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Hiding alchohol

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    Hiding alchohol

    Re: crumpled cans and find the bottles

    Tell me more about the peanut butter? I am craving it tonight. I really do think I could either elminate my desire for alchol or at least make it the least of the treats for me. I LOVE to cook, and eat really good food. But I hae to watch my weight. Never did most of my life, but now that I'm in mid thirties with three kids, it is so much harder. I stay really physially fit with lots of excerise and almost vegetarrian diet, but we do grill salmon or some other mild fish several nightes per week. Like right now, I could SO GO for a refig raid with crackers and pimento cheese... with a little dollop of diced jalepeno peppers on top....ummmh. Okay, I'm weird. But that is another addiction I could choose, but I would fat as the side of the house, and that "picture" alone is enough to keep me on track, always has. I just wish the battle with alcohol were as easy as my willpower with diet and exercise. Diet and exercise is like a switch that I flip on and off. So is food. But this is so much stronger. I look forward to the day that I gain more satisfaction in the body that I have with hard work and discipline, than ever giving into every desire to eat. Now If I could only transfer that same wisdom to MY weakness. Seems so simple, so why so hard?


      Hiding alchohol

      Re: crumpled cans and find the bottles

      oh my gosh Allie so do not need to watch your weight!
      Anyway, my fave is pimento cheese spread with celery! Love it!


        Hiding alchohol

        Re: crumpled cans and find the bottles

        I'm sittin her eatin lite ice cream w/ chok sauce right now! At least I didn't add the PB to it this time ... makes it "not so so lite!" But I usually have my Pilates Magic Circle between my legs while on the computer, just bein bad right now!
        I'll be kinda good & not finish the last 2 bites, hows that for logic? Hugs Judie
        PS Don't think I've hidden any alcohol today... how wierd is that?


          Hiding alchohol

          hiding alcohol

          I just found this site. I'm a pro at hiding alcohol. And very ashamed of it. I'll go a day without drinking, but then start again. Often (6 days out of 7)times it's in the morning. I just moved to a new state with my fiancee. I'm bored, scared and the more I keep numbing the pain, the worse I feel. I drank 2 bottles of wine yesterday, DROVE my car-stupid!!!- and he didn't have a clue. I feel like crap today. I've had one glass of wine (that I hid in my home office) and am fighting the urge to have another. I don't have insurance yet, so can't get topa. I moved from a big city with many friends to small redneck town USA with no friends. I'm in Mormon country & every time I go to the liquor store I feel like I have to watch my back. Scared someone in his family might see me. It's so embarrassing and I feel like a leper of course until I have a drink and then everything is "fine" Anyway, just glad to have found MYO and hope I can get better soon. Thanks in advance for listening.


            Hiding alchohol

            i want to live

            It's me again. I'm so glad I found this site. I realize I'm not alone. I'm going to try really hard not to drink anymore today, no matter how much it hurts. I found this site thru I bartended for 12 years (recently stopped) and I wonder if thats the reason for my drinking problem. I don't want to die. If I don't quit I will. I appreciate any advice anyone has.


              Hiding alchohol

              Re: i want to live

              Welcome Susie;

              My heart goes out to you! Sounds like you've had your whole life rearranged..Going from a big city to a small town is hard. Everybody here will support you! No judgement no lectures!



                Hiding alchohol

                Re: crumpled cans and find the bottles

                Hi Allie! The reference I made to peanut butter was about hiding the smell on my breath in the day! Sorry if I mis-led you. I too have watched my weight like a hawk for almost 50 years. 6'ft tall and weighing 128 pounds. NOW...I wear a 10-12 formerly a 4 (which now is normal for my height - but a HORROR for me - don't even know how to buy clothes for my more 'voluptuous' self....the robe always fits). Think of alcohol the same way...I 1000000% attribute every ounce I have gained to ETOH. Looking for diets like the ATKINS - ZERO CARBS; simple solution switching from wine to Vodka as it has no carbs)...peanut butter the natural kind has approx 12 carbs per tbsp. in the natuaral kind - skippy has 17. Anyway - I only used teh peanut butter example of a way to protect people and myself from the "WHIFF" of ETOH. I wrote in my clandestine mode. I know a lot about nutrition - so you can ask me any questions. It sounds like you are doing really well in how you nourish yourself. El


                  Hiding alchohol

                  Re: crumpled cans and find the bottles

                  Gotcha Elle!
                  I was thinking you had some trick about hiding it in the peanut butter jar... and I'm thinkin... that would never work here b/c everyone else in my house is addicted to peanut butter! I have wondered about that hiding the smell though... it's so strong and sticky. I cant stand it when anyone who has eaten in the past hour even tries to kiss me... like the kids! Why didnt I think of that? I always thought coffee was a good cover up.

                  I do like peanut butter too, and try to practice a low carb diet. I just cant eat it with bread. My new thing is celery. PB with celery, hummus with celery, pimento cheese with celery, and if you dont get "Southern Living" magazine, then pick up this month. There is a recipe in there for a salad called, "Baby Bleu". It is to DIE for. One of the best ever. We have been eating it every night. We put the dressing on everything down to grilled salmon. Okay... enough about recipes and food. I just love to cook and talk about food!! (We'll have to start our own thread or chat...) Allie


