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Am I the only one?

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    Am I the only one?

    First let me say that you helped me through a very bad day yesterday, and I'm so grateful for you!! I took the supplements but I just couldn't get the strength together to go to Mass. I did however have a good talk with a friend who is basically reminding me of how active and in shape I was just a few short months ago. That helped me a lot also.

    This morning I am going to do the treadmill and my supplements. I want to call my Family doc so badly but I'm so embarrassed. I have an appointment on Dec. 6 to see a Psy. I feel like I can be more open with her since she doesn't know my whole family history, etc.

    Thanks for the tips on the CD's I did the sleep learning one, and it seemed to be super relaxing! Heck I figure I'm just going to have to get up a little earlier for them, it's so worth it if it helps.

    Even with your hectic schedule it sounds as if you are really pulling things together, juggling all your responsibities. I know this much, if you can stop the drinking, things will flow so much smoother in your life. I am certain of it, I have lived it. I know that my intentions and my focus must be clear now. I let my self drift off to hell for no reason what so ever. I am going to get myself the help that I need. I have to put the shame aside. I start off small with the drinking and then I sprial on down with out fail over time. That is why I know that a long long long term abs is best for me.

    I am so glad to hear your son is coming around! I know he can see the changes in you. He can feel your change of heart and determination. We will work this thing and keep it going. I am as serious about this as I have ever been about anything, I have too much riding on this, like MY LIFE!! As important, my son's life.

    (excuse me, spell check is not working and I'm in a hurry!!)


      Am I the only one?

      Am I the Only One?

      Hi Atlanta,

      I just read your posts and I can totally relate. I too, have a young son (age 9) and a 12 year old daughter. Drinking has become a huge problem in my household. My husband left me for a while. We are back together now and he is somewhat supportive. The most important thing that I want to tell you is about the medication that I take. You had mentioned it ealier...Campral. Please, ask either your family MD or your Psy. to perscribe it for you. I could not do total abstinence w/o this wonderful medication. It take about 1 week to kick it and poof......all phsical cravings are gone! Of course we all have the "mental" cravings and we work through those by various means (such as this board). I never tried Topa for various side effect I feel it's important to quit totally in the beginning. Later, (6-12 mos...???) from now, I may want to see if moderation is possible. WHo knows? By then, it may not be an issue; but, if it is, I'll be prepared.
      Please hang in there. It is sooooo important to our children that we raise them as sober parents!
      Take care Atlanta and keep in touch!
      God bless,


        Am I the only one?

        Re: Am I the Only One?

        WooHoo Stac!

        I am going for it no doubt. I decided to wait until the 6th to see my Psy, she will be more current on the meds and less judgemental I know. I can't take the Topa because everyone says it affects their typing and spelling, and that's the way I make my living (believe it or not - go spell check) Anyway I want to do a long term abs just like you, I've done it before and it was the best portions of my life. Perhaps in a year they will have a different med without all the side effects if we need it.

        I have to get out of here for a meeting.

        I will post later today, thank you for posting.... I'm excited for all of us here !!! :rollin


          Am I the only one?

          the only one?

          Hi ya'll, Well I can totally relate to trying to go it alone. I did that for years...thinking I was only affecting only myself. I lived in a remote cabin ( 10 min hike in & all), for 18 yrs. When my drinking and my self-abuse became so bad, I couln't even live w/me...I decided I'd be better off no longer "on this plane"...Thank God, he had other plans. I didn't plan on being around to pay for my tendons & nerves being sewn back together, nor did I think about how I would tell my Mom & Dad what I'd done... When we feel the most alone, I don't think that's really the case... I have so much to be thankful for, I'm still here (too bad for everyone else! LOL!!) Sorry didn't mean to ramble, there. But now instead of not buying it myself, & not drinking, my husband brings home beer, when he knows I,m trying not drink. This too shall pass... Just another hurdle or lesson ... Yeah, I'm a newbee here, thanks for being here, everyone: I haven't started this program yet, other than reading & questioning , think I'd like to try the Kudzo & cds. Have to talk to my Doc first because of some other meds. Hugs, Judie


            Am I the only one?

