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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    My Reward!

    Hi All!

    Well I treated myself to the best back & neck massage i have EVER had! This woman was great and where my neck,back have been causing me major headaches in the last month,she just made me feel so much better. Bought a heatpack/backpack too for days when I get pain! So that was my reward for Week feeling very chuffed with self right now.
    Sooty just wanted to say that I can understand that feeling of satisfaction when you went to collect your daughter. Just yesterday arvo my dear Mum rang up in a bit of a state as something had gone wrong with her car. This is about 4:30pm on a Sunday...usually I would be well on the way to inebriation by then. But thankfuly I jumped in my car and went off to see if I could help her! All good in the end and just relieved that I could be there for her safely and responsibly!
    Beagle-you can do it..we are with you on this one!!!
    Lav-as you can see I can comiserate with you over the back/neck pain situation! I love my heatpack!!!!:l:l:l
    Night all


      Newbies Nest


      Morning everyone,

      thanks for the lovely welcome, must say had the worst day ever yesterday, my family know the struggle i am having at the moment, which makes what happened yesterday either clever or unbelievably insensitive, I had to go to my mothers for Sunday lunch, after lunch we sat and chatted, my mother turned to my step father and asked him if he would like a scotch because she wanted one too; now my mother very rarely drinks (Honest) so they both had one, and just left me sitting there wondering what was going on, no one said anything, not even me, and later just went home totally confused, but I didn't go for a drink, I managed to work through it and talk myself out of it, please any comments on this would be great or is it just me being paranoid, thanks

      Have a great day people



        Newbies Nest

        Hi Everyone.

        Beagle/Chicken what's an ARVO? Chicks is AFL american style football or aus-style?

        Beagle - another way to "use" the witching hour time is to read through some older posts and threads on this site. Perhaps you have already found this out, but there really is a wealth of good info contained all over this site. Or post questions; if you've got things on your mind this is a great place to get things off your chest or reap the experience of the wise ones who've already walked this road.

        Chicken, you rock with your chuffy self! Going into week three has got to feel really good to you, things just seem to start falling into place don't they. I've been treating myself to massages too, and always fight with tight neck and shoulders -- I've found a great lady who takes good care of me, does energy work, etc. I love the way she turns my tight muscles to jelly (my brain too)!

        Hi Rebus, got some weird karma happening huh. You didn't say if your parents knew you were going af[?]. Good work dealing with the odd situation. One way to look at it - you had an opportunity to deal with others drinking around you in a familiar setting. Don't get too hung up in the paranoia-thing, you'll notice that there are a lot of odd circumstances and behaviors around drinking that you never noticed before. AL seems to affect everyone in strange ways; people who don't drink much get tipsy just thinking about it. I was at a party where the host's main purpose was to make sure everyone was having a good time - which of course meant getting hammered - and kept pushing beers on people. He actually got abused by the hostess when she found out I didn't have a beer in front of me. Expect "weird" in all situations and you won't be surprised. Perhaps mom was giving a lesson in moderation?

        Chopper - golf was great - a fantastic day here weather-wise. I didn't keep a score as I was out for a practice round and have been tweaking my swing a bit, and those changes seem to be working so far. So glad you had a great date, with more to come! It's true that the good ones are hard to find. I also had a nice evening with a gf hearing jazz under the stars. Rather nice to be able to enjoy simple pleasant moments like that.

        Holiday today. Playing golf again early, then looking forward to a relaxing afternoon and evening.

        Hope everyone has a great day! Take good care...
        Nobody asked for this; we're just stuck cleaning up the mess. -


          Newbies Nest

          TW : "arvo" is short for "afternoon". strangely enough we don't have a short word for "morning" - "morno"???!!! :H:H
          rebus : how weird.good on you for not succumbing,& for getting the hell out of there.
          chicken : thanks for your support.


            Newbies Nest

            Good morning fellow Nesters,

            Everyone sounds good this Monday morning!
            So an arvo is an afternoon..........who would have guessed??????? It's always nice to learn a new language, ha ha!

            Beagle & rebus, you're starting off strong, very happy for you. Take it hour by hour if you have to - the effort is well worth it in the end!

            Chicken, I think my new pillow is going to be a big help. It was stupid of me to put up with the neck discomfort for so long......... I can be a little helplessly lazy at times!!

