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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Good morning all Nesters!

    Still overcast & foggy here, still waiting for the rain! I guess we just have to wait & see. Looks like more indoor activities for me today - that's OK though, I have a big list!

    Prancy, I sure hope your horse is better today, bless you for sitting with him all this time. Sending strength to you both.
    Sunny, I hope your horse is better today as well.

    SD, I'm full of motivation & attitude, I send you some Hang in there!

    Wishing a good day to Dill, NoraC, Sunnydaz, Chicken, GHE, Tulipe, Loved1 and anyone else that checks in today
    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Newbies Nest

      Day 3 AF

      Day 3 AF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!YEEHAAAAAAA!!!!!!!

      Actually my excitement is tempered by the fact that I am so sick right now with flu that I don't think I have an appetite for anything at all.

      But hey, I am just happy I've made it through the elusive and challenging Day 3.

      Goodnight all


        Newbies Nest

        Good Morning everyone.....I don't know about you but it seems when I have something to learn it just shows up right on time. The Letting Go and letting God...learning how to detach. I printed it out and put it on my wall to read everyday. sorry to hear about your horse. Hope everything will be okay.

        Good Morning Lavande....I'm doing good today...maybe it's been a "growth spurt" I have been going through....I don't know but this girl is going to learn to let go and stay focused on myself...whatever it takes. I hope everything is going well for you.

        Chicken....WAY TO are doing day at a time. I hope you get to feeling better soon. The flu is no fun.

        To all....I hope you have a wonderful day.

        Sunnydaz (51/2 months sober...Feb. 6,2009 quit date)
        smober 102 days....March 28,2009


          Newbies Nest

          Good Morning Nesters! Well, we have made it to Wednesday. I am really ready for a nice weekend...two more days to get through!

          Nora, thanks for the breakfast. Just what I needed this fine morning!

          Prancy, how is the horse? My thoughts and best wishes are with you. I just don't like it when are animals get sick.

          Chicken...way to go on day 3 :goodjob: Keep up the good work!

          Dill, I am going to try and slow things down a bit today. I may just go wander my dad's garden after work and smell all that is blooming I LOVE your avatar! I have not heard of an edible flower before. I will definitely ask my dad on this one.

          Lav, how are you today? Did I read that you were feeling a bit lame yourself? Hope you are going ok.

          SD, :l..hang in there girlie! You know we all love you! I am sending positive thoughts your way. Do you need to come to Oregon for a vacation? Or, I can come to SD and we can have some motivational down time!! Work is good, but it is our busy season, so things can get a bit frustrating.

          Sunni, how is your mare doing? I hear ya on how doing nothing can be just as tiresome as being busy!

          Hi to sunnydaz, GHE, and all others.

          I really miss Lilmea and Pops too.

          Have a wonderful day all. :l


            Newbies Nest

            Mornin' peepers (barely... almost noon)

            How is everyone? Prancy.. how's your boy doing? My old girl isn't improving a whole lot. I figured she must have pulled something or mis-stepped when she got spooked by the flash light I had out with me (she did a hop, skip, and a jump kinda thing). I'm putting her back on some bute for a few days.. see if that helps.

            Chicken... WAY TO GO!!! Day 3 was elusive for me as well... over and over! So, I guess, THAT'S what the flu is good for, huh? Now we know :H

            Sunnydaz... good for you. Yes, we do need to learn to let go of some things and reclaim others. Not an easy feat... slow and steady wins the race.

            SD, babe... how are you doing? I hope you're not taking on TOO much... ya know... being overwhelmed can easily translate into the need for numbing. :l

            Dilly-dally... Hah! I actually had the first nasturtiums in our salad last night. I love them... a bit of colour and I like the tangy taste. All in all though, my garden sucks this year. Too cold and not enough sun Yeppers, I gots the supplies.. come on over! Fresh pot of coffee on, too! :H

            Lav... you got that list, too? It never seems to get any shorter here... Hope you'll have a fun and productive indoor day

            Welcome Glass and Nora... whoohoo.. thanks for the coffee! You people with your diet drinks - especially in the MORNING! *shudder* :H

            Chops, I'm with you on the 'wishing for weekend'... Even though I goofed off on Monday, yesterday was like 3 days in one!

            Did I get everyone? If not, please forgive me... I blame age and another blonde day

            Make it a great day, everyone!
            Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

            Winning since October 24th, 2013


              Newbies Nest

              Morning all............geez I'm tired this morning. Got to have another Diet Coke. Ha, ha Sunshine - you don't drink Diet Coke in the morning?:H
              Congratulations on Day 3 Chicken. Way to GO!!!!!
              Well - I was extremely late to work so I've got to get with it. My 9 year old niece & 6 year old nephew woke up and started fighting right off this morning. They had already had time out before I left for work. I asked hubby if he wanted to go work for me today and I would stay home. :nutso: Then I told him that I might be working VERY LATE tonight. :H They are really great kids but sometimes they just argue over nothing. We only have one son (22 years old now) so we aren't used to the sibling rivalry. :H
              Ok - duty calls.....dang customers.
              Have a wonderful AF day everyone. I hope I can get back on later.
              "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
              AF - 7-27-15


                Newbies Nest

                Morning folks,

                It was interesting to read the day 3 bit. Is that really a common occurance?

                I just went 2 days, very moderate...1 normal (not to the rim) glass of wine with dinner...corked it did same

                next day. I was starting to feel like this is not a big deal I will just use my good old will power and quit.

