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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    GWAWKy MAE Nesters

    Thanks for all the well wishes - they are truly appreciated. I could not have done it without this amazing lifeline made up of everybody here. And Lav, thanks so much for the extra 9 days - I'll keep them in my piggy bank.

    istym4me;1584231 wrote: I looked at the bat tub a few minutes ago and thought, would be nice -with a glass of wine. It's 10:30 am! lol What's that? I should water the plants- with a glass of wine. I should organize my bedroom and make the bed- with a glass of wine.
    Isty, my thoughts went like this:
    Dream, in conversation with Dream: Dream, should not you not think about drinking less?
    Dream, in conversation with Dream: Dream, that's a brilliant idea. Tell you what, pour us a glass of wine and we'll think about it.
    14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


      Newbies Nest

      Dream- Yeah, I can hear that too. Let's think less about wine over a glass of wine, and after 3, we won't be thinking about it at all!

      I am going to go for a bike ride later and then attempt to do some of what I wrote above without WINE, because today I am not drinking.


        Newbies Nest

        Congrats dream and incontro l on 30 days...huge....wonderful...great...large....woohoo !!

        Vegan stew in the crock pot...hope dh likes it..I am gradually introducing more vegan meals...we shall see...

        Newbie's Nest

        Tool Box
        AF 9.1.2013


          Newbies Nest

          Dottie, just don't tell him it's vegan - remember, you're dealing with simple minds here:H:H:H (ok, men. I'll start running so long:H)
          14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


            Newbies Nest

            Congratulations DreamThinkDo and I'mStrongandInControl on your 30 days!!
            Please accept these hats to mark the occasion!
            :goodtime: :goodtime:

            This is truly a milestone in our journey....would you have a few words as to HOW YOU DID IT? The 30 day acceptance speeches are some of the most powerful words on this site (IMHO). Thank you both for being such a wonderful addition to the nest!!
            All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
            Tool Box
            Newbie's Nest


              Newbies Nest

              Nearly 8pm now and I did it! I'm at the end of Day 6! Was tough going but I got there.

              Fantastic I'mStrong and DTD - really well done!


                Newbies Nest

                DTD good point...I will start running with u...

                Newbie's Nest

                Tool Box
                AF 9.1.2013


                  Newbies Nest

                  Congrats Will:goodjobw!


                    Newbies Nest

                    Thank you!

                    It's funny, just a few days ago I was having conversations with myself like this, 'What are we doing tomorrow?' - 'Well, I don't know, it depends how hungover you are'. It's weird that my brain was in that kind of way of thinking, yet tonight I know exactly what I'm doing tomorrow with the kids and I know it'll get done due to no hangover.

                    This morning I got up at 7.30am, sorted breakfast, put laundry on to wash, took the bins out, swept and mopped the floors, then got going early with my daughter's music practice. With a hangover I wouldn't even be out of bed at that time, let alone done anything else. It's a pretty good feeling.

                    I'm off to bed now as it's 9.15pm and I want to read my book and fall asleep. Hope everyone is ok today, wherever you are x


                      Newbies Nest

                      I'mstrong great job. Glad to have you with us. 30 days is huge.sorry smiles not working. Insert your favorite here!!
                      No matter how far you go or how fast you run, you can't get away from yourself. ....said at an AA meeting. It stuck with me.


                        Newbies Nest

                        Hey Nesters,

                        The snow lasted all of 2-3 minutes so accumulation was not a problem :H :H

                        DTD, I should know better than to type something before I've finished my first cup of coffee
                        CONGRATS to you as well I'mStrong on 30 AF days!
                        CONGRATS to you Willow on 7 AF days - nice!

                        I hope everyone is having a fantastic AF Tuesday!
                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          Newbies Nest

                          Evening nesters,
                          It's been a long couple of days. Was on here yesterday morning, so lots of posts to catch up on. Today was the first day I wasn't feeling euphoric. Everyday for a few weeks, I woke up with this excited feeling to start the day. I don't know if it's that my schedule was different yesterday having ot work late, then go back early this morning or what. I felt kind of down, dull throughout the day. I was trying to pinpoint why I was feeling this way, but then I thought, everyday can't be sunshine and roses. But...I'm not drinking! This is day 22 for me BTW!

