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Has anyone tried Dr. Bob Becker's brain tuner?

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    Has anyone tried Dr. Bob Becker's brain tuner?


    Has anyone tried Dr. Bob Becker's brain tuner?

    One more link![/video]]Suppressed Medical Discovery Dr Robert Beck cure for cancer and aids - YouTube


      Has anyone tried Dr. Bob Becker's brain tuner?

      Read this!

      There is hope for humanity!


        Has anyone tried Dr. Bob Becker's brain tuner?

        quote from page 70 and up from the link above

        Apparently 111 Hz stimulation to the brain is very important in the withdrawal process:
        There are many 111 Hz clips on YouTube. May be it is not the same stimulant as with electrodes, but maybe helps.

        The quote is below.


        "The Addiction Withdrawal Process
        So, Dr. Wen did what any good scientist would do, he began doing rat studies. Mega rats. I?ll digress
        for a moment here and say that heroin or opiates as a class?opium, morphine, heroin and the number of
        the synthetics that are manufactured in the ethical pharmaceutical houses?simply overload the body?s
        production of normal endorphins. Betaendorphins was discovered around 1975 as a painkiller that the
        body manufactures. It is about 100 times as effective as morphine as a painkiller. When you don?t have
        it you get the aches and pains, the withdrawal, the stomach cramps, the nausea, the insomnia, all of these
        horrible things that attend withdrawal. When you give your body massive doses, or even small doses in the
        beginning, of any of the opiates the part of the brain that says, ?build neural transmitters,? simply says, ?shut
        down we have too much.? So, when you get off of the substance, when you try to kick it cold turkey, the
        body is in agony because those little factories in the brain simply don?t produce the endorphins. The word
        endorphin comes from en: endogenous and orphin: after morphine. It simply means endogenous or built-in
        morphine. About five or six years ago there were some 40 known neuro-transmitters, seratonin being one
        Revised October 2011 6
        of the most famous. At this time there are over 2,000 that have been identified and they?re still counting.
        So, the brain is an exceedingly complex little factory. Remember the days in school when they said,
        ?Well you?re worth about five dollars, you?ve got two pounds of salt, some potassium, some carbon, some
        hydrogen.? Try to buy a gram of interferon for under 8 to 10,000 dollars. The body is far more complex than
        this set of chemicals that we held so dear in grade school.
        What Dr. Wen did was to hook rats on heroin, have two groups: one control and one active. He
        would cut off the heads of the rats and run chromatography (electrophoresis chromatography) to find out
        what some of these trace proteins were in the control and the sample. The control group, the rats that had
        been hooked on heroin and suddenly cut off were pretty miserable rats. They showed that it took maybe
        a week to three weeks before the neuro-transmitters would again reappear?the exact range of time that
        the withdrawal symptoms occupy somebody coming off the narcotic. The rats taken off heroin cold turkey
        and then with two little clips ? were given electro-stimulation around 111 hertz ? showed that within 40
        minutes of the time that the voltage was applied, the brain?s ability to produce it?s own neuro-transmitters
        had been rehabilitated and that within three to five days it had reached normal. [Editor?s note: Please note
        we do not support research on animals unless the animals are already suffering and they can be helped with
        the application of a therapy.]
        The Politics of Health and Addictive Substances
        Now the implications of this were rather stunning. How many people do we have in this country
        who are on valium?uppers, downers, legal narcotics that are highly addictive. You probably remember
        that during the American Civil War, when morphine was invented to replace some of the other opiates, they
        said, ?Oh, here we have a pain killer that is totally non-addictive.? They?ve said this about almost every
        other drug that has seen the light of day. In fact, boys and girls, if it isn?t addictive they don?t want to sell it.
        Did you realize that there is a 13.6 billion dollar legal pharmaceutical trade in mood-altering drugs such as
        valium? And that there is about a 20 billion dollar market from the same drug manufacturers in the United
        States that exported to Mexico where they do not have these pharmaceutical controls?prescriptions?
        which comes back onto the streets of the United States. That is close to 36 billion dollars a year at the retail
        level. Now nobody wants to interrupt this trade.
        Tobacco is 4? times more addictive than heroin. This study was done here at the Veterans
        Administration Hospital, Sepulvida, by Dr. Krober in 1974. It had been found that GI?s coming back from
        Vietnam who had several habits?tobacco, heroin, others, could be gotten off heroin within 72 hours to a
        week. But it was almost impossible to get them off of tobacco. So a study was done which established that
        the withdrawal time on tobacco could run up to two years. That it was 4? times more physically addictive
        than heroin?this is hard core scientific data. Would you like to see the American tobacco companies stop
        paying taxes? Their net is around 27 billion dollars a year. These are big dollars.
        People ask why these devices are not exactly legal in the United States. Well, getting back to the
        story, we came to this conference table hoping to exchange some information. I passed along to Meg and
        the rest of the people (who must remain nameless ?) the fact that Paul Tyler was willing to assist this group
        in getting this device going. Now, since she had been in this country, they had raised 3? million dollars to
        build a prototype. At the time that I met with these people in February of 1983, not one device had been
