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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Everybody has so many positive and encouraging words this AM! I just shouted to my husband " it's day 6! can do it Bobbbby!" he just looked at me and laughed and said, now I know you never watches "Waterboy". Well, actually I did but it is totally not my type of movie! But I digress...

    Rooniferd, you got this, stick close to all these wonderful peeps!

    Monique , thanks for the advice, it helps to hear from those who've been there, done that, and what helps.

    Sausage!!!! Yay!!!!!! Way to go!! You rock!

    Hi Kradle! Isn't the nest great! I love your posts , they are so honest and hit home with many of I think, cept for the pics...lmbo!

    Hi lavande!

    Good day to all. Will check in later.

    Anybody having GI ISSUES after stopping with the AL?


    "It takes a lot of courage to release the familiar and seemingly secure, to embrace the new. But there is no real security in what is no longer meaningful. There is more security in the adventurous and exciting, for in movement there is life, and in change there is power."
    -Alan Cohen


      Newbies Nest

      Good morning Nesters!

      Overcast & damp around these parts, oh well!

      CONGRATS Sausage on your 3 AF months!!!!!
      Great feeling, isb't it?

      Just wanted to mention a few things here -
      I believe we can all find the success we say we want if we are really willing to put the necessary work into our quits. If it means changing routines, then do it. If it means avoiding the drinking friends, drop them. No one can take better care of you than you.....
      Friends & even family may say they want the best for you but if their attitudes & behavior are destructive & damaging, open your eyes, do what you have to do. I say this from personal experience

      Cat, I hear you about the GI issues. Take a daily probiotic & look at your diet. I have finally straightened out my own system but it takes some time & effort.

      OK, wishing everyone a terrific AF Thursday!
      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Newbies Nest

        Good morning everyone!

        Lav...I love all of your are truly an inspiration and I look forward to reading all of your posts! Have a great day!

        Rooni...I will be thinking of you today! Best of luck on day 2! It seems as though you have a great attitude. Try not to dwell on the "what ifs" and that you could've been on day 17...instead try to focus on today and day 2. The last time we were at day 1 we were on the same schedule. I gave into the beast and came on here to let everyone know about my screw up and saw that you were celebrating day 14! I was so happy for you but I went through the "what ifs" too and it just made me feel like crap. I hope this helps!

        Hi Cat! Congrats on day 6! Best of luck today and keep shouting out your success!inkele:

        Monique...Wow..thank God your son had good reflexes! What an amazing kid! I am so glad that you made it through that hurdle! Congrats on day 16 and good luck at the Drs!!!! are in good company! :l This is my favorite thread and I too have found that super glue works best to keep my butt in the nest...Velcro did nothing! Damn Velcro! Ha! I am trying to figure out all these threads too...I seem to be posting all over the place! I guess you just learn as you go! If I can figure it out I will try posting some pics of my horses. I have 4 and they are my world. One of my goals for staying AF is to be able to ride my "rescue" horse in the 4th of July parade. I got him a year ago and have since put 400 lbs on I would like to show him off!!!! rock! :happyheart:

        Have a great day everyone! I am looking forward to day 3 AF!!!!!!!!!!!
        AB Club Member
        AB Start Date - 7/25/12

        10 Months AF - 5/24/13 :yay:

        :heart:I would rather be addicted to my horses than alcohol:heart:


          Newbies Nest

          SAUSAGE;1322027 wrote: Today is day 91 ( 3 months ) for me , and I've just updated my story in the Story section. Those of you struggling in the early days may like to take a look. i hope it motivates you, things do get so much better if you can just hang in there and get through the early difficult days and weeks.
          Wow, great story, Sausage. So incredibly inspiring. I can relate to so many things in your story, especially the part about how you went from being an occasional drinker, to a couple of glasses of wine in the evenings, to getting completely trashed every night.

          It sounds like you got some amazing support on this site. It's been great for me so far. We're all in this together!

          Again, congrats on your three months! That's so fantastic!!


            Newbies Nest

            Well, Rooni, not so fast, as I kind of saw coming, the Afghan Whigs just kicked off their reunion after a 14 year hiatus.... I kind of knew I'd be drinking with my buddy, and I definitely went over my limits. The good news, I didn't get completely smashed or anything like that. Also, when my buddy wanted to stop by a bar, before we went home, I didn't even really want to drink my suprsies, when we got to this bar, he didn't want to drink anymore, he actually said to me, "Should we just go home?" I agreed.

            I went and got some pizza and went home.

            Waking up was a little interesting. I started having some slight anxiety, but I was able to will that away, it did cause me some dry heaves this morniing. After I took a shower, I started feeling better and started to pack (I'm heading out of town later today).

