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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Sake - you are doing great! You know what feels wonderful? Waking up on a Saturday with no hangover!! I never knew days could be so looonnggg and enjoyable...big difference between laying on the couch and getting up to dry heave every hour or so. I was never able to sleep with a hangover either, just when I needed it the most. Now I can lay down for a quite enjoyable nap any old time! :H

    Hang in there, and enjoy your sober weekend!!!
    :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

    Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


      Newbies Nest

      Good evening Nesters,

      I had a great day & hope you all did as well
      It's true, sober Saturday mornings are awesome & my gratitude keeps growing. Hang in there with your plans, you'll never be sorry.

      Wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!
      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Newbies Nest

        Day 4 sucks .... I'm irritated and bored .... Ugh .... But I did not drink and going to bed soon
        Thanks for listening all


          Newbies Nest

          Don't have much time, so just a quick check in post. The conference is officially over, so tonight is the last big shin dig in Vegas prior to everyone leaving to go back home tomorrow. They have rented out a large conference hall here at the hotel with drinks, food, and yet more mingling and networking.

          Flying back home tomorrow afternoon
          In the immortal words of Socrates " I just drank what ? "

          AF since August 18, 2013


            Newbies Nest

            C-dev - you've made it this far, so try to hang tough one more night. This was a huge test that many of us would have failed. But you didn't. Very impressive!

            Ican - we haven't met yet, but I've been following your posts. I know that awful feeling like you don't know what to do with yourself. Stay strong and sleep well.
            Everything is going to be amazing


              Newbies Nest

              Thx Moss I am in bed so safe for day 4 whew


                Newbies Nest

                Checking in

                Hey there nesters! I miss you! I'm away on a camping holiday, completely AF and enjoying it. Our guests are not drinking, they are usually not big drinkers but I think they're enjoying being AF too. Just now I packed away all the food, got all the things that shouldn't get wet put away in case of rain. Brushed my teeth and even flossed! Enjoying the sound of the wind in the trees. In the old days I'd be staggering around drunk in hopes of being able to sleep. Waking in the night crashing around having to find a bathroom every few hours. Waking up with a headache and wishing the sun would go away. Waiting for what seemed a reasonable time to start drinking again. Do I miss drinking? Not at all!
                Newbies Nest
                My accountability thread


                  Newbies Nest

                  first time on so not sure what to do but have serious problems. been drinking bottle of rum every day. At first was because wanted pain to go away, now I wake up shaking like Parkinsons or something. Just want to stop but the shakes are so severe I end up giving in because I cant stand the shaking and then everyone would know i had a problem and my daughter and i would lose our home. my husband abandoned us on my bday after 21yrs of marriage. we are staying with a friend by her grace. hubby left us without A car. i gave up my career to take care of his disabled son so havent worked for 10 years so unfortunately i turned to alcohol to ease pain. just want to stop safely without having to go to rehab and losing my daughter who is 17 and my roomate kicking me out. scared of this shaking. please someone help if you are there. i feel so alone and scared this will kill me. want to stop but have to do quietly to keep roomie from putting us on the street.LITERALLY AND WE ARE IN ARIZONA. someone please respond and let me know if you can how long the shakes last or if have to go to hospital because i am in danger. sorry so long. i apologize, just so scared. please someone help
                  Posted Today at 08:29 PM by scarey


                    Newbies Nest

                    Dottie I am glad you are doing better. Sorry about the meds though.
                    I can honestly say that this is the first weekend I've looked forward to spending with hubby in a long time. Its wonderful both of us being af. It is a hard struggle at first but so worth it.
                    There have been a couple of very interesting discussions the past two days. I have learned a lot about myself and how other people feel about things I thought I was the only one dealing with.
                    In my opinion Its been a great week here. Have a great af night everyone.
                    No matter how far you go or how fast you run, you can't get away from yourself. ....said at an AA meeting. It stuck with me.


                      Newbies Nest

                      scarey;1552949 wrote: i feel so alone and scared this will kill me. want to stop but have to do quietly to keep roomie from putting us on the street.LITERALLY AND WE ARE IN ARIZONA. someone please respond and let me know if you can how long the shakes last or if have to go to hospital because i am in danger. sorry so long. i apologize, just so scared. please someone help
                      Posted Today at 08:29 PM by scarey
                      Dear Scarey,

                      First of all in here you are not alone. We are all with you. We all have our own reasons to start drinking alcohol and We all made mistake to turn to alcohol. I can see AL is causing problems. All of us here have suffered and lost a lot. So you are not alone we are with you.

