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Melatonin in the UK?

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    Melatonin in the UK?

    does anyone have a source of Melatonin in the UK? as far as I can tell it's prescription-only here - H&B don't sell it, although there do seem to be some mail-order places doing it

    I'm a terrible insomniac so I'm after some sort of non-prescription sleep aid, Valerian doesn't do anything for me & my doctor point-blank refuses to prescribe me anything (& has accused me of "drug-seeking behaviour" in the past)

    any info or alternative suggestions much appreciated



    Melatonin in the UK?

    Hi Badger,
    I had to go to Amazon to buy mine as I had terrible trouble sleeping when I first went AF. Think it comes through a place in Jersey and takes about 4 days delivery. Unfortunately it did absolutely nothing for me.

    Also an idea may to have a look at some relaxation CDs as any rest at all even if it's not sleep will help.

    Oh and if you can find a pharmacist that's not rushed off their feet have a word with them.

    Hope that helps.
    It could be worse, I could be filing.
    AF since 7/7/2009


      Melatonin in the UK?

      look up "asmr" on youtube...relaxing videos...melatonin is a hormone, not good.


        Melatonin in the UK?

        thanks JC, I'll give it a go

        I may also have another shot at the Nytol/Sominex-type stuff - it always used to make me jittery when I was drinking, but that may just have been an AL interaction


          Melatonin in the UK?

          just had a good read up on melatonin and decided that it may help me. off I popped onto amazon and looked through all the different supplies. I tried to order it but all the melatonin seems to come from the US and would not let me order it. oh pooh! ive ordered some other stuff, I cant even remember what it was now.... maybe 5tryp ??? ill find out when it arrives.
          badger, I find sominex (not the herbal one, the anti histamine one) very good. I take it a good 2 hours before I try for sleep. I find if I take it too often it stops working, I sometimes take 2 but again if used too often it doesn't work. I have tried loads of herbal remedies and nothing has worked for me though I still drink chamomile tea in the evening (just got used to it ) and absolutely don't drink coffee/tea after about 4 pm. also a fan of lavender oil. again I don't know if it works but I have it in my head that it does so sprinkle on my pillow..... which have to be feather and comfy. its an art in itself this getting to sleep business. I love my sleep and am grumpy as hell if I don't get enough of it.
          Today is the tomorrow i worried about yesterday and it turned out fine
          Keep passing the open windows


            Melatonin in the UK?

            5 htp might be what you ordered. magnesium helps to relax the nervous system, as well. I am of the opinion that melatonin is a hormone that shouldn't be messed with. if you turn off lights about 2 hours before bed and don't stare at a screen that helps your body to produce it's own melatonin. also keep your sleeping area as dark as possible. any light whatsoever can mess with your body's melatonin production.


              Melatonin in the UK?

              thanks bettygirl, yes it is 5 htp that I have ordered, ill check out the magnesium as well. I didn't realise about the light and melatonin production. ive known that I don't sleep well if ive been on the computer late at night but never realised why, that would explain it. I wrote on another thread somewhere about how I have to have something over my head for complete darkness, I find eyemasks uncomfortable so I just put something like a tee shirt over my head. im a pretty sight when im trying to sleep.
              Today is the tomorrow i worried about yesterday and it turned out fine
              Keep passing the open windows


                Melatonin in the UK?

                thanks Betty & Spud,

                I'm taking 5-htp too, not sure if it's doing much, I suspect it's fairly subtle & takes a while to build in the system & trying to detect an effect whilst going through the first few days of AF is probably a non-starter. either way, I figure it can't hurt

                I've given the Nytol/Sominex another try & that does seem to be working somewhat,although it does seem to make me drowsy the next day too



                  Melatonin in the UK?

                  Not sure if this is helpful, but you can purchase melatonin in the Netherlands.
                  Sleep is just so important especially when you are trying to kick the alcohol habit.
                  Good luck guys!
                  (AF since 17 May 2014) 2 years 5 months sober


                    Melatonin in the UK?

                    Oh, Calm Forte sold on this sight works like magic!!! Love that stuff.
                    (AF since 17 May 2014) 2 years 5 months sober


                      Melatonin in the UK?

                      Love the new avatar!
                      Liberated 5/11/2013