                    Hiding alchohol

                    Re: crumpled cans and find the bottles

                    Hi Allie! Tastes..uh sounds good to me! I love too cook as well. However - any healthy low fat or carb recepie I have I find a way to make it more decadent! I love to create in the kitchen - make my own croutons and set a beatiful table. Oh your meals sound fabulous, I will have to check out Southern Living - although Sunset is pretty good too...a southern magazine vs western!
                    The PEANUT BUTTER! It works great to have it on your breath as it over powers the ETOH smell initially. I keep the door double locked and anyone with a key has to still knock - makes time for the spoon in the Skippy. And make everything OK...on the outside at least. On the inside it feels ......well you know how it feels! El


                      Hiding alchohol

                      Re: crumpled cans and find the bottles

                      Thanks for the kind words Brandy! It's good to know I'm not alone-Susie


                        Hiding alchohol

                        Re: crumpled cans and find the bottles

                        peanut butter! makes a lot more sense than keeping a bottle of mouth wash next to you at all times as i've been known to do! WHO WAS I KIDDING!:rollin


                          Hiding alchohol

                          Re: crumpled cans and find the bottles

                          I'm glad this thread started up again, I was laughing outloud when Allie said "oh I thought you had found a way to hide it in the peanut butter jar!" hee hee hee!
                          Welcome 97susie! I'm new here myself. Haven't bought my book or supps because I am waiting for pay day - only 4 days to go and I'm counting change out at this point! Anyway, you are not alone, I know how hard it can be to just up and move your whole life, especially to a small, conservative town where people tend to be just a little too interested in one another's affairs. I think my drinking really got out of control when I moved all the way across the country. It was hard for me to make new friends, establish a new career, etcetera, and that's when I started drinking alone in the evenings. Fast forward about five years and I meet my husband. He is an attorney in a small town, not too far from where I was living - but far enough to be a whole different way of life! That's when I started sneaking alcohol. And these stories of hiding -- I just don't know whether to laugh or cry when I read each because I honestly thought I was the only one doing this.
                          BTW speaking of - we were talking about the problem of the recycle bins and the "clinking bags." Well I am a freak about this. I figure out exactly what my husband has seen me drink, put those at the bottom of the bin (trying to cushion them with other, less sinful recycleables to make it look like I am a more well rounded person who drinks MILK and eats CEREAL in addition to my beer and wine consumption, plus to muffle the clinking). The other bottles, the ones that hubby did not see me drink, I pack those in the trunk of my car and drive them all the way to an apartment complex which has a nice big anonymous dumpster.
                          Charming. Anyway, welcome.


                            Hiding alchohol

                            Re: crumpled cans and find the bottles

                            97 Susie - so glad you are here! I too have been a morning drinker to my horror. i have been one to always control what i set my mind to - so i thought "Oh, i will get over this too".

                            I also live in the boondocks and in a western town. 8 miles to my nearest neighbor (a drinking buddy). 3 miles to my mail box and 23 miles to town and work. i am alone A LOT. BOREDOM got me started doing this.

                            i hear so much self loathing in your post - which i can totally identify with. everything i have worked so hard for seems down the tubes. i also recognize that beating on myself is not going to help me, just make it worse. I have to have the same compassion for myself as i do with others - recognizing this is a disease ( DIS EASE) and know that I am able with the effort and committment change how things are for me. That I have been drinking doesn't make me the scum of the earth and only makes me want to drink more. I - as you - have value and just the fact that we ARE here sharing with others is a step in the right direction. Everyting we do and achieve in life has steps to it - we can't fly to the top. Give yourself the credit that youare writing and have the desire. Sometimes it takes 1 try for some and for others it takes 2,3 5 10 times before they just give it up. You are taking the right steps.

                            I have gotten so much valuable information from these posts and find so many people I like. The only weakness to it - for ME anyways - is that I can't talk to them and have to wait for a reply. Knowing myself - I know having a partner to go through this with me, with whom to talk regularly - supporting eachother would be ideal and most helpful. For those days when I do feel like a lepor and visa versa.

                            I am hoping to get my script for Topa today. I still have to order the other items I could not get at the health food store. I have to say that my desire to drink has been significantly curtailed just by being here. I do not seek moderation, I just don't want to drink at all - I don't want that factor in my life. I have no problem going to an event where people are drinking and I don't (I did not drink for 17 years). If I did it before - I can do it again. I see where the Topa might help me in other ways that i struggle.
                            Anyway - I am just rambling - I just wanted you to know there is another person out here that is in your same situation. Kindly, El


                              Hiding alchohol

                              Re: crumpled cans and find the bottles

                              What do you all live in my town!!! Population 6,211! WE were transfered here from "very large town in America" last year! Yikes, big change...oh well, my live way outside the sub, subs....Lol.Been there done that with the town's apartment dumpster, forgot that one, and yea, the park...small bags hide alot!


                                Hiding alchohol

                                Re: crumpled cans and find the bottles

                                Slvia, Elle, ttfme & Brandy-
                                Thanks for replying. I find myself in so many of the posts. Sad and then at times funny. We seem to think that we're the only ones hiding our booze. Some are more creative then others. I, too worry about the bottles in the trash bin. The God-forsaken town I live in doesn't have a recycling program so, in some ways it's easy to hide the evidence, but border-line criminal when it comes to the environment. I'm in a western state (ok Idaho- there, I said it)! I guess they think it's one big landfill. I dunno??? Anyway, I'm going back to the city I moved from for a 3 day weekend (it's 8 hours west of here) and I'd normally be preparing a flask but I'm gonna try and be strong. I just did 30 minutes on the treadmill so I'm feeling okay now. Fiancee has no idea about the a.m drinking or the solo drinking. He wants to go out for drinks tonight when we arrive. Fingers crossed, I'll only drink diet soda. I'll check back on Monday with you guys when I get home. Thanks again everyone- I'll be thinking of you, that's for sure!!!

