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Natural cures for anxiety

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    Natural cures for anxiety

    As some of you know, I have recently been trying to cure my life-long affair with anxiety. I’ve been quiet lately, because I am really focused on getting better. I’m working with a new doctor now and she seems quite nice, and open-minded. Yes – she prescribed meds, and I’m willing to take them when needed (xanax), but she also is encouraging me to try my holistic remedies too.

    So, I’ve really upped my game. In addition to many of the supps I take regularly, I’ve added a few more. I realize it hasn’t been very long, but they seem to be helping. I just wanted to pass this along.

    St. John’s Wort has worked for me in the past when I’ve been blue. It’s too soon to tell if it will work again, but I am hopeful. I’ve also added passionflower to the mix. I am taking quite a large dose, and the effects are noticeable. It’s helping with the everyday general anxiety. It works quickly and I’m actually sleeping through the night. Woo-hoo!!.

    But the biggest surprise was magnesium. When I was at the health food store, I was given a few samples of a powered magnesium supplement. It wasn’t even on my radar so I doubt it’s a placebo since I had no expectation that it would do anything. I only took the samples because they were free. He told me that we are all deficient in magnesium due to the lack of minerals in the soil. Our food doesn’t supply enough magnesium, no matter how good our diet. He also said that magnesium deficiency is related to anxiety. So I tried it, and was very impressed. I looked for a thread on this, and couldn’t find anything recent, so thought I would mention it in case anyone wanted to give it try. All I know is that I feel quite mellow for a change. The racing thoughts are gone. I don’t know which herb or mineral is doing it, but something seems to be helping.

    A dear friend told me today that I seem calm and happy. What a compliment. Just wanted to share. Does anyone else have natural cures for anxiety? I would love to hear about them. Peace to you all.
    Everything is going to be amazing

    Natural cures for anxiety

    Hi, Moss

    Good to see you :l. Have you tried any dietary changes? NS


      Natural cures for anxiety

      Hiya Rose,

      Exercise is a big calmer and happy pill too. Sweaty exercise though, where you're getting the bodies natural endorphins flowing.

      Sounds like what you're doing is working. All the best.

      G bloke.

      'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

      Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


        Natural cures for anxiety

        I find Valerian helpful for situational anxiety.
        AF since 6JUN2012


          Natural cures for anxiety

          Thanks Pixie - I'll add valerian to the list. Does it make you sleepy or just calm? I'm working on finding a balanced routine now - morning and evening. I'm hoping to find the perfect blend to keep me alert, yet calm during the workday, and another that I can use on nights when I can't sleep due to anxiety.

          G - I know that exercise is the missing ingredient. I can't expect pills to do everything, can I? hmmm...time to get moving. I practice yoga faithfully and it helps, but I do think I need to rev up my program a bit. I remember reading in the Nest about hot yoga (?) It sounded interesting. I am going to look for a local class. I also joined a Zumba class but it doesn't start until January. That should be hilarious, but looking forward to it. Until then, I suppose I could dig out one of my old Jane Fonda or Richard Simmons exercise tapes. oops - I threw out my VHS player. Just another excuse, right?? LOL.

          NS - so nice to see you, as always. Yes I have taken a long look at my current diet and shuddered. My plan is no more fast-junk-convenience foods. If I want to eat, then I must cook. And I'm going to try to buy food with one ingredient only! I guess that means staying out of most of the aisles at the grocery store.

          I saw this recently and wanted to pass it along: Are Probiotics a Promising Treatment Strategy for Depression? It sure proves that you can't just treat one part of the body - everything is connected.

          Have a great night all and thanks for the responses.
          Everything is going to be amazing


            Natural cures for anxiety

            Hi, Moss

            As I mentioned to you, there are data associating gluten with all sorts of physical and mental health issues:

            Gluten Intolerance and Depression, Anxiety and Other Psychological Pro - Gluten Free Diet Recipes and Celiac Disease Store

            Julia Ross The mood cure; The diet cure
            Wheat belly William Davis
            Grain Brain David Perlmutter

            The thing is, like AL, it has to be a 100% commitment - moderation doesn't cut it for anyone with a gluten-induced problem. Please let me know if you have any questions if you decide to pursue it.

