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Just starting Campral

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    Just starting Campral

    Re: Social Situations

    I agree -- I feel almost apologetic when I say "no, thank you" to a glass of wine or a cocktail. Alcohol is such an integral part of our social fabric that it feels odd to say no. Yet there are many people out there who don't drink because they simply don't like it. Why should it make us feel so odd to do the same thing, when we know it's for our own health and well being? I guess we have to learn to not drink, just as we had to learn to drink in the first place.

    I think part of it, too, is that I'm in mourning, in a sense. Not just mourning the loss of my companion alcohol, but mourning the old inner picture of myself. The picture of myself being charming and witty at a cocktail party. Or enjoying a glass of wine with friends at a fancy restaurant. Or sipping brandy by the fire on a cold night. Then I stop and remind myself: that is NOT how I drink! I may start out that way, but I end up being sloppy and passing out, and waking up with a hangover. So there is this fantasy version of myself as a drinker, and then there is reality.

    So today is day 5 on Campral. It's hard to say but I think it may be kicking in. I had a very difficult night last night, emotionally -- broke off a long distance romance that had been simmering for some time -- and had only the slightest notion of going to get a drink. I did break down and buy a pack of cigarettes, but I passed the booze aisle with hardly a thought.

    Hopefully it just gets better from here.



      Just starting Campral

      Re: Social Situations


      You are to be congratulated on non drinking in the face of a tough situation! I feel for you, and you really did great. Maybe it's the campral, maybe it's just you! I also had to laugh-even though it's not even remotely funny, I guess-about your image of yourself as opposed to the reality. I recognize myself in that-I see myself as the sophisticated wine drinker at a fine restaurant with friends, and yet, the reality is I drink as much as possible, sleep terribly, and wake up only to start all over! Very chic!



        Just starting Campral

        social situations

        Hi Mike, Ann & Anne,

        I am so excited for all of you! I know you will love the Campral. I am looking forward to hearing how you feel in a week or so.


        P.S. I am having trouble becaoming a "registered member" on ezboard. I did what they asked, but it's still not working....any suggestions?


          Just starting Campral

          Sophisticated Drinkers

          Regarding our fantasy drinking selves versus the reality: my party friends and I used to joke that we were glad none of us had a camcorder when we got loaded, or we'd be very embarassed the next day to see what we couldn't remember doing. I have to wonder now if that might have helped shatter the fantasy that I was a "sophisticated" drinker!

          Thanks for all the encouragement; it really does help. By the way, Ann, how has 4-6 PM been treating you? Hopefully each day is getting a bit better.

          And Stac, I don't know anything about the EZ board thing. Hopefully someone else here can give you some tips on that.

          Take care~



            Just starting Campral

            Re: Sophisticated Drinkers

            Hey Mike,

            Oprah did a show once where a group of women volunteered to be videotaped while out drinking together. It was not pretty!! Anyway, I am doing ok. Last night I felt a different kind of craving, which I can only think is totally emotional/psychological. It was not the best day yesterday, lots of little things went wrong, from getting scolded by a client to the cat throwing up all over my bed. There was more but I'll spare you! I ended up feeling this huge wave of exhaustion and depression around 4PM, like I was so heavy and tired...and of course this made me feel like a nice medicinal drink! It always seemed like a glass or 12 of wine fixed me right up. But I didn't have anything and went to bed at 9, and today I feel better. It seems to me that just about anything triggers that urge in me, but I will say, it's not nearly as intense, and I am doing ok not giving in. PLUS, in my very screwy imagination, I don't want to give the owner of my local fancy wine store the satisfaction of seeing my face there again...(not that reality bears any of this out, but I like the fantasy!)



              Just starting Campral

              Re: Sophisticated Drinkers

              Some days are like that. It seems like the stars are aligned in just such a way as to give you the maximum amount of grief. (Not necessarily big things either.... it's the accumulation of the "small" stuff that really gets on the nerves.)

              It's good that you recognize the role that these things play in determining your mood, as well as your susceptibility to cravings. Whereas before you would have headed straight for the wine bottle(s), you're now finding other ways to cope. And going to bed at 9:00 after a really tough day is a perfectly reasonable & healthy way to cope. [I just glanced back and got the glass or 12 of wine joke. I can sure relate to that!]

              It sounds as if the Campral is starting to kick in for both of us. I've felt much the same way as you described: still having some thoughts of drinking, but find it much easier to resist. Once I've distracted myself for a while it seems to pass very quickly. And hey -- whatever motivation you can find is great, even if it's fantasy!

              Have a great day, or evening, or whatever time it is where you are.



                Just starting Campral


                Hi Mike and all,
                Tonight I was irritated as hell by a stupid garage that I have had to take my car to several times for multiple problems that are never fixed. I left my car all day and they lent me a car, and when I got back to the garage, the guy said "where are the car papers?" I couldn't remember him having given them to me, and I DUMPED MY PURSE (oh my God!) out on the counter in front of all the customers and searched while the man looked in the car. When I asked him if they were by chance in the car, he said "It's not there"..with a smirk on his face, and he started in on "I've never had any customers lose the car papers before"... Anyway, to make a long story short, I went to the car, opened the door and they were right there. I was TREMBLING, I was so outraged at the accusing way they treated me.
                Got home but did not even think about drinking. My boyfriend called me later (I had called him during this episode) and he said, "I was so worried that, being so on edge, it would be the straw that broke the camel's back and you would take a drink once you got home." But no, didn't even think about it. Not once. I'm just going to write a nasty letter about this stupid garage to the headquarters in Paris!
                The Campral is working, as well as everything else...Being able to actually think things through and do something positive instead of destroying myself when I'm faced with a problem. Like I've already said, my brain is changing, and my whole attitude in general. YEAH!