                          Brydy posed a thought-provoking questionf, "How we did it - Something that helped this time." Well, I do feel quite different about "this time." I've done it many times, but I've never had such peace of mind as I do this time around. I truly feel deep in my gut that I have picked up my last drink 22 days ago. I think my success is based on many failures. I found out things that didn't work for me. It didn't work for me to moderate, that's for sure. Don't know how many times I tried that and failed, even after reading many mod books, working the mod programs. I've never stopped reading about AL, whether its been memoirs that had a great impact on me, rational recovery philosophy, Jason Vale and Allan Carr, AA, and last but not least, MWO - all the helpful posts and threads such as the toolbox. So loads of reading has been key to my keeping it in the front of my brain, that it's not ok for me to drink. Oh, tried baclofen years ago. Learned that didn't work, only made me extremely tired and really "out" there. Other struggles with AL, seeing loved ones suffer from alcoholism and cirrohsis, and at at my age, coming up on 49, I felt the dull liver, felt low, depressed, anxious...I just felt as though this was it. I'm done. I'm tired of being tired. I'm sick of feeling sick. I'm determined not to lose one more weekend in bed while I should be out doing something rain, snow or shine. Even though I felt kinda yucky today, I still knew I would not drink. Sometimes it takes many falls, failures or slips to realize even more that if I wanna live better, I've gotta quit this shit. I wanna do it for me, first, and I wanna do it for my family, son, loved ones.

                          isty, I never thought it was anyone's business except for my close family and friends. I don't think I need to provide an a real excuse to anyone, so I'm gonna stick with "I've been getting hot flashes and drink only triggers more." I've never had a hotflash in my life, but hey, I'd rather have one of those than a hangover. Oh, I liked your comment, "make fun of AL voices so they lose their power." Yes! Good idea!!

                          Willow, congrats on day 6!!!! I know what you mean about feeling "clean." No matter how many times I brushed my teeth, whether I showered, I still felt like I smelled. I'm sure I did. And I'm sure I was so dehydrated as well.

                          Available, congrats on your daughter's wedding! That's a huge undertaking, and glad everything went well. Family is family...just saying.

                          Myluck - congrats on your three weeks! I'm right there with ya!

                          Lavande, I live in PA as well. It was beautiful on the way to work this morning. It was still a little dark, but so beautiful with the snow. I actually paid close attention to every tree I could without managing to wreck my car or run into a deer.

                          Dreamthinkdo, congrats on 30!!!

                          Elvis, each time we start over, we have new tools in our toolbox, Each experience is learning and moving forward. And I agree, modding is a full-time job, although I failed at that miserably. Glad you were able to share your goals with your wife. Sounds as though she's supportive and that's wonderful.

                          Imstrong, I like the acronym, IBS, irrtable bitch syndrome. I think I had that today! I'm gonna use that if that's ok!

                          Honeysoup, stay strong. I've never been on topa but have been on baclofen. It made me extremely tired and I couldn't function at work.

                          Well, have a wonderful evening nesters! Talk to ya tomorrow.
                          Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.


                            Newbies Nest

                            MWAWK GAE Nesters .. another little spin on things ( sounds Klingon doesnt it .. :H )

                            Lavande;1584033 wrote: Dave, I plan to be a baker in my next life Hope you like waking up at 4am every morning then :-)

                            DreamThinkDo;1584073 wrote: could I have a croissant, please Dave? For your 30th birthday I will make you my special Cherry cream cheese filled coissant (my personal favorite !) :strawberry: .. sorry.. out of cherries how bout a strawberry one..

                            Willow23;1584170 wrote: I've had it quite easy up until now, the days have gone quickly. Now it's Day 6 and I really want to make Day 7 and beyond. I guess I'd better get used to these bumps in the road.Hang in there Willow.

