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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    hello.........I've stumbled upon this forum totally by accident. I just googled for carb content in wine, and ended up I thought I'd join




      Newbies Nest

      Welcome Adam and Serenity!

      You've found a great place to learn and share! No time now - dinner is on the go.. but look forward to getting to know you better!

      Best wishes on your journey!
      Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

      Winning since October 24th, 2013


        Newbies Nest

        Good mornng Nesters,

        Happy Sunday to one and all!

        I finished my shrub clipping & cleanup last evening and as a result am sitting here today with red, itchy bumps on my neck and arm. Apparently I came into contact with something I shouldn't have.........So glad I have no hangover to deal with as well

        Welcome to the Nest Adam. Hope you and Serenity are having a good day here

        Well, I'm off to find something to take care of my itches.
        Wishing everyone a happy, AF Sunday!
        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          Newbies Nest

          Good Morning Nesters! Glad to see everyone

          Huge Welcomes to Serenity and Adam!:welcome: :welcome: You have both found a wonderful place for support and pretty much anything else you may need. As Lav said, check in everyday with us and let us know how you are doing. Even if it is just to say hi

          Lav, oh dear...not more itches!!! I do hope it is not poison ivy or chiggers like Dill had to deal with. It was nice to be AF yesterday, wasn't it.

          Sunni, hope you had a lovely dinner.

          Not much planned for my day today. Gardening is out due to the rain. Guess, I will have to stick with my course work I am taking.

          Have a great day everyone! :l


            Newbies Nest


            Hello my little ones....been gone a few days at work & am recovering today....missed you all. I'll 'be back' tomorrow, but wish you a wonderful night tonight. WONDERFUL to see a few new faces in the nest. We welcome you into our family and are here to help you on your journey any way we can. Pull up a twig and stay a while.
            Pops & G


              Newbies Nest

              Hey there nesters!!!
              :welcome: to all the newbies...awesome to have you here!!!
              I REALLY need to be typing a paper right now but couldn't help but stop by the nest! Missed you all!!! I went to the cabin this sister from Denver and her kids were out there...we had a blast (minus my step-b*tch of a mother) that lady is not right!! Even my dad said that she was nothing but a liar and was basically trying to make it until Sunday when she left! I've never in my life met a more unhappy, miserable human being....kinda have to feel sorry for a person like that ACTUALLY!

              Anyway...other then that....did I mention that I spent last week with my ex-husband??? Bray was at the lake and he was here....we actually had a really good time!! Is that weird??? Not to worry (Dill ) I'm being careful and smart about this....I don't want to get hurt again!! I know how you worry/care about us nester girls!!

              I know I need to get this paper started...someone please remind me again....why the heck I'm taking classes AGAIN!!!??? I don't even want to be a principal...I love my job now!! Oh well...learning is growing right????

              Sorry I didn't address each of you individually...I've been reading all your posts and have been keeping up...just not good about taking the time to post myself!! Miss you all...Chops--you hangin in there??? Ready for a SD visit?
              BIG HUGS!!
              "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."



                Newbies Nest

                Feels like coming home already!


                I am new and right now in a state of mild apprehension about this whole thing-but want to make positive steps! More than anything I've felt alone with this for awhile now and don't feel that I can talk to any of my loved ones because of my on sense of guilt/shame!

                Thinking back, I have a feeling that my problem with alcohol started after my first baby was born. I got Post Natal Depression and was encouraged to have 'a drink' to 'help me relax' by my partner. Now, about 4.5 year on I seem to still need a drink to help me cope with day to day living. I have tried countless times to stop or moderate, but it never seems to work.

                Can partners unconsciously 'enable' you to drink? Because, sometimes when I tried to stop before, he would pour me a drink,even without asking me if I wanted one. I would feel that I was insulting him or wasting it if I didn't have it.Now hoever, I think he knows I have a problem and just wishes I would stop. He tells me all I need to do is learn to 'drink in moderation & have self control'. But I can't seem to do this. If I start i keep going!

                He has drunk alot in his life,less so now,but he is always in control and rarely 'binges'. I know he finds it hard to respect me when I can't do as he can. Before I met him and his family I used to have a drink here and there on special occasions and a bit more if I ever went out to a club or dance. We never had alcohol in the house,could not afford to! But his family always have and when I began living with my hubby it was always there.So in the last 7 years of marriage it has been 'in my life'. But I can honestly say it was never really a problem until I hit rock bottom in the first few months of my first child's life!

