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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    The nest is hopping this Tuesday morning!!!!!

    Greetings to everyone!
    Big congrats to Blondie & mrsg on their AF milestones

    Iriie & patrice - keep going!

    PF, sorry to hear about the job stress. It is a sad fact that all of us are dealing with in one way or the other. I have not only lost business but entire companies (business customers of mine) have closed & diasppeared Please don't use this as an excuse to drink ~ AL won't make anything better! I very well could have fallen off the wagon when my husband blew out of here 19 months ago, suddenly & without a word. Still don't know what I'm supposed to do about our marriage of 38 years but I am not inviting AL back into my life!

    We all are learning to face life as it comes AF & stronger
    Let's keep on doing that!!!!

    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Newbies Nest

      Hi Nesters,

      PF -- I too am sorry you are going through scary times with your job. Probably way up there on the stress level, but you sound really strong and determined to get on with things no matter what the outcome is, and I think that is incredible of you. You are becoming one of my Heroes; along with Lav, Byrdie and Lolab.

      One of the things that has surprised me in my sobriety after 7 weeks, is how clear I am seeing my life now. What is important what is not; who is important who is not. I thought I had that clarity before, but I now know I did not have the confidence in what I was feeling. I have gained complete confidence in my feelings. I feel validated somehow. Without the booze brain, I am so much more clear headed and feel like I can handle emotional things a little better. I am truly becoming the person I was meant to be. Before, in the clouds of alcohol, it was impossible. Any amount of alcohol for me is detrimental to the person I want and need to be. It is just plain and simply not in the plan as I move forward.

      I can not believe how great everyone on this thread is and how good they are about coming back and getting back on the horse. I feel a sense of community here and energy that is really powerful. We can do this together. I feel it! And together we a stronger than the AL beast.

      Have a wonderful, positive day Nesters. Sorry...I am flying out the I can't ramble on any more.....


        Newbies Nest

        Morning everyone... starting day 6.. go for the 6 steadyhands, and nollie

        still have a bit of a struggle getting to sleep and still waking up with dry head thou at the end of day 5 I felt great... hoping for the same today

        PF will be thinking of you and your mates all day

        Greforino.. what an adventure you are on

        Lolab thanks for the 2 cnets

        Windy appreciated your comments on a clear head... in an AL haze we think we know everything... but what a mess it makes for us as Lavande said we are learning to face life as it comes AF and stronger..

        After facing life with a chardonnay hazes the clear view feels so good

        Hope all you wonderful people have a good Tuesday ... I am inspired by all those who have slipped and come back.. not easy to start over, on day a t time... can't do anything about yesterday but today you can...

        Thank you all for all your love and support


          Newbies Nest

          Morning everyone!

          What a difference a day makes. I feel great, but this is the time where I want to drink because in my head I didn't suffer any consequences from the other night. Except my wallet, lungs and liver. It's really hard because I work from home and really am not accountable to anyone but me. SUCKS. When did I become not important enough to be accountable to?

          It's great not being hungover. I walked the dog, made breakfast and got housework done.

          I am not going to drink today. Not an option.

          I hope everyone is having a great day so far. I am going to go back and catch up on the posts I missed last night and this morning, I just wanted to check in.

          Thanks to everyone for your support.


            Newbies Nest

            New to The Nest

            Hi Everyone,

            Just jumping in to lend and receive support. I've decided to go totally AF even though I was moderating "pretty" successfully. I just don't want to drink anymore - done, end of story!

            Anyway - hello to everyone - feeling great, strong and happy with my decision.

            Sending us all peace and strength.:l


              Newbies Nest

              BlondeAFAmbition;1208871 wrote: Mornin' everyone!