        built. Meg had been in California since August of 1981.
        So I asked them, ?How?s your patent status?? They replied, ?Well, we realized that once we patent
        it we?ve given the secret away, so we plan on using the strategy of continuance in part.? If you know what
        this means?in other words they would continue to modify the patent as long as possible with continuation
        amendments so as not to get a patent. That meant that they had no patent. ?Well what is the status of your
        Revised October 2011 7
        prototype?? Again they responded, ?Well?we?re, yada, yada, yada?? I then asked, ?Well are you going
        to sell these devices?? Response, ?Uh, we don?t know, we think we?re going to lease them.? Next question,
        ?Well how much?? Response, ?Well we?ll put a price tag of about $50,000 on each box and the doctor, as
        stated on the franchise agreement, will be required to charge the person $8,000 if he has no insurance for 10
        days use of the box. $10,000 if he has insurance coverage. I have the letter here that went to the franchisees.
        And yet they had no boxes. A number of people had bought territory for this including William Parker of
        the Parker Holistic Health Center and a number of other people that by this time I had met. They had been
        promised delivery of the Brain Tuners by December of 1981 and here we are into 1983 and not one box had
        been delivered. Some strange things were happening here. And after listening to this for about an hour, I
        was prepared, I had armed a briefcase.
        I had devices which I had acquired, had smuggled into the United States from the USSR, from
        Finland, from Germany, from England. I still have some of these. We have the original devices that have
        been used by Dr. Wen in Hong Kong. In other words the grandfather of the Shackman Instrument device
        that Meg had used at the Pharmacon clinics in England. So, it turned out that the investors who are at this
        table were not even aware that this technology was over a hundred years old ? had been used in the Soviet
        Union for over 20 years ? and had been used on the continent for 15 years ? and in Great Britain for 10
        years. They thought that they had an original idea, which might have been patentable. These devices could
        absolutely rock the boat of the pharmaceutical drug industry, the liquor industry, the tobacco industry,
        the doctors who make a great deal of money. ? Why are these not being used, for example, in alcoholic
        rehabilitation centers?
        In 1969 some friends of mine, new friends?I didn?t meet these people until I started researching
        this area?had heard about the generic term ?electro-sleep? that was being used in the Soviet Union for
        addiction and alcohol control. The government gave these people a little money, sent them to the Soviet
        Union, and they came back with one of the original devices that were used for ?electro-sleep.? It seemed
        that the Soviets had trouble with Generals who drank too much vodka. And at this hospital in Washington,
        which is a household word, they were treating American Generals who had the habit of too much scotch,
        bourbon or gin. They brought the device back to the United States in late 1969 or early 1970 and began
        using it in the hospital with addicts. It?s one of the most fascinating psycho-political stories that emerged
        during the five months that I was actually researching this data. The CIA came around and said, ?What are
        you doing?? My friends said, ?Well, we have this electronic device which apparently is restoring short-term
        memory loss.? The CIA said, ?You can?t do that.?
        The people who were working on the project were dispersed. They took the device to Garland,
        Texas to the Vero Instrument Company. Now Vero builds the high-technology equipment. Vero builds
        skunk-work devices like starlight scopes, infrared viewers, high technology microcomputers. They?re one
        of the highest tech, government secret-agency suppliers in the world. The vice president of this company
        split off and founded a corporation called NeuroSystems Incorporated. And brought out a beautiful little
        device, which until recently was the Cadillac of the entire field, about the size of a pack of cigarettes that
        absolutely cured addictions. They thought, ?Wow we?re going to have markets for this.? They never got
        FDA approval. It?s been 14 years. FDA grandfathered them under section 510K of the 1976 Congressional
        Act. They still said, ?Hey if we take this around to dry farms, namely alcoholic rehabilitation centers, there
        should be a tremendous need for these.? Now in California alone there are about two dozen?it?s a big
        industry. He knocked on doors and there was very little acceptance. Finally, a fellow who had worked for
        one of these dry farms told him the secret. He said, ?You know if somebody comes in here who has good
        insurance, we can run up about a $9,000 bill on laboratory tests alone ? pathology, kidney test, blood test,
        you name it. He has to be in here for at least a week and a half to 14 days before we break even on our
        television-advertising budget alone. The person gets glossed up ? the family?s happy ? he goes back to
        Revised October 2011 8
        work. 75% of them will backslide within six months. You come in here with a device that will totally restore
        them in five days? Why, we are a franchise, we are here to make money for our stockholders, get out of here
        you bum.?
        Research on Addictions and the Brain Tuner Technology
        Now fortunately they had spent a great deal of money in absolutely and totally documenting the
        effects of this little device. They found that it reversed Korsakoff psychosis in three to five days with
        chronic alcoholics. This work was done at the University of Wisconsin Medical School, at the Louisiana
        Medical College and at the University of Texas. Now any of you who?ve dealt with alcoholism know that