            It sure is true that there are consequences to everything we ingest!


              Natural cures for anxiety

              low fat diets are clinically tied to depression and anxiety in a big way. i proved this to myself by dietary experimentation and feel TONS better now. I also benefit hugely by removing all grains from my diet. they are very inflammatory and cause too many health issues to list quickly.

              my go-to supp for sudden fits of stress caused by a really bad work day, is kava kava. nothing else has that therapeutic-strength 'punch' to really alter my mood like it does. I get the powder from the Fijis and it makes a REALLY awful tasting tea LOL but it works like a champ.

              +1 on the magnesium!

              I'm also liking L-Theanine for evening time wind-down.
              nosce te ipsum
              (Know Thyself)


                Natural cures for anxiety

                MossRose;1596858 wrote: Thanks Pixie - I'll add valerian to the list. Does it make you sleepy or just calm? I'm working on finding a balanced routine now - morning and evening. I'm hoping to find the perfect blend to keep me alert, yet calm during the workday, and another that I can use on nights when I can't sleep due to anxiety.
                Valerian makes me calm if I'm anxious, but if I'm not, it makes me sleepy. Which makes it a good sleep aid as well. I third the magnesium, I take some at night to help with sleep.
                AF since 6JUN2012


                  Natural cures for anxiety

                  Moss, I started taking magnesium years ago on somebody's recommendation after I complained about being listless. I nearly stopped when I didn't feel better after about a week or so - and am so glad I did not, because it did take a while before I felt better. I assume because the depleted reserves have to be replaced/built up before one notices its effects. It certainly gives me loads of energy, but I never noticed the effect on anxiety that you mention. Could also be that because I had more energy and felt better overall, I didn't make that connection.

                  G-man, if only you could send me a magic pill that will make me want to exercise. I love walking, but haven't done so in months. Funnily enough, if I can make that stretch from the front door to the garden gate, I'm fine, but those first 10 steps are the longest and the hardest...:upset:
                  14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


                    Natural cures for anxiety

                    I take 5-HTP & gaba both before I go to bed.It help's me sleep better & has a calming effect on me during the day.


                      Natural cures for anxiety

                      DreamThinkDo;1596965 wrote:

                      Funnily enough, if I can make that stretch from the front door to the garden gate, I'm fine, but those first 10 steps are the longest and the hardest...:upset:
                      Yes Dreamy, the first steps are the hardest. But they don't have to be. Stop dreaming and start doing (sorry, couldn't resist :H). Even if you can leave your walking shoes and gear near the door, or near your bed so you when you wake up, you just get dressed, don't think, and get yourself out the door. It doesn't matter if you only walk 10 metres on the first day.

                      You will have no choice or say in the matter as you see and feel an improvement and increase in general positivity if you do this daily.....yep, every day. 10 metres. Then 15.......then 20.....

                      All this from me, the world's greatest procrastinator. I know it works.

                      From little things big things grow.

                      Sorry Rose and y'all if i'm waffling. I get excited by the possibilities that daily action as simple as getting ourselves out the front door brings. L8tr, Yo!

                      'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                      Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                        Natural cures for anxiety

                        Is_there_any_hope ?;1596952 wrote: she gave you script for the most potent and apparently most addictive from the large family of benzodiazepines...hmm?
                        I have one problem with that statement, and it's the word apparently.

                        Now, I know that on every forum, there's always one going "water? you drink water? that stuff can kill you!". So I hesitated to jump in here.


                        Yes, it is extremely addictive - partly because it works so well in the beginning. You start to rely on it, and later get panic attacks when you risk to run out. (and rebound anxiety when you discontinue to use it)

                        The good news is that detox is... a little bit of a horror story. When I was in rehab, the side effects of alcohol detox were mostly gone by day 4 (I think most people will agree that it lasts between 3 to 5 days for the worst effects). However, when I was watching my fingers shake after 70 days, I knew that was down to the xanax. Which was confirmed by the staff there: for them benzos were as much a problem as alcohol itself. Withdrawal can even be deadly in extreme cases - just like with alcohol - and needs to be supervised.