              MinStar...not sure if this will help with you energy levels, but every morning, before I get out of bed I lie there and think about how great my day will be, how everything will go just as it should. I then think of all the reasons in life I have to be grateful...even if they are small things, like the quilt covering my body at the moment. And nowadays, bigger things, like waking up sober. This gets me in a positive frame of mind for the day and gives me more energy. I've been in the habit of getting a pot of coffee ready at night so all I have to do is push the "on" button when I get up, so coffee is ready for me sooner than later. Then I come on here and catch up and post my morning thoughts. Maybe just getting into a really good vibe like this will help out although you seem to be in a cheerful mood this morning anyways! Good luck, you are doing all the right things and well done on Day 8!
              Thanks Blondie. I do love waking up and having Baby next to me. I just dont have time to stop and enjoy for too long as she needs her breakfast. I am happy to sleep until 10am if I could!

              Really really tired- eyes sore like I have not slept at all. I feel like the whites of my eyes are red and sore. wondering if I should have a liver function test done. How do I know this is normal detoxification going on or something more serious. Other than tiredness and aching muscles not much else


                Newbies Nest

                Prairie Fairy;1208878 wrote:

                MinStar - keep drinking the water and vitamins - you will come through the fatigue in the next couple of days! You are doing great!!! You can do this - your daughter would be so proud of you if she were older...
                Thanks PF- tears in my eyes!:upset:


                  Newbies Nest

                  Thanks gregorino- Very wise people on here! LOL. I just want the tiredness to go I am looking forward to it leaving me and feeling even more energy. It doesnt help that I like to come on here of an evening and peruse past posts etc! LMAO. It keeps me motivated so I am not going to cut that short! lol.

                  Lots of great posts and supports. I tend to flick through them during the day and go back on them when Baby gone to bed.

                  Home alone this evening- Hubby is oit for a work do- he will be drinking! eek. Wish I had his control. Anyhoo- I am hoping I can behave and keep off the vino!

                  not sure who posted earlier- just one glass would be ok- but I know myself! I am glad to read these posts and keep getting snippets of gold!:thanks:


                    Newbies Nest

                    Stupid witching hour is upon me. I am doing ok, waiting for dinner and am starving. Picking at things until it is done. I Would normally get a glass in. Not craving it at the moment but more of something to do. Does that make sense? Does anyone else get that. Not going to give into it. Just wish dinner would hurry up! lol
                    Back to reading snippets of gold.......


                      Newbies Nest

                      Min, keep reading until dinner is done! Wash dishes, do laundry, make a cup of tea, distract yourself any way possible. Just stay away from the vino, OK? Sending vibes of strength to you.

                      Alcohol does me no favors.

                      Pouring poison down your throat is just plain STUPID!


                        Newbies Nest

                        Thanks BelleGirl! Kitchen is clean, bottles of baby milk sterlised, washing sorted and put away! ha ha ha.. I could dust but that would be ridiculous at this hour. Thanks for your post. I'm hanging in there.
                        Vibes much appreciated! just need to get past the next hour and another AF day done! yeah!!!
                        Hope you are well.


                          Newbies Nest

                          MinStar, have you ever done any meditation? It's a great tool for changing your thinking. If you're interested here is a website link that I use:

                          Virtual MIndfulness Coach (Learn to meditate to reduce your stress level and enhance your sense of well-being)


                            Newbies Nest

                            Thanks Unwasted. I do yoga and part of that is meditation. I find it hard to not let my mind wonder so I prefer guided meditation- thanks for the link and thanks for reminding me that is something I can use in my tool box.
                            Dinner done, washed and now settling in front of telly. Sparkling water at hand and tired eyes! LOL.
                            Thanks everyone for such an inspirational day!
                            Hope you are well.


                              Newbies Nest

                              Good job MinStar -you are almost there to another AF day - done and dusted. :-)
                              That popping sound you hear is me attempting to remove my head from my arse. It's been there for years so this may take a while.
                              Admitting I need healing. And I am not big enough to do this alone.
                              AF - August 20, 2012


                                Newbies Nest

                                Gaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh - one or two more days it looks like before I know but S&$@ hit the fan today so not looking good....

                                It's death by a thousand cuts
                                That popping sound you hear is me attempting to remove my head from my arse. It's been there for years so this may take a while.
                                Admitting I need healing. And I am not big enough to do this alone.
                                AF - August 20, 2012