                Really noticed feeling better day 3 morning...then blew it

                Day 3 was not a good day at all. Just fell back into the bucket...didn't even try.

                Now I feel crummy in every way..but I am sooo ready to get out from under this mess.

                I can't find the post from a woman who had battled and survived cancer & now is living with this new and

                powerful foe.

                If you are out there know that I do relate to some extent. I never recovered completely from a very

                traumatic accident and surgery....but I pushed hard to get back to where I am...

                You would think this is nothing compared to loss of so much "me".

                This however is me now, for the million reasons I see so many others struggling with here.

                Thank you all for sharing and caring,



                  Newbies Nest

                  Hi roly,

                  Welcome back! I remember you when you first started. I believe you were dealing with chronic pain issues?? I'm sorry to hear you are still having such a hard time. Please feel free to PM me if I can be of any help. My medical background does come in handy at times.

                  Sunni, I forced myself to sit and file my semi-annual State sales tax for my small business today. Crummy weather outside, so why not???

                  Chicken, congrats on day 3 - a milestone!
                  NoraC, you're doing great!!

                  Have a good rest of the day everyone
                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    Newbies Nest

                    roly, I had breast cancer which I successfully battled and now take cancer drugs. I am almost 4 years past and you take drugs for 5 years. I did not stop drinking when I got cancer, which would have been smart, but I was too addicted to quit. I even went to my first chemotherapy session with a hangover. I have got the better of the cancer but am still trying with the alcohol! It is a much more insidious danger. Good luck on your dual fights!


                      Newbies Nest

                      Good Evening Nesters! I wanted to wish everyone a very relaxing evening, and hope that everyone had a fantastic day!

                      Roly, welcome back!! It is good to see you posting again.

                      I am going to bid everyone a great evening, tuck you all in, and I am going to continue to enjoy my down time. It's hard, but I am making myself slow down tonight and enjoy the garden, the sunset, and every other great thing life has to offer.

                      See you tomorrow! :l


                        Newbies Nest

                        Good evening all. Thanks for all the good wishes on my horse. Guess what his name is? Pranser. Hncy Prancy! Anyway, he is better but had more IV fluids today and lots more drugs. But he is better. The vet told me today that very few horses can survive a 107 degree temp. I am glad he didn't tell me that the other day!

                        Sounds like all are doing great. Thanks as always for the support.


                          Newbies Nest

                          Good morning Nesters,

                          Prancy, I'm happy for you and Pranser!! I hope he continues to improve!

                          Chops, hope you enjoyed your down time, you deserve it

                          Will check in later, until then I hope everyone has a wonderful AF day!
                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            Newbies Nest

                            Hello All!

                            Well this is Day 4 AF and I wish I could feel more........pleased with myself, but this flu is near killing me and can't help wondering whether the only reason I am staying AF is because I am so sick? Does it even count.....if you know what I mean? Is it my own willpower and resolve doing this or just that my taste buds and appetite have been fried by this virus?

                            Oh well, I guess it just good that I'm having a few sober days!!!(I think your right Sunshine!)

                            I wish I could wake up feeling refreshed and enjoy the buzz of not having a hangover...but I think this almost feels worse! Oops,there goes that pity-party again!

                            Anyway, I hope everyone is going well ! How is your horse now Prancy? How was the sunset Choppersmum? I take my girls for a stroll up the end of our street some afternoons and we all three of us sit on a stone wall and watch the sunset over the ocean! Always invigorating!

                            Roly, Day 3 seems to be my own personal hurdle each time I try this! I think it's because by then I am just starting to feel re-energised from not drinking and so have the whole 'wow I feel good, sure why not have another one'...but it doesn't stop there -urgh!

                            Nora, I have coffee in the morning, am trying to ween myself off Diet coke as it seems to go hand in hand with the alcohol for me-I imagine its a bit like others feel the need for a smoke if they drink! Compliment eachother WAY too much for my own good!

                            Dill, Lav,Sunnydaze and all the others who I have probably missed in my flu-like mind haze,hope you are all staying strong and happy!



                              Newbies Nest

                              Hi all,

                              I am new to MWO and I am already feeling so inspired, even though I am sitting here with a glass of wine.(slowly, slowly).

                              I think it will take me days to get through all the threads, but I am looking forward to it. I look forward to getting to know you all, and I hope that I will overcome this addiction. Weird - the first time I have ever called it that and acknowledged it, and it has brought tears to my eyes. Maybe I was kidding myself thinking it was nothing, but now I realise that I need to get this sorted.

                              Tomorrow is another day, so I will take this one day at a time...



                                Newbies Nest

                                Good Morning Nesters! Well, we made it to Thursday...only one more day to go. I am so ready for the weekend!

                                Hi Nikinoo and :welcome:! You will find a ton of support and encouragement here. Take things one day at a time. Find yourself a nice comfy twig and settle in. Looking forward to helping you on your journey!

                                Chicken, I sure hope you feel better soon. :l The flu is the worst. Congrats on Day 4!!! I did enjoy my sunset last night. Watching a sunset at the beach sounds divine!

                                Prancy, I am so happy for you and Pranser!!! What a huge relief!

                                Lav, thanks for the kind words. I enjoyed my down time, but found myself getting a bit restless. I just don't know how to relax :H

                                Good morning to Dill, SD, Sunni, Sunnydaz, Nora, Roly and any others that drop by. Have a wonderful day! :l