            I think my mood describes it perfectly, I feel "blah." I don't have any anxiety, I kind of have a headache, but don't think that's from drinking believe it or not, my chiropractor makes me do this weird excercise that sometimes gives me a head ache the next day.

            I guess I feel exhausted, I really don't feel like doing anything, kind of wish my flight was early.

            Basically, I had a little too much fine, it was the Whigs, I kind of saw this coming.

            On more good news, I don't feel that utter patheticness, self-loathing, even suicidal feeling I would get after a night like this. However, it is more evidence that I really don't enjoy waking up feeling sick and tired. I think I'll be okay though..

            ...none of us are perfect.


              Newbies Nest

              day 5af

              Ok, so today is day 5af. This its my first time joining a site like this. I appreciate everyones honesty, humor, and positive out look. Have a great day all!


                Newbies Nest

                Flying back in for a minute -

                Destiniey, I am glad you like the nest & the support here. Wishing you continued success.

                Bent, 5 days AF is great! Glad you are enjoying the nest as well.

                Stewarts, I can honestly say that I still have no idea what's going on with you. What is your goal? What is your plan? If you really want to get control of your drinking or quit altogether you really need to get some AF time under your belt as I mentioned to you a few times before.
                Most people coming here are making every effort to quit for at least 30 days. I don't think it's beneficial to the group, as a whole to read about your repeated evenings out drinking, getting drunk or not. Why don't you think about posting all that on the Moderation threads where you will find others doing the same.

                I think it's important to be honest here but also respect the feelings & the efforts of the other nesters
                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  Newbies Nest

                  Well said Lav...I was wondering the same thing...Stewarts- are you quitting, cutting back, or none of the above? Just asking, because like Lav said, most people here are trying to get completely away from AL, and hearing about nights out drinking does not vibe well sometimes. Just sayin'. Of course you're always welcome here...just trying to figure out what's going on!

                  Well Nesties, I will be away until Tuesday 5/29, I hope everyone stays super duper glued to the falling out! I am looking forward to my little trip, should be fun to hang out with the family and get away from my chains in my cubicle. LOL

                  Last night my nephew got the bright idea to "rearrange" his room, so guess who ended up doing all the work? Yep: Me. BOYS! I swear, him and my other nephew just stood around waiting for things to move themselves...then they were so wimpy acting like they couldn't move the furniture so I said "For crying out loud, let me do it" here's their middle-age aunt moving furniture while two young bucks stand around watching. LOL Oy vey, like I said, BOYS! They were quite impressed with my strength though, guess my working out is paying off. HA Then my nephew that lives with me said "I could never live by myself, I still need too much help"...and I thought "No SHIT". LOL So that's my exciting story from last night, kept me up WAY past my bedtime...10:30!

                  I am off at noon today and plan to get on the road. I hope you all have a great time. I'll be checking in on you all from my phone, but I don't post from there, too hard!

                  "See" you all Tuesday...please stay strong and get through the holiday's just another (sober) day!

                  :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                  Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                    Newbies Nest

                    Rude and Insensitive

                    Lavande;1322227 wrote: Flying back in for a minute -

                    Destiniey, I am glad you like the nest & the support here. Wishing you continued success.

                    Bent, 5 days AF is great! Glad you are enjoying the nest as well.

                    Stewarts, I can honestly say that I still have no idea what's going on with you. What is your goal? What is your plan? If you really want to get control of your drinking or quit altogether you really need to get some AF time under your belt as I mentioned to you a few times before.
                    Most people coming here are making every effort to quit for at least 30 days. I don't think it's beneficial to the group, as a whole to read about your repeated evenings out drinking, getting drunk or not. Why don't you think about posting all that on the Moderation threads where you will find others doing the same.

                    I think it's important to be honest here but also respect the feelings & the efforts of the other nesters
                    Well, that was rude and insensitive, but considering the type of people I deal with on a daily basis, it made me laugh a little bit.

                    Two people fell off, I did as well; one was really upset about it. The whole reason for the whole story was to show did the world end? No! Am In or anyone else in jail? No! Did I use some careless judgement? Perhaps. People tend to feel like crap when they fall to peer pressure, I know I usually do....I was intending a completely different night.

                    I understand that many people feel better about themselves for putting others down; personally, I find it pathetic, but if it makes you feel better about yourself, knock yourself out.

                    But I really do appreciate your support as I try to kick this (I'm being sarcastic if you didn't catch on)....

                    Actually you know what, I was going to say something really crass, but I'm not going to stoop down, frankly, I really do feel sorry for you - hitting someone when they're down, and over a computer screen on top of that....


