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please help. i cant cope.

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    please help. i cant cope.

    Shelbee - I am thinking of you too.... I so remember it....4.5 months ago CAN be minute, one hour, on day at a time.... Please don't look fourther forward then the next 5 minutes...or'll be hard but you can handle five minutes. Every time I thought further I felt sick.

    This too will pass.... "The night is long that never finds the dawn" and "The night is darkest before the dawn." (Good ol' Will Shakespeare...!)

    I wrote all the feelings down...I wrote every thought and symptom and dry heave down.... so it would be THERE for me to look in the face when I thoguht I could drink again... It didn't matter it was gobbly-de-gook coz I couldn't hold my hands steady.... just get it down and use spell check next week. This could be your greatest tool for the days ahead; the mind is very good at forgetting 'horrible' experiences - why aren't babies all only children!

    Lemoade/Coke is good - keeps the sugar up - you're having a sugar crash big time plus dehydration...small sips to keep it down. Walk when you can as it gets the toxins out of the muscles...and laugh if you can - I watched every comedian, funny film I could lay my hands on. I didn't feel like it but even if the corneres of your mouth turn up an millimeter comething happens to the chemicals inside you to aid healing.

    Hugs Shelbee- today will pass and then you'll see more clearly. You'll feel very wobbly but we're here to hold you up and hold your hand...please use us! We so know how horrible you feel!

    FMF xx
    :heart: c: :heart:
    "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


      please help. i cant cope.

      i cant do it out loud so im going to have a scream on here. AAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!! feel liek shouting and stamping i really want to have a tantrum i feel very aggressive and wound up (its not aimed at anyone - just myself) i going for a stamp around the block now. work off some of this negative energy.


        please help. i cant cope.

        Welcome to my world Shellbee........was almost hysterical the first AF night...........hard to believe now that I go grocery shopping and am not in the least tempted to buy wine.

        YOU CAN DO THIS........we`ll help you.

        Starlight Impress x


          please help. i cant cope.

          Shell -

          If it helps at all, I felt EXACTLY like this a week ago Tuesday. I was sick and miserable and hating myself - crawling out of my skin. It's six AF days later and I feel like a new person.

          In fact, by tomorrow you'll be feeling so much better. Just be gentle with yourself today. It's over, and this is the last time you have to feel this way. Cuddle up with a soft comforter, watch old movies - pretend you're sick. You are. You have a right to take care of yourself.


            please help. i cant cope.

            Hang in there Shellbee, Star is right YOU CAN DO THIS, we'll help you.



              please help. i cant cope.

              i really want to post again but i don't know what to say it's like i feel empty all of a sudden. there is just nothing there, vacant. feels weird. sorry to keep going on but i dont know what else to do. i want to feel happy but i cant. its like i dont care what happens but i know i should but i cant. im like a horrible hungover shadow of the real me. sorry to be so depressing im not usually like this at all.


                please help. i cant cope.

                Just say whatever is on your mind and dont worry about anything. Just stay DRY and DONT drink.

                Are you getting your vitamins and nutruients in you?



                  please help. i cant cope.

                  I hope you found your shower refreshing. It might help to imagine washing away your pain/embarassment/shame while you are in the shower. Think of showering in a stream of positive energy that just washes the yucky stuff away. (and make sure to get behind your ears, the nasty stuff likes to hide there). :l
                  Suddenly I see
                  This is what I want to be
                  suddenly I see
                  Why the hell it means so much to me.

                  -KT Tunstall


                    please help. i cant cope.

                    Sounds as if you might be feeling a bit calmer, Shellbee :l ....and then swinging right down into the low, depressive, zilch stuff. That's how it goes....but will pass. IT WILL PASS. Just hang on minute by've already come a long way going back.

                    Could you make yourself a smoothie? A lovely potassium-rich banana and some full-of-B-vits-molasses or honey....just blitzed up with milk. Hell...add a blob of ice-cream for extra cool and smooth. :h You need to take care of yourself and get some good nourishment.....a gal needs strength at such a time. And we're all still here rooting for you. It WILL pass.

                    Suze x
                    Just hand me the chocolate and.........I'll consider my position. My solicitor has advised me to say no more than that.


                      please help. i cant cope.

                      Dear Shellbee,
                      It's the drink that is making you feel so bad. You WILL feel better. Take care of yourself and remember the next time you want to have a little drink remember the way you are feeling right now. And remember too, it was that drink, that poison that makes you feel the way you are feeling. I don't think our bodies like it very much and this is it's way of telling you that. You can make yourself feel better and you are doing it right now. Good for you....


                        please help. i cant cope.

                        How are you, Shellbee?

                        Sending good thoughts..:h

                        Suze x
                        Just hand me the chocolate and.........I'll consider my position. My solicitor has advised me to say no more than that.


                          please help. i cant cope.

                          Once this bit is over, you will feel better and better each day. You probably don't even remember how great feeling good can be!

                          You will get your LIFE back.
                          It always seems impossible until it's done....


                            please help. i cant cope.

                            Wow I can feel your pain I truly do. I hit rock bottom 31-days ago. what helped me was i entered an out patient rehab six days a week minimum. Yes it is helping very much. Please consider other option but drinking. You can do it! ECHOME. I CANNOT AND WILL NOT DRINK AGAIN.


                              please help. i cant cope.

                              Shellbee, I know you are having a very hard time. I am hoping you are okay. Keep your head up.


                                please help. i cant cope.

                                Shellbee, I've been reading your posts and hope you are finding some relief from all of your suffering. I'm thinking about you!
                                AF since Jan. 25th, 2011 :thumbs