                      Good thing is you realise there is a problem. AL Addition is a disease and it needs to be cured systematically and it's important to handle detox very carefully as our brains and body get so used to Alcohol that its important its withdrawal needs to be handled properly.

                      I don't know why you are scared of going to rehab. Or seek medical help. But the state you describe it would be important for you to seek medical help. Withdrawal from AL could be dangerous and life threatening. Admitting this is the first step.

                      Life has not been good to you and after turning to AL things became worse LOT worse. You must look at the bright side .... While there is nothing you can do about your past the present is in your control. I suggest you keep posting here and also immediately go for an AA meeting ho will find lots of guidance and help there.

                      Remember the best gift you can give your family is getting sober SAFELY.

                      Take care
                      Rewiring my brain ... done ...
                      Updating brain "attitude" firmware ... done ...
                      Rebooting ... done ...
                      Restarted program called "Life" ... started successfully ...


                        Newbies Nest

                        Hi Scarey and welcome. Sorry to hear about your troubles and you have come to the right place. I too had/have a problem with the shakes and it is so hard to hide. The do subside after no AL after a few days although they do come back when i get anxious. Maybe you should go to the dr if you are worried about them as this will also make you more anxious. We have all drank to ease our pain then find out it does not ease it at all, it just makes it worse. Try and have a couple of AF days and see how you go. We are/were all big drinkers on here so you are in the right place. I am sure one of our senior members can give you better advice as i am a 7 day AF newbie.

                        Take care and stay on here please
                        AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                          Newbies Nest

                          C-Developer;1552912 wrote: Don't have much time, so just a quick check in post. The conference is officially over, so tonight is the last big shin dig in Vegas prior to everyone leaving to go back home tomorrow. They have rented out a large conference hall here at the hotel with drinks, food, and yet more mingling and networking.

                          Flying back home tomorrow afternoon
                          C dev yesterday the whole day I kept thinking how will I survive travelling in United States in various cities without AL. I will be in New York (close to village) , Indianapolis, denver and Vegas. See the thing is I remember when I made all the booking . I made sure I stay close to bars. Did so much planning how I will spend my evenings. Evenings drinking alone.

                          And yesterday evening went out for family dinner with kids sober but was feeling anxious and should I scared that I will or there is a part of me which says "hey now you are fine you can have drink for couple of days "

                          While my body does not have cravings any more I have been eating tooled and ice creams to control it but my mind always goes associate travelling with drinking and "enjoying" beer.

                          How powerful this AL is even after 40 days now it still thinking in that direction !!
                          Rewiring my brain ... done ...
                          Updating brain "attitude" firmware ... done ...
                          Rebooting ... done ...
                          Restarted program called "Life" ... started successfully ...


                            Newbies Nest

                            Icanwithoutacan;1552909 wrote: Day 4 sucks .... I'm irritated and bored .... Ugh .... But I did not drink and going to bed soon
                            Thanks for listening all
                            I remember boredom was a big challenge for me especially first 2 weeks. I have been so used to drinking everyday that didn't have time for most of the things. 40days ahead I have lot more time.

                            Trust me you will get clarity in times to come and the rewards of being sober out weight a lot
                            Rewiring my brain ... done ...
                            Updating brain "attitude" firmware ... done ...
                            Rebooting ... done ...
                            Restarted program called "Life" ... started successfully ...


                              Newbies Nest

                              Scarey so sorry you are going through such a hard time right now. I am not really experienced with how long the shakes will last. Someone who knows more about it will be along soon.
                              Just keep reading the posts back for about a week or so in the meantime. Look for a link to the toolbox. That gives lots of ways to get through the tough cravings and other ways to get alcohol out of your life.
                              Take care. Stay well hydrated and do as much to take care of yourself as you can. I think by day 3-5 you will start feeling better. You have a rough time ahead but it's worth it. Get to a Dr. If symptoms increase or if you feel you are in danger. We will help you get through this. Welcome to the nest.
                              No matter how far you go or how fast you run, you can't get away from yourself. ....said at an AA meeting. It stuck with me.


                                Newbies Nest

                                Good Morning Nesters! Just a quick fly by on my way to work.
                                I will check in again this evening to see how everyone is doing.

                                Welcome Scary--

