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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Good Evening Everyone!
    Beginning--Stay right here...I really think determination (and for me...being just plain stubborn) helped A LOT!!!:H Once you set your mind to something...ANYTHING is POSSIBLE...Self Full-filling Prophecy!! Just taught it to my 4th graders...little deep, but they got what I meant!
    Lil, Dill--This house hunting has me going crazy...seriously today I looked at such a cute house...until we tried to figure out how to get into the ATTACHED garage from the house. YOU COULDN'T!!!! You had to go outside and walk around the house!!!! Have I mentioned our FREEZING winters ATTACHED garaged that actually enters into the house is a must!! I've never in my life seen such a thing...only in SD would someone build a house like that, I swear...must have been drunk :H
    Chops--you said you you were busy with work until Oct.---do you mind me asking what kind of work you do??? Just curious...I'm only busy for another 17 1/2 days!!!:yay:
    Sea-Thanks for the DP this morning...I did drink it and I ate about 15 can't leave those lying around the nest...that's my weakness!!! Went shopping this weekend....had to try on the next size bigger in I said "F" it and left the store and went grocery shopping...bought me some donuts and more popsickles!!:H

    South Dakota gets an A+ on language and grammer on this post!!!
    I better call it a night!!! Sorry if I missed anyone.....PR if you check in...sweet dreams!!! 'G' cat too!!
    "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."



      Newbies Nest


      Hello my precious little ones....and welcome to our newcomers! The nest is evergrowing....I wouldn't have it any other way....and why shouldn't it? No better place to be with the amount of warmth and support we share. Thx for taking care of 'G' Lil....Sea, sorry about your Celtics tonight....they were still 'hungover' from the Bulls series.....well, goodnight cherubs....have a peaceful sleep.
      Papa R....and G


        Newbies Nest

        Good Tuesday morning, peeps!

        I know I have not been checking in daily, but I do ready your posts and you all sound wonderful to me...bumps, bruises and all. I like flying into the nest for some peace and R&R. Very safe and comforting--gotta love the Starbucks and the doggy talk (not so much the sports, but the NHL Playoffs are on so that's not too bad).

        Supposed to be sunny today again so the plan is to do some gardening if I can stay awake. Putting in extra hours at work to catch up after being off, and the meds make me a tad bit drowsy...sober drowsy, but drowsy nonetheless. I am working hard to "always look on the bright side of life" even though "life's a piece of shit, when you think of it." Okay, that's lifted right from Spamalot, but still.... Yesterday, after tryin out a new hairstyle that I thought was pretty stylin', someone asked, "Did you even LOOK at your hair in the mirror this morning?" :H If nothing else, I will never become conceited!

        Papa--thanks for keeping us all together here. I have not seen anything from Sunshine, am I just missing her posts?


          Newbies Nest

          Good morning, Nesters! Welcome Ireeno. :welcome: Hi UNG! You are soundiing really good! Loved the hairstyle story!:H

          I was wondering about Sunshine, too. I haven't seen any posts from her since early April, I'm sad to say. Maybe she'll pop in sometime soon.

          I have a day full of meetings today so I am going to need some extra determination today. If anybody has any extra, please share! Maybe SD could spare my some of her 'stubbornness'!

          Hey, I once lived in a house with an attached garage that you had to go outside to get into. I always wondered what thinking went into that design....

          Have a great day everybody!

          Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

          If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


            Newbies Nest

            Good Morning Nesters! I flew in last night without checking in. Had a busy night visiting my son and of course getting him food to eat. Awww..the memories of my first apartment and trying to make it in the real world!

            Dill, I agree with Lil on the dog's name. Of course, we all would be there with bail money if that were ever necessary :H Good luck with your meetings and I have sent some determination your way!

            Lil, I had a great day yesterday. I am bit tired today and I have to go to the dentist :upset:

            Welcome Ireeno!!! It is nice to have you in the nest. Make yourself comfortable!

            Hi UNG. Glad you posted. It's always good to hear from you.

            Beginning, I am glad that you are sticking with us

            SD, I am so jealous you only have 17 1/2 days of busy left! My dad is a teacher so I know how busy you and Dill are at this time of year. I am the accounts payable clerk for a highway striping company. Our busy season is April through October as the winter months here do not allow for much work!

            Hello PR and G. Hope you have a wonderful day!

            Sea, hope to see you soon. Sounds like Celtics didn't do so well? They will bounce back!

            Hello to all to follow and sorry if I missed anyone.

            Have a great day everyone. I have set out coffee, Diet Pepsi and muffins. Enjoy your Tuesday!


              Newbies Nest

              Good Morning!!
              Quick Post...hey there ya doing??? I hear you with feeling tired all the time...I didn't understand that either...and the hair thing too....I just whacked all mine off....I finally have moved past the 15 year old hair style!!

