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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Not sure if this video has been posted here before (or maybe its in the Toolbox?) but I watched this 20 min. video this morning that was posted by Guitarista and thought it was pretty had some related links there as well....

    ...and thanks for posting that great plan Byrdie!
    “Hope is being able to see that there is light despite all of the darkness”- Desmond Tutu



      Newbies Nest

      Thank you as always, No Sugar and Byrdie. Yes, I need to post. Yes, I need to re-commit to my plan. Yes, I want to be alert for my 5 kids. I do have alternative drinks for tonight and I will eat and go to bed early. I will read on here and post before I drink. Thanks again.


        Newbies Nest

        Thanks Byrd for the planning post , thank you all.. I just ate a big bowl of spaghetti, and butter bread leaving for football practice in about 30 min.. No AL in house . No AL cravings to speak of , but I can't stop THINKING about AL. I'll grab an ice coffee on my way out from Dunkin Donuts. thats my plan for tonight.. Took a nice walk/run earlier, i feel good, just have to make it thru tonight! Thankfully, the regular stores here, convenience or grocery dont sell AL. So i would have to stop specifically for AL if i wanted to, but i dont and wont... just get me to ball practice and back and i have day 1 AF licked ! am tired though, i will check in when i get back from practice.. Love to all.. I can, if i can , you can.. i have 2 kids and i know all the stress that goes along with the demands of young children. we almost always have extra kids here adding to that, we have to remember to take care of us too!


          Newbies Nest

          if you can, in fact you need to, accept the fact that you will think about al. call it habit, al brain, the little devil on your shoulder or addiction. accept the thought is there and it will get boring and frustrating. but it WILL get less constant, less strong. be patient though, its a long haul. that sounds daunting, it is. expect it to be hard and you wont be surprised by it.

          it does get better.


            Newbies Nest

            We are all tired from having a sleep over last night, boys stayed up late playing xbox he doenst want to go to practice . I told my son moments ago, we comitted to this practice and the team...and its going to be hard, but in the end when he can say he is part of a championship team, he will be glad he stuck to it.. he told his friend its hard work , not fun work and i told him not all of what we do in life is fun, in fact much of it is hard work.. I need to apply the same strategies to the AL life that I want. and in the end, i will be so glad I did... I need to practice what i preach! We are all part of a team struggling for the same goal. must be tougher than the opponent ( AL) and work hard towards our common goal to beat AL.. Lets do it!.. 10 min til out the door. I would normally have at least 3 or 4 glasses under my belt already.. Would have 4 more when i got home from practice and pass out ..Nothing in the house surely helps as does posting here til i can get out of the house. :l


              Newbies Nest

              Keep posting WMM, i was not called "lunatic linda" for no reason and it helped me tremendously althoug being in Aus everyone else was basically asleep. I found that sugar became my best friend in the early days but sugar is better than al, i napped when i could and i always had af drinks in the house. As soon as i go home i showered and got into my pj's as then i could not be bothered to get dressed to go and get al. I noticed every person drinking on tv, every magazine add for al, every radio add promoting al and it was "hell on wheels" but i knew that only i had the power to not buy that bottle. The cravings pass eventually you just need to be strong enough to see them out, you wont regret it if you do.

              I just dropped my son at the airport and got to work really early so went for an hour walk. I said to him this morning that previously i would have been so hungover and angry at him for making me take him to the airport but now i'm sober it doesnt matter. Its the little things in life now that make a difference.
              AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                Newbies Nest

                I have gotten 2-3 days on a quit and felt fabulous. It's the 4-5-6th days when my brain starts screaming. I accept that this will happen, and I know that it will pass. The work will still be there tomorrow, and I will get enough done. It's harder to be grateful for sobriety when I feel kind of yucky, but I am grateful that I am not furthering my problem by drinking more, and grateful that - even though I am tired, Tired, TIRED, tomorrow is a new day without a hangover. I have finally accepted that I cannot drink like other people, and that I shouldn't drink. It took a long time of denial to come to that. I can make it through this day, and I will NO MATTER WHAT. Alcohol is NOT A SOLUTION, not an option. Looking forward to breaking past this first week - it's a bitch and I have every intention of leaving it behind permanently.

                BYRDIE, I loved reading your plan.
                WMM & ICAN: let's love our livers (and ourselves and children) more than AL today. This day. :h

                Done. Moving on to life.


                  Newbies Nest

                  Having coffee. Just ate a concession piece of pizza since I'm feeling Ansy. Maybe I'll go but a slim Jim and some peanut m&ms. Nothing can be worse than all the al I have put in my system


                    Newbies Nest

                    WMmom, I ate absolutely anything and everything for the first month.....and still have wee treats.
                    Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


                      Newbies Nest

                      Good job WMM and Kensho.....Alcohol is a son of a bitch, sneaky bastard and I am very angry about it.


                        Newbies Nest

                        Keep holding onto the ledge with me i can!!


                          Newbies Nest

                          I sure am WMM....right now you are the only thing keeping me going. So, thanks! Okay not to sound stupid, but what is a pony? I think they have pony cans of beer (never my choice haha) but didn't think that they had wine like that?


                            Newbies Nest

                            Awesome I can. Let's do this !! I'm shoving peanut m&ms I. As I type. Practice is a lost over. So I'm ordering a piZza. That's the only place I'm stopping ! 1st ravens game is on and my al mind keeps trying to convince me it's ok !! It's not ok to drink. The battle of wills is on!


                              Newbies Nest

                              Hang in there, no matter what! Tell your lizard brain to shut the fark up! You arent taking orders from him anymore! So gald you are posting. Remember, there are 7 years of info in this thread alone, reading is a great distraction. Tomorrow, you will be so proud of yourselves. You last Day 1 DONE! :l
                              All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                              Tool Box
                              Newbie's Nest


                                Newbies Nest

                                Hi, ICan and WMM -

                                YOU GOT THIS! Someone suggested milkshakes as a way of filling up - plus milk and alcohol don't taste good together, so it is a deterrent in that way, too. Climb in bed NOW, watch those awful YouTube Rain in my Heart documentaries. Keep posting - you can do this.

                                I heard something the other day on the Bubble Hour (sorry to talk about it SO much, but it has been a HUGE part of my staying sober. I can hike with it on my phone and get both exercise and inspiration). Anyway - the show was on ego. Catherine said (and I am paraphrasing here)

                                - you can't solve an addiction with your ego. Addiction isn't a problem - it is a reality. you can't change reality like you can fix a problem - you have to accept the reality and plan accordingly.

                                - When you drink and have an excuse for drinking, it can be offensive to hear someone call it an "excuse." Those things (the reasons we give for continuing to drink) seem very real when you are so strongly in denial.

                                Those Bubble Hour people have a ton of wisdom to share. Part of their wisdom is admitting their own vulnerability and need for help - not doing all of this alone.

                                OK - I have the night alone at home. In the past this would be a time to DRINK myself silly. Thankfully those days are over. I am going to watch a movie on Netflix, eat a good meal and go to bed early. Bliss.

                                Hang on Nesters. You can do this!