                            istym4me;1584173 wrote: Does anyone else here or has anyone else here had premonitions through-out their life? I know this may also be a anecdote with no real, science back basis, but I have to think that it's real for some, real for me...
                            I do get feelings here and there. Im having one now in fact .. I see that you will continue on your AF journey and be greatly rewarded for it.

                            I'm Strong and in Control;1584178 wrote:
                            GWAWK! Happy alcohol free day everyone! I'm not drinking today.
                            Well well well.. I just happened to have another Strawberry cream cheese croissant just for you :strawberry: ! Good Job on your 30th !

                            istym4me;1584194 wrote:
                            I don't think the urge to have a drink ever goes away. I don't say that to discourage you or myself or anyone else.
                            I haven't gotten any urges for a while now. If it wasnt for my Xwife or the radio bringing it up all the time ( shes on the anti-smoking kick with me lately ) I probably wouldnt even think about it much. Im sure there are some that just got rid of the thought process altogether.

                            Willow23;1584293 wrote:
                            This morning I got up at 7.30am, sorted breakfast, put laundry on to wash, took the bins out, swept and mopped the floors, then got going early with my daughter's music practice. With a hangover I wouldn't even be out of bed at that time, let alone done anything else. It's a pretty good feeling.
                            I had so much energy that I could build a small shed before lunch and still be up for a few loads of laundry..complete vacuum job..dust..and possibly even reupholster the couch before supper time. Needless to say my boss loves me ;-) ..


                            Well my nesting friends .. I had a such a great day at work. Finally got to show off a few of my skills with fiberglassing. That was after I finished a gelcoat repair and installing a rub-rail. I was jamming and it felt real good for my soul. There was only two I ran myself out of work for the day so I went home early. Secondly..well..I really miss my boys. Im having a few hours with them Thursday..then I have them for the weekend so Its something to look forward to. Im very much looking forward to having the custody thing resolved. I already know the little guys cant wait. .. Should be very soon now. Ill keep you updated as it happens.

                            Welp Im off to cook some burgers then probably watch that Lincoln flick that was too slow for me to get through the other night when I was spent.

                            You Nesting peeps keep your feathers tight and your focus sharp..

                            Progress lies not in enhancing what is, but in advancing toward what will be. - Khalil Gabran
                            AF: 9-10-2013


                              Newbies Nest

                              istym4me;1584194 wrote: Willow, 2 bottles is a lot. ... I don't think the urge to have a drink ever goes away. I don't say that to discourage you or myself or anyone else. It's just that it's a part of us, much like a cookie for me goes with milk and although I rarely eat sweets now, I still do crave a cookie with milk from time to time.
                              Willow - many of us here will tell you that 2 bottles is NOT a lot!! I easily drank 2 bottles of wine on a normal night and went to work the next day, and did it nearly every night. I really celebrated on weekends.

                              I've realized that 'urges' and 'cravings' are nothing but thoughts. I have a choice whether to act on them or not. All the alcohol is out of my system and has been for weeks; the minute I entertain thoughts of having a drink, the harder it becomes to say no. I wake up every day and say "I'm not drinking today" and I MEAN IT. No one is going to pull a hood over my head and force alcohol down my throat. The only hand that puts a drink to my lips is mine - no problem, person, stress, lonliness, celebration or agony is forcing me to drink. It is a THOUGHT. Let it go. ODAT.
                              10/14/13: I am truly grateful for another day in this amazing life. I'm sober and mindful of every moment.


                                Newbies Nest

                                DreamThinkDo;1584220 wrote:
                                HAS 30 AF DAYS!!!!!
                                Really? I don't think s.? My last drink was on Sunday, October 13th. I know it has been 5 mondays, so . . . OMG!!!!!! TODAY IS 30 DAYS!!!!! I DIDN'T EVEN KNOW IT! I thought it was later this week!!!

                                I'm truly flabbergasted, and my response is - "30 days, Already?"

                                Thanks so much, I would have missed it.
                                10/14/13: I am truly grateful for another day in this amazing life. I'm sober and mindful of every moment.