                      Newbies Nest

                      Thanks K(

                      K9Lover;1322240 wrote: Well said Lav...I was wondering the same thing...Stewarts- are you quitting, cutting back, or none of the above? Just asking, because like Lav said, most people here are trying to get completely away from AL, and hearing about nights out drinking does not vibe well sometimes. Just sayin'. Of course you're always welcome here...just trying to figure out what's going on!

                      Well Nesties, I will be away until Tuesday 5/29, I hope everyone stays super duper glued to the falling out! I am looking forward to my little trip, should be fun to hang out with the family and get away from my chains in my cubicle. LOL

                      Last night my nephew got the bright idea to "rearrange" his room, so guess who ended up doing all the work? Yep: Me. BOYS! I swear, him and my other nephew just stood around waiting for things to move themselves...then they were so wimpy acting like they couldn't move the furniture so I said "For crying out loud, let me do it" here's their middle-age aunt moving furniture while two young bucks stand around watching. LOL Oy vey, like I said, BOYS! They were quite impressed with my strength though, guess my working out is paying off. HA Then my nephew that lives with me said "I could never live by myself, I still need too much help"...and I thought "No SHIT". LOL So that's my exciting story from last night, kept me up WAY past my bedtime...10:30!

                      I am off at noon today and plan to get on the road. I hope you all have a great time. I'll be checking in on you all from my phone, but I don't post from there, too hard!

                      "See" you all Tuesday...please stay strong and get through the holiday's just another (sober) day!


                      Actually, K9, what you said as well said, Lavande, well, I said my peace there....

                      To recap, two people fell off and were feeling really bad about it (one I recall, may have even got into a car). Life is too short to constantly beat up on yourself for a mistake as we all do...I was being empathetic.

                      SO back to what I want to do....I want to get it all out of my life....its easier said then done. There are several triggers, I think I mentioned one of them was music....

                      And MANY people I have read sharing their falling off the wagon stories....


                        Newbies Nest

                        Stewarts -

                        Sorry you felt attacked. I honestly didn't see that at all in Lav's post, and maybe you thought mine was rude too. If so, I apologize. I think we're just trying to figure out what you're doing, not that you owe us an explanation by any means. Just seems that you have a lot of drinking stories, and maybe the Nest is not the best place to share them. Like Lav said, there is a Moderation thread, where people continue to drink in moderation, and they might appreciate your stories more. That's all.
                        :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                        Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                          Newbies Nest

                          I'm sure no one meant to be rude. And as far as talking about failures or relapses.... There is a bit of that here in the nest because people are looking to be lifted up and supported so I am sure Stewarts was not intending to share his drinking stories for the sake of sharing...


                            Newbies Nest

                            I think this "disagreement" speaks to the convoluted thoughts we have about alcohol when we know we have a big problem but still aren't quite of the mindset to make a firm commitment to quit. I mean, gosh, personally, I have NEVER been a non-drinking adult. I don't even know what it feels like yet. I agree that most of us here want to completely abstain from the beast, but I'm sure thoughts of moderation pass through just about everyone's head at some point.

                            Stewarts, from what I can tell in your posts, you are experimenting with moderation, but part of you wants to give up alcohol completely? Geez, I'm no expert on any of this. I'm still treading in deep water. But I do know one thing - I can't moderate. I need to quit completely, or I will surely die a slow, painful death.


                              Newbies Nest

                              Stewarts, to me it seems like you feel like you don't have a problem with AL. You have said many times that you have no problem not drinking (too much), therefore, you seem to just be talking about your life and your successful moderating, I guess. But, then you do occasionally say that you overdid it, but whatever nobody died, lol. That's the mindset most of us had before we came here. If we were content with our drinking we wouldn't be here. I think that's what is troubling everyone. Why are you here? Do you want to give up AL? Do you want to moderate? There is a moderation forum on here as well, if that's your goal, and I think there are some really nice folks there too.

                              "I like people too much or not at all."
                              Sylvia Plath


                                Newbies Nest

                                Hello all. Sorry i am so in and out, but i have little private time to post nd need to type on this dumb ipad.
                                I am haing a very bad day ... My bro found out he has terminal cancer. Probably drealted to his alcohol use. His wife is a bad alky. They have three kids. I feel sick to my stomach, it is just sp terrible. I am going to tell sil she just has to get sober. No choice. My bro has been raising the kids while she is in bed drunk. His alc use is mostly in the past. I love those kids and my poor bro. I am sorry for all i the times i have noy taken care of myself. It could be me. But now i have more reason to stay sober. Give me strength. I am not sure how to handle all of this. Thank u all for listening.