            TranqWilly, more golf? Good for you, great exercise

            Since it's a holiday, I plan to do a lot of sitting & relaxing today. Seem to have a big energy deficit these days. Maybe a good movie on TV?

            Have a great AF Monday everyone, will check in later.
            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              Newbies Nest

              Cluck for the Nest!

              Tuesday am here and I have grocery shopping to do this am, then play dates for the kids this arvo (Aussie slang! as Beagle has explained).
              Still enjoying the lovely after effects of that massage! Tranq this lady does reiki on me too.. can't beleive the difference it all has made! Going again in a week's time! Yay!
              Lav- enjoy your movie and relax,you deserve it!
              Beagle-how you doing this bright day?
              Tranq-great advise for Rebus, I agree totally!Rebus-just stick with YOUR plan..don't let anyone else distract you from your path!
              All the Newbies and the old hands..hope everyone is doing great,
              will check in later!
              *clucks happily at you all*


                Newbies Nest

                Where are all the Nesters this evening????????
                Am I all alone tonight?

                Well, I'll be OK. It's feeling rather chilly in my end of the nest, think I'll lower the windows and settle in for the night.

                Wishing everyone a safe night!
                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  Newbies Nest

                  Cross posted Chicken.
                  Cluck to you
                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    Newbies Nest

                    Evening Nestlings... I'm back!

                    Weekend was gorgeous, although I was a bit preoccupied. Managed to get a hold of my dad tiwce... latest is that life support will be turned off tomorrow (Tuesday), hoping that she can cope on her own. If so, they'll try and wake her up and an air ambulance is basically standing by to take her back to Germany as soon as the Canadian doctors give the thumbs up. There are still blood clods in her lungs - big concern.

                    Thank you all for your well wishes and prayers - I think, someone was listening!

                    :l to all and more tomorrow!

                    Oh.. and the weekend was and remains AF!
                    Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                    Winning since October 24th, 2013


                      Newbies Nest

                      Hi Sunni. Welcome back. Understandable how you could be distracted this weekend. Big prayer going out for Mom tonight.

                      I'd have guessed arvo was evening - yep Lav learned something new today.

                      And yes, I do play a lot of golf. It's a passion of mine. I play as much as possible, but the weather shuts us down for half a year in this neck of the woods. Even though nothing tastes better after a round of golf than an ice cold beer, I've managed to moderate myself effectively this weekend.

                      Chicken - Reiki sounds cool - my massage lady has also encouraged and inspired me toward meditation and breathing work to help release some of that tension.

                      Too much fresh air these days, and I'm getting a little snoozy. G'nite all! Take good care.
                      Nobody asked for this; we're just stuck cleaning up the mess. -


                        Newbies Nest


                        Hello my little ones....hope everybody enjoyed a wonderful and safe holiday weekend......FYI, we are getting fairly close to our 3,000 post....who will it be?? Free birdseed to the winner. Big week ahead as it's time to gear up for another football season. San Diego Chargers!! That's all you need to know......I just know you are all as excited about this as me & G.........well, tucking you all in now....sleep tight my cherubs.
                        Pops......and G


                          Newbies Nest

                          Good Evening all Nesters! Flying in to say good night to all of you. Forgive me for not addressing you all, but I am very tired from studying!

                          I do want to say welcome back to Sunni!!! Glad you are back, AF, and sounds like things may be looking up for mom?

                          I agree with Pops that the football season is upon us, and that makes me sooo excited. I, however, support the Pittsburgh Steelers. Sorry Pops and 'G', the Chargers are good, but the Steelers have always been my team.

                          I will keep you all posted on the second date. It will be this upcoming weekend.

                          Have a great night all. Talk to you tomorrow!! :l


                            Newbies Nest

                            Hey tranq!

                            AFL- is Aussie Rules Footy! lots of guys in short shorts,nice biceps and no padding=great game of great skills!LOL


                              Newbies Nest

                              Morning nesters, windy here but the nest is holding firm.
                              Sunni I hope you have good news about your mum today :l
                              That reiki sounds good Chicken, i go to an osteopath and she does that on me and its fab. I'm having a massage next week - good to feel that we've earned these treats with our Al money.
                              Lav sorry you were lonely last night I was tired after my evening beading class and sometimes i want to give the old eyes a rest so stay off the computer.
                              Have a good day all see you later


                                Newbies Nest

                                Touching base quickly Nesters before I go have dinner and do the rest of the evening's chores before bed! Hope all are well and going strong!