        it normally takes eight years for the short-term memory to be restored?eight years of total abstinence. The
        short-term memory profile of an alcoholic absolutely pinpoints the amount of degeneration. One of the tests
        is the maze test, where you have to go through a maze without lifting the pencil from the paper. The other
        is the beta section of the test where you have to look at words on one page, then the page is taken away
        and you have to remember it on subsequent pages. An alcoholic will usually show a profile of almost total
        inability to pass these two facets. In all of their subjects, I don?t like to say all, it?s rather spooky, 99% of
        them?they were able ? where they had a baseline of tests ? for example, where the person had been to
        college, had taken this same or a similar test and had become an alcoholic for 15 years ? where they had
        access to the original records, the short-term memory was totally restored in five days of using this little box
        40 minutes a day. Now this is wild and wonderful. All of this emerged during some of the research. I spent
        quite a bit of time in the bio-med library of UCLA, some time at the Marris library, USC County. Some
        of the papers, particularly the work done in the Soviet Union and in the Orient, were only available at the
        national medical archives at Bethesda, Maryland. But, I have compiled a bibliography?it isn?t in the final
        form?and any of you who are health professionals can get a copy of it. I?m still trying to get it on the wordprocessor
        and there?s an explosion of information in electro-medicine lately, as anyone knows, and I try to
        update it. So, every week my friends send me at least another dozen references on this particular topic. [See
        page 19 for the bibliography.]
        Now it became apparent after spending a great deal of time with Meg that nothing was going to
        happen in this particular sector. She had her engineers come down to her little house on Fernleaf and I
        spent many an afternoon with them explaining what I had found independently?explaining the difference
        between constant current and constant voltage, etc. The only device Meg had brought to this country was
        the Pharmacon, which we were able to thoroughly instrument, analyze and document. About the size of the
        original Sony Walkman tape recorder. This is the device that was used on Peter Townshend when he was
        flown in on a hospital bed type airplane to the John Wayne Airport. He had taken a massive dose of heroin
        before he left London, enough to get him to the States. He was absolutely green and yellow when they took
        him off the plane ? when Meg put this device on his head ? and within about 40 minutes, of course all of
        you have read this story?it?s been reprinted in Penthouse, it?s been reprinted in Omni magazine, he was
        rehabilitated?after he?d spent a fortune in various clinics around the world. Peter Townshend finally got
        off, kicked the habit and is now happy, healthy, clean, producing again and all of this is history. At any rate,
        they were getting results with the device as primitive as it was and it began to appear that the neuro-electric
        therapy group, the magnet group were not going to produce anything. They were either unable or unwilling
        to do it. ?
        By the way, Meg?s reason for not accepting the government?s offer was that she wanted an entirely
        new category. Paul had conveyed to her that ?If you will come in under the grandfather clause, it will get
        you approval by the FDA, which will permit animal and human experimentation.? Meg absolutely andr />totally refused to do this. She wanted a new category for neuro-electric therapy, not realizing that this
        category had been preempted by CES, which is Cranial Electro Stimulation and a long list of generic terms.
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        We tried to explain to Meg that since Reagan there are only under 300 investigators still working for the
        Food and Drug Administration and this is an accurate figure. There are over 80,000 devices awaiting their
        investigation and approval. If you have another 5 to 6 million dollars and ten years to wait?even if we
        get you at the front of the list?it?s not going to fly. But she absolutely insisted that she would not come in
        under the grandfather clause for a TENS unit. Although these devices do a great deal more than any TENS
        unit, they cannot make claims for what they actually do because this would put them in a new category. And
        this means human and animal tests, certification, all of the research that goes on and on and on and takes a
        tremendous amount of money."


          Has anyone tried Dr. Bob Becker's brain tuner?

          I bought one of these devices a few years back. I used it only sporadically, never consistently.
          I hoped it would help me with my alcohol and nicotine obsession.
          I've been on baclofen for 12 weeks and getting bad side effects. I hope this little device might help.
          Thank you for reminding me about it.
          I will dig it out and report my findings in a month or so.


            Has anyone tried Dr. Bob Becker's brain tuner?

            Hi laurie65,

            Thanks! I appreciate it.
            I am contemplating to buy the BT8 which is Sota's newest model.
            I am very curious if it is going to work for you, or not.

            One of the settings on the unit is 111 Hz which supposed to help with endorphins.
            On YouTube there are a few clips that you can listen:

  [/video]]Endorphins (Isochronic Tones 111 Hz) Pure Series - YouTube

            It is like listening a cat purring.

            I am not sure how much it helps this way.



              Has anyone tried Dr. Bob Becker's brain tuner?

              Found this article when I read this post as I had never heard of this. To make things confusing there's a Bob Beck, who made the box and a Bob Becker who researched in the same field

              Colloidal Silver Pioneer Researchers
              Liberated 5/11/2013