                        I'm not going to say "do not take it", I'm not a doc and don't know your situation. But just know that you might risk another addiction that is highly unwelcome when you start to rely on its effect.

                        I don't know why alprazolam (xanax) is even worse than other benzos, but it's generally accepted that it is. The combination with alcohol is just... not good.

                        Personally I will never ever take it again, and I think it is indeed much better and safer to find supplements like magnesium and B-vitamins and see if they help you calm down/relax.

                        When it comes to magnesium, avoid magnesium oxides
                        , as that will only pass right through you - you might as well throw them directly into the toilet. This thread here has incredibly good information on magnesium.

                        For me personally, working with my hands (building my own furniture, painting, DIY in general, gardening) works wonders, as does a healthy diet.


                          Natural cures for anxiety

                          My list is growing. So many great ideas here. Thank you! I too am terribly concerned about taking xanax for my panic attacks. Although, at the time it seemed like a good idea. I just wanted quick relief. But, then I had second thoughts. I've tried it in the past, and it worked a little too well, if you get my drift. And yes, I do have friends who have taken Xanax and/or Ativan for years and years and can't get off now. Scary stuff. That's why I started this thread.

                          In my new doctor's defense, I didn't actually tell her the whole truth. I mentioned that I had an "addictive personality" so preferred to use holistic remedies whenever possible, but stopped short of saying I was a recovering alcoholic. The reason - well, I didn't want that on my medical record. Maybe one day it will be safe to do that, but for now, I'm still a bit paranoid of future ramifications from disclosing that info, especially with our health insurance programs in such transition right now. So she just gave me the general warnings - don't mix it with alcohol and don't take more than the recommended dose, etc.

                          I see some other great advice here regarding gluten and grains. I think this is something worth trying. I have a couple of coworkers who are following these types of diets and they swear by them. I will read some of the books recommended by NS. Can anyone recommend some good websites with recipes and such? I think there may be a tie-in with the site I posted about probiotics.

                          Guitarista - you aren't waffling, you are motivating. Please keep it up. I need the push. Hope you all have a wonderful day.
                          Everything is going to be amazing


                            Natural cures for anxiety

                            Guitarista;1597011 wrote: Yes Dreamy, the first steps are the hardest. But they don't have to be. Stop dreaming and start doing (sorry, couldn't resist :H). Even if you can leave your walking shoes and gear near the door, or near your bed so you when you wake up, you just get dressed, don't think, and get yourself out the door. It doesn't matter if you only walk 10 metres on the first day.

                            You will have no choice or say in the matter as you see and feel an improvement and increase in general positivity if you do this daily.....yep, every day. 10 metres. Then 15.......then 20.....

                            All this from me, the world's greatest procrastinator. I know it works.

                            From little things big things grow.

                            Sorry Rose and y'all if i'm waffling. I get excited by the possibilities that daily action as simple as getting ourselves out the front door brings. L8tr, Yo!
                            G, that's in part why I chose this particular name - I am the great procrastinator (ok, so it doesn't really scan, but you get the reference, I'm sure). I do a fair amount of walking, if and when, probably 6 km a day, but to get out the front door and to that damned garden gate....

                            Just need a kick in the butt. From myself.:H
                            14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


                              Natural cures for anxiety

                              Hi Moss
                              I take free form L Phenylalanine which is an amino acid for nervous system support and I also take L-Tyrosine which is neurotransmitter support. I find these really work well for both mood and anxiety. I wanted to go on Ad's 6 months ago but where I live they are difficult to find so I did lots of research and came up with these two which are natural and for me effective.. no need for Ad's now!
                              Once I start exercising properly I don't think I will need these so much...
                              RE xanax- I totally agree, for short term emergencies only
                              Take Care