            Re: the only one?

            Try AA, look online for a women's meeting in your makes a difference. If you end up in the "wrong" meeting, you'll say AA is not for me and never go back....and not know what you might be missing.

            Women's meetings are more like these, honest, more things you can relate to.

            Hang in there.



              Am I the only one?

              on our own?

              Hi Jen, Thanks for the responce. There is a really good women's mtg near here, I've been to off & on the past 7 yrs. I just find it hard to "keep going back", when I can't seem to stay on the wagon for more than a few days at a time. Seems like I'm ok w/moderation for , sometimes up to a couple of months, then something will set me off, and I'm drinking "on a mission"...Guess you'd call it bingin'. I know what they say about "slippery" people. Most of the women @ this meeting have many years of sobriety, so I feel like a hypocrit if I go to a meeting while I'm still "researching", so I don't go untill I'm at my wits end w/myself...I don't think it's fair to the others who are working their programs. Guess my priorities are a bit warped!! Whoda' thunk? hugs Judie


                Am I the only one?

                Re;the name

                Ps... Did you that St Jude is the "Patron Saint of lost causes"? Talk about mother's intuition! Thanks Mom! hugs...St Me xoxoxo


                  Am I the only one?

                  Re: on our own?

                  The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop drinking...that is what they say in AA.

                  I say if going to a meeting helps you drink less or stay sober that day, then please go. That is what everyone wants for you.


                    Am I the only one?

                    Check Point

                    How is everyone? I didn't want to loose touch with everyone on this thread.... How are we getting along coming up to the holidays?? I'm hopeful because I finally have the help and the support that I need.

                    Everyone, let's do a check point..

                    I look forward to hearing from you.



                      Am I the only one?

                      Re: Checkpoint

                      Wouldn't it be great if we could have some kind of casual, fun, up-beat daily check-in thread. Just to give everyone a chance to say, "Hi, I'm so and so, and I'm doing great on Day Six of Campral" or something like that? I"m wondering where Rosemary is, who started this thread? And St. Jude? Did we somehow fail to acknowledge people and not meet their needs, attend to their questions? Lost people along the way? Let's do some kind of checkpoint where people could state in a phrase or two that they're their, and how they're doing.



                        Am I the only one?


                        Hi: I am new to this board, but I know I have a problem and every morning I get up and say I want to stop drinking and I don't. My past is so painful.

                        I dont know what to do; I am now getting pains in my back; not sure what that is but I am getting scared.


                          Am I the only one?

                          Re: Checkpoint


                          I'm glad you found us here. Have you had a chance to read through the research information and the actual program. It's truely been a Godsend for me. I am getting all the pieces of the program in place slowly but surely and it offers me great hope where in the past I had none.

                          The pains in your back, where are they located? Is it a constant pain? Will you consider going to a doctor to have it checked out? Not knowing what is wrong must be very difficult for you.

                          Please write back and let us know how you are doing!


                            Am I the only one?

                            Re: Checkpoint Thread


                            I was so touched by your story about your and your son in the other thread!! That's an awesome story. And you are being guided by angels, I'm sure of it

                            I would love a Check Point Charlie type of thread, it makes me feel good to stop in and say hey, I'm here and I'm okay today. That gives me a certain kind of strength and accountablity in an interesting way.

                            How would we go about getting that set up? we could give it a cute name like Daily Thread...or Morning Coffee (I know corny) haha


                              Am I the only one?

                              Checkpoint Thread

                              I don't think it's corny. I have been wondering about people that were posting when I first started checking out this website and are not longer doing so. Maybe we need a whole new "Daily Thread" Category. What do you say, RJ?

                              Nice to "see you" again, JJ



                                Am I the only one?

                                Daily Thread

                                I like that too. I often wonder what happens to the people who post once and then we never hear from them again. It would be great just to have a space to post to say hello, I'm doing well.

                                Thanks Kathy, good to see you again also.