                Take care


                  Just starting Campral

                  Re: Campral

                  Congratulations, guys. How many days have you all been on Campral now? It works pretty fast, huh?


                    Just starting Campral

                    Re: Campral


                    Today is my fourth day and I feel it-no cravings at all, and I was having bad ones! Seems like a good thing so far!



                      Just starting Campral


                      Hey Anne (and others!)

                      What a great story. I mean, not that they treated you like that, but the way you handled it without drinking. Or even wanting to! Sounds like there definitely has been a shift in your brain.

                      I'm beginning to think my brain is changing too. I'm on day 6? or is it 7? of Campral. Have also been listening to the hypno cds a lot. (Usually alternate, Clearing one day, Hypnotic the next.) Haven't had any serious cravings in the last couple of days -- more like fleeting thoughts of drinking. Tonight, for instance, I stopped by the supermarket on the way home. No thought all day about having a drink, until I saw a guy coming out of the store carrying a 12-pack of beer. For about 2 seconds, my brain thought that looked good. And then suddenly, it didn't. I walked in and out of the store without the slightest urge to buy anything alcoholic.

                      I know the Campral is helping, but I truly believe it's the synergy of all the parts of the program -- the hypno, the supplements, discussing things here on the board -- that make it work so well.


                        Just starting Campral

                        Re: Campral

                        Hi everyone!!
                        I am new here and am having a great time of encouagement reading all the posts. I have struggled for sooo long with some sobriety here and there. But this last slip lasted almost six months. I was so ashamed and disheartened that I couldn't get back that great feeling of wholeness and worth. I thought to myself,"I wonder if there are any new drugs out there that might help". I found Campral and then found you! I am amazed at the craving control the drug alone has provided. I haven't bought into the whole program yet, but I can tell I need more. I have drank on top of Campral a couple of times. I do not recommend skipping doses. The compulsion came on like a freight train after missing two doses.
                        Thanks for listening,


                          Just starting Campral



                          Welcome! So glad that you've found us. You'll also find a lot of support and encouragement here. I agree that staying sober takes more than just a pill.... it IS a change in brain chemistry, but it also changes so many aspects of your life. It takes some time and effort to figure out how to live without the alcohol.

                          I'm still fairly new to this and have had one slip-up (yikes, just when I was feeling better!) but I have a lot of hope that this WILL be "my" way out.

                          I wish you the best in your journey~



                            Just starting Campral

                            Re: welcome

                            Hi Everyone,
                            I've been reading this forum for a few weeks now.
                            The encouragement is wonderful. I believe I'm on my way!
                            I downloaded the book and bought the CD's.
                            I've been taking the supplements and I'm waiting for the Campral to arrive.
                            I can no longer accept being powerless over a liquid substance.
                            Here's a bit of my story - how my relationship with alcohol began. About 20 years ago, I used alcohol to medicated myself from the emotional pain of being in an abusive relationship. Then, I medicated myself from the emotional pain of the break up. 20 years later, I'm still drinking.
                            I tried to stop lots of times, most recently this summer.
                            I remained sober most of July - 24 days straight. I truly thought I had this compulsion beat. So, August 1st, I had a couple of drinks to prove to myself that I am in control of my drinking. August I tried moderation. To make a long story short, moderation did not work. I spiraled out of control drinking every night. September, I decided to look into medication. That's when I found Campral and MWO.
                            Like many of us, no one in the world would ever believe I struggle with an addiction problem. People believe, I lead a healthy life style.
                            I did not ask for or do not want an addiction problem in my life.
                            Thank you to all for all your support.


                              Just starting Campral

                              Re: welcome

                              Hi all,
                              Thanks for the warm welcome. A nice warm welcome to E also. God bless you for seeking the help. You sound alot like me. My look good-looks good most of the time. No one really knows the shame and disapointment you feel in yourself when each plowing session arrives. Sometimes if there is anything left over from the night before, it will drive me crazy all morning until finally, it seems late enough to start again. Campral REALLY works for me like nothing else has. I can't explain how or why but usually even if the will is strong not to drink, nothing gets in my way. I am tempted at times mentally but not so much physically as before. Good luck to all of us!!


                                Just starting Campral


                                Hi Lori,

                                It's interesting that you describe it in terms of physical cravings vs. mental cravings. I've been thinking about this distinction also.

                                I've found after a couple of weeks on Campral that the physical cravings are GONE. No sign of them whatsoever. It is wonderful not to have that feeling gnawing at me every day as I leave work, and the struggle over whether to stop and buy a bottle.

                                However, the mental cravings still pop up. As sick as it sounds, there's a part of me that misses the old routine. I guess that just goes to show that there is no "magic bullet" -- and that's where other aspects of the program come in. My brain chemistry is changing, but along with it, I have to change my thinking about alcohol. I have to change my mind.

                                Hang in there!