              Dill--You're welsome to anything I got honey...whatever it takes to make it through a school day...we had Social Services here first thing this morning....with the same POed parent....still lovin me!!:H Come on people..not b4 I finish my Diet Pepsi!!!!
              I better get going....I have a Kindergarten class right now!!!!
              "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."



                Newbies Nest

                I'm checking in early, as usual! I made it through the day OK. It was a full day of parent meetings. The parents were actually great. The staff were the hassle! :H

                The new avatar is my aussie mix, also sticking out her tongue!

                Well it's TOT for me: tuckered out twig!

                Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                  Newbies Nest

                  My gosh, I just realized I didn't check in this morning!! Since this man of mine has retired, my entire routine is messed up!! What day is it? Where am I? Who am I? :H No wonder I was so confused this morning. I was missing my usual morning cup of coffee with my fellow peeps.

                  UNG-I'm always so glad to hear from you. Sorry to hear the meds are making you tired. Is it just a temporary thing like it usually is with that kind of thing?

                  SD-So I take it the house with the attached garage but no door is a no? LOL!! Are you from SD originally? I hope you don't mind me asking. You just sort of sound like a transplanted South Dakoter.

                  Dill-I spent all day working outside in the yard. I told hubby if we spent as much time and worked as hard even on a small farm (yes, I'm still jealous) we would never have to go to the grocery store.

                  Chops-I hope your visit to the dentists wasn't too bad. How was your weather today? I have never been to Oregon so it just seems like one of those far away places to me. Do you have long summers and short winters?

                  PR-You said that you worked with kids. I know that you probably said what kind of a program that it was but I think I missed it. Could you tell me again? Is it a mentor program? Is it a year round program or just in the summer? I hope you don't mind me asking. I'm just wondering if the same program is offered here where I live. Well, you know the lights on.

                  Night, night nesters.
                  AF since 7/26/2009

                  "There is nothing noble in being superior to other man. The true nobility is being superior to your previous self."--Hindu proverb.

                  "Sobriety isn't a landing but rather a journey." anonymous


                    Newbies Nest

                    Just bumping along and checking in...grabbing a working on self esteem and positive thinking twig.
                    Good night Lil, Dill, Sd, Chops, PR, Up N, Sea, Ung and who ever else makes it to the nest tonight!
                    Cheers (figuratively) to all the school folks...I do children's (and adults traumatized as children) health/mental health work...couldn't do my job without you all!
                    Sweet dreams!


                      Newbies Nest

                      Quick qestion...looking for site protocol/ it strange for new struggling folks to post to new comers? I often want to welcome new comers but really don't have this figured out enough to give any advice?! Any thoughts?


                        Newbies Nest

                        Good evening all my feathered friends. I hope everyone had a great day.

                        Dill, I am glad your meetings went well. I know you are tuckered and nestled in, so I hope you get the rest you need and are refreshed for tomorrow. Both your dogs are adorable...I love the tongues! :H

                        Lil, glad to see you! I was wondering where you were this morning! Dentist went ok. Our weather was rainy today with some sun breaks. Oregon is a very rainy state. We really don't have seasons here. Well, I should say we have two...rain and sun. Our summers are not too long and our winter seems to last forever! Thankfully, the winters don't get too terrible along we had record snowfall in December. You'll have to visit sometime. We have everything here....ocean, mountains, valley and desert!

                        Beginning, nice to see you this evening.

                        Hello to SD, UNG, PR, 'G', Sea and all others. Have a good night's rest :l


                          Newbies Nest

                          Hey Beginning, we cross posted. I think it is ok to respond to newcomers even though you are new yourself. I think it is a comfort to newcomers to know someone is just starting like them. Go ahead and reach out a hand or just a quick welcome. Whichever you are comfortable with


                            Newbies Nest

                            Hi everyone

                            I'm back and am very happy of what I can do for my family and myself so far, I'm sober for 2 months now, although I start all over, but am glad I made it again. (",)
                            "I am the Righteousness Of GOD in Christ"

                            'PrOblems aRe nOthinG buT wakE-Up caLLs fOr CreativitY'--Gschwandtner

                            Boogie Boozin'
                            (AF) since 18th June 2008 -(VOID) - Gotta start all over again..[Slipped once after 4 mths AF. Back to heavy drinking again after another 2mths AF...]

                            Boogie Boozin'
                            (AF) since 7th March 2009



                              Newbies Nest


                              Goodnight my little ones....aweet dreams to one and all................
                              PR & G


                                Newbies Nest

                                Another quick post!!
                                First things first: I BOUGHT A HOUSE....I BOUGHT A HOUSE!!!!!!!!!! :yay::yay:
                                I can't believe it!!!! I want you all to come here when I move in for a BBQ...can we do that via the nest!?!?!:H I make kick a** ribs on the grill!!!!
                                Ok...It's super late son had his Spring Concert tonight and we've been calling everyone and celebrating all I need to get him to bed...I will write more tomorrow!!!!
                                Sorry....hope everyone had a great Cinco de Mayo!!
                                "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."