                Now more than anything I want to be healthy for my children and not to damage my relationship with hubby or anyone else for that matter. So finding this place does feel like a safe haven to me. Cause I feel very alone with this right now! Thanks for listening, posting this has helped.

                Today I made a prmose to myself to stop as I can't seem to 'moderate'. Today is day number one of me healing myself and getting the control back! Wish me luck.


                  Newbies Nest



                  Those who do not have our issues with alcohol simply cannot understand what it means and feels like to us. It is that simple.

                  I hope you can find your way out here. Read, post, ask questions. Consider downloading RJ's book, if you can.

                  Like you, moderation is simply not an option for me. Once I take one drink, the fight is on and I always lose. Always.

                  My only option is to not take that first drink.

                  Simple but not easy. However, we can do it.

                  Good luck and glad you are here.
                  AF April 9, 2016


                    Newbies Nest

                    Hey there..


                    What a wonderful looking support site this is! I'm looking forward to (hopefully) being of help to some of you whilst getting some support myself.

                    I've been struggling with my drinking for the past 15 years since my mother died. At one stage for I started the day off with leftover wine from the night before or a quick swig from a bottle and drank up to 12 units a day. Right now I drink almost every day at least 6 units although sometimes I have the odd AF day or two.

                    I've now got to the stage where my body is physically hurting - not just hungover but aching and shooting pains throughout my insides and limbs. It really is starting to feel like I'm on the cusp of causing serious damage. Also i am prone to depression (have been on meds twice) - the drinking certainly isn't helping with that!

                    No-one who knows me would think I had a problem of any kind-I always appear confident and well presented at work and socially. I just want to be able to enjoy life alcohol free like I did when I was a child and bring my body and mind back to health.

                    Anyway good to meet you all and I wish you all great luck in kicking the demon.


                      Newbies Nest

                      :welcome: Chicken and Always! It is so nice to have you join the nest. Pick a twig, settle in, and let us help you on your journey. You will find a lot of support not only here, but on other threads as well. You have both made the first step, and I am so proud of you. Stay close and let us help!

                      SD, I have missed you soooo much! I often ask myself why I am taking classes, as I should be typing a paper right now too. Ugh!! It is to better ourselves, help ourselves reach a goal or dream, and it just is what it is Please take it slow with your ex. I don't want you hurt. YES, I am sooooo ready for a SD visit!!! When can I come?

                      Pops, glad you checked in. Can't wait to have you back :l

                      Dill, sounds like your weekend was wonderful! I love good food too!

                      Talk to everyone in the morning!:l


                        Newbies Nest

                        Hi all!

                        I just wanted to say, Chicken 3, my boyfriend's attitude toward AL sounds A LOT like your husband's. He drinks but rarely gets drunk. He has a casual attitude about it and thinks I should just mod and 'control my drinking'. Now that we live together he has seen how often I get wasted and has become concerned. Yet, he says I spend too much time dwelling on it. He has no clue what this is like for me. It is frustrating to see him enjoy AL with few consequences while I suffer time and time again because of an out of control binge. He just doesn't get it. No one in my life really does. Thats why I am here now. I don't want to dwell but I need support and I don't want to publicly admit my issue so I am posting and reading.. trying to get it together. Best wishes to all!


                          Newbies Nest

                          HI, This is my first post. I'm hoping to moderate - I'm currently drinking 1 - 1.5 bottles of wine a night, going to work late and often hungover, not exercising at all and gaining weight like I set out to do it. I went to my doctor for meds and they have an abstinence only approach. I assume there are online options but I'm confused about which med I should take and a little concerned about how they would interact with my anti-depressants (and I'm aware of the irony in that, considering that I take a huge dose of a depressant every day ...)
                          ~%~%~%~ :new:
                          It's never too late to be what you could have been
                          check out what I'm up to when I'm not drunk:


