I wanted to know what my blood glucose was doing, and we started with a very basic blood test which also tested for calcium and a few other things. Good news, glucose was fine. Bad news, calcium was high.

        My understanding is that usually doctors want to wait several weeks and then re-test just to make sure it was not a lab error or just "whacky day" or something. (that's what my doc did). After the 2nd test was high, I was sent for an ultrasound which revealed the tumor (one is all that showed on the ultrasound). (ultrasound is not the most modern way of finding these, but my doc does NOT want to introduce any radiation unless absolutely necessary)

        I guess some doctors recommend just "waiting" until the symptoms get worse and checking bone density, etc. That makes zero sense to me. Another option is surgery. My understanding about that is the CRITICAL importance of finding a surgeon who removes these regularly. Much of the surgical risk comes with using a general surgeon who is not experienced with this. I've read horror stories. There is LOTS of very important stuff near the parathyroid glands....the thyroid gland, the cartoid artery, you know...stuff like that. Since these glands and tumors are VERY small, experience matters.

        Mine was described during the ultrasound as being the size of a grape which is "huge" for these. Most are the size of a pea according to the doctor who talked to me. (who is not the surgeon)

        I have my surgical consultation next Monday. I will be happy to report what happens Millie in case that benefits or is of interest to you.

        This web site was VERY informative. All of the stuff I have experienced and/or been told by doctors so far is consistent with this web site. Discusses Parathyroid Disease and Parathyroid Treatment. Parathyroid Surgery, Parathyroid Operations and Parathyroid Tumors.

        I went to University of Chicago for the ultrasound and am seeing a surgeon there based on the fact that they have extensive experience treating these.

        Hope that helps. Probably TMI. The word "tumor" had me freaked and still does in a way - even though it is most likely benign I am VERY concerned that my body is manufacturing abnormal cells. That fact has taken me in some new directions with "alternative" research but my next steps in that direction will happen after surgery. i.e. Far Infrared Saunas and such.


        Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
        Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

        One day at a time.



          WOW thanks Doggygirl. Please do let me know how you go with your appointment.

          I went to the Endocrinologist on Tuesday and she also wanted all the blood test repeated and a few more added to the list. I went this morning and had these done. All up 7 test tubes of blood. (I'm drained).

          Results will be sent out to the doctor next Tuesday and she will ring me to tell me what tests we do next and my next follow up PP.

          I also have 3 small tumors. One of them was larger 10 years ago and they did a biopsy on it and drained it. Now the 3 small ones are not of a concern to the specialist. I have read that site you are talking about and it is very informative.

          Anyway good luck.