                            Newbies Nest

                            Just starting out sort of

                            I tried a private councelor in September of 08. Worked with her until late December of 08 when she kind of just disappeared. I did a 24 day stint of a 30 day try from September 27 until about the 20th of October and had a binge and she told me to check into the ER. I did and returned to work the next day. She had been bugging me to join AA. So this time I did. Got a sponser that was about 5 months sober (3rd time around). After a few talks he asked if I was sure that I was an drunk. I said that at times I control it, you know 4-5 beer a day but on weekends it can get worse, you know 12 plus a botle of wife shared with my wife and maybe part of a pint of vodka hidden in a guitar amp. Mondays sometimes felt bad. So he said well if yu are not sure why not go out and drink again. So I made a plan with my wife we would have a couple of drinks on Saturday and Sunday. I did add to that sometimes but for the most part it worked until about February 09 and I had another binge. Back to AA. All they talk about is how many years it took them to recover and how many relapses and how many times they would go out after meetings and drink in the early days. All this talk of drinking and the 3 or 5 year plan. I could not take it. I did have 2 home groups to get different perspectives. I stayed away for awhile from my meetings and nobody called. I closely monitored my intake withthe little airplane bottles and the little 4 packs of wine. Sometimes beer that I really love but getting rid of the bottles are a pain. I agreed to go to a treatment center for an assessment. They wanted me to do either a 2 week out patient 9-4 for 2 weeks; out of the question for work projects etc. They said they could do a 3 day a week 6-9pm for 10 weeks. I wanted neither. We had a vacation planned to drive to Yellowstone this week but the 4th weekend was a major binge (nobody could tell including my wife!) but Monday, Tuesday I could not go to work. I made good excuses. Wednesday, my wife said go to work and we go on vacation Thursday or go to detox. I did not want to get on the road with the 500SL with little bottles and possibly kill us so I opted for detox. I got out yesterday and am back taking Campral. I took it while drinking and was really gittery and to cure that I would have a drink. Now free of alcohol and 1 day doing OK and going to work tomorrow with the vacation canceled (I am so pissed at myself for doing this) I am wondering is all of this going to work. Is Topamax a better choice?

                            Been tring, not successful, dissappointed in AA, this has to be it. There are no more chances. Any and all advise is desparately needed. Tears rolling down my cheeks


                              Newbies Nest

                              Liath;663006 wrote: Hi all!

                              I just wanted to say, Chicken 3, my boyfriend's attitude toward AL sounds A LOT like your husband's. He drinks but rarely gets drunk. He has a casual attitude about it and thinks I should just mod and 'control my drinking'. Now that we live together he has seen how often I get wasted and has become concerned. Yet, he says I spend too much time dwelling on it. He has no clue what this is like for me. It is frustrating to see him enjoy AL with few consequences while I suffer time and time again because of an out of control binge. He just doesn't get it. No one in my life really does. Thats why I am here now. I don't want to dwell but I need support and I don't want to publicly admit my issue so I am posting and reading.. trying to get it together. Best wishes to all!
                              Hey i think the trouble is we (and our guys) forget that as mens' livers are larger their bodies metabolise larger quantities of alcohol better (or something like that!). We go out (or stay in) and match them drink for drink but we are simply not physically equipped to do so.

                              I ordered some L-glut online today and grabbed some milk thistle which I've often used in the past from the chemist and am sat here with a nice big glass lime squash lol.


                                Newbies Nest

                                Thankyou all so much for the warm welcome!

                                I hope I get to remember all your names and be of some help myself while I start this journey!

                                I've had a good day today and have not even really had an urge to drink. (Am sipping green-tea with mint as I type this -seems to soothe me quite well). But I do find that I can usually go 2 days without a problem, by day 3 I either cave in or struggle through with the certain knowledge that I will be drinking on the moro!

                                Actually,I work part-time and it is usually after a long day at work that I just feel like having a drink of an evening.Hubby is usually having a few light beers and I want to join him.But this wont be happening anywmore hopefully.

                                Thanks Liath & Always for your comments. My hubby is very laid back about drinking,and can't understand why I should be any different to him. One minute he seems to be saying I should slow up and moderate, the next he says I don't have a problem. At least he's stopped buying me alcohol now! He would do this regularly,I know it was a nice gesture,but it usually happened when I'd just made up my mind to give up (again!).

                                Camra, I am struggling now to and have only just now admitted to having a problem. I am probably not able to give you anything that helpful, but hey I'll be here if you need to offload so you can get through another minute,hour or day!

                                fernanda-I too am on anti-depressants and worry about what the mix is actually doing to me? Anyway want to tell me the scarey details?? (cringes)

                                Cinders and Choppersmom, thanks for the words of encouragement and sharing your stories with me. So far so good, but as I've said, day one is rarely a problem for me.I looked forward to getting back here all day today,so I guess I've pulled up one of those nice twigs and am settling in for the duration. In much better spirits knowing I have somehwere to go and not hold it all inside.

                                Thanks again all,

