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    GMAE, nesters! I've done a ton of long road trips over the past few weeks and have listened to several Bubble Hour shows. I really liked the one about getting through the Holidays. I'm at 8 months and this will be my first holiday season sober.

    I just read back and saw a reference to a tool discussed on the Bubble Hour, so maybe it's been brought up already, but am going to toss this thought out there in case it's helpful to anyone who might be hosting (like me): When you catch your brain telling yourself, "I HAVE to roast chestnuts over the open fire for those brussell sprouts [INSERT your version of roasted chestnuts here]", catch yourself and change that to, "I COULD do that, but I'm using these 2 year old pecans in my freezer".

    I'm someone who put ridiculous expectations on myself that I'm fairly certain nobody else really cared about. I delivered dinners as close to Martha Stewart-status as I possibly could. Apparently, this is incredibly common among women, in particular, who are alcoholics. And as one of the women said on that show, all I was really doing was putting on a performance. If my dinner was the best anyone had ever had, and I could make it seem effortless, then nobody would know how messed up I really was on the inside. I was putting on a giant performance. I couldn't be an alcoholic if I delivered a perfect dinner. Alcoholics don't have tidy houses when company arrives. I love to cook, but that perfection thing with entertaining was my way of covering up my drinking.

    We don't HAVE to do anything. And when we find ourselves putting all this pressure on ourselves and making up all these insane requirements, we're getting sucked back into participating in a charade that our lives are perfect. For people in recovery, any kind of effort to put on a charade so as to impress others so they think we're awesome can trigger a relapse, so just don't do it. I'm working very hard at that this week.

    Flaws are okay. Mashed potatos from the refrigerator section taste great. Nobody in my family likes brussell sprouts anyway! Breathe deep, take short cuts, and protect your quit by embracing imperfection.

    Happy Thanksgiving!
    Gratefully AF and NF since March 23, 2014


      Good morning! Raining now, then they say snow, but I don't know. Man, you guys have the coolest Thanksgiving dinners! My Thanksgivings are boring. But I get along well with my family so we just sit around eat lasagna and turkey and tell the same funny stories as last year. I'm looking forward to Friday reading all the fall out and drama from your dinners! :happy2: Serously though, have a safe and fun holiday. Don't drink, you can get through the day without drinking, and if your family starts getting on your nerves, count to ten -- or 1000 -- before exploding!

      [moon] [guy] [shout] [two] [horse] [three] [rockon] [worthy] [spin] [allgood] [two] [dancin] [shout] [baby] [fist] [celebrate] [dancin] [rockon] [welldone] [bouncy] [applause2] [dancing] [lucky] [worthy] [llama] [shout] [horn] [three] [applause] [hyper] [dancegirl] [black] [bumpit] [sohappy] [horse] inkele: :applause2: :yay:


        Hey Nesters- I’ve been busy as hell so I won’t lie and say I’m caught up what has been happening here, but I hope everyone is hanging tough. I have my in-laws in, and am alone at work for the week (so doing everything myself) and also prepping like mad for a martial arts test in early December, so the pressure is on non- stop. Gladly though, that has left no time for “drinking thinking” …it almost feels normal not to think about booze…and I like that. Keeping healthy and calm as pressures build throughout a holiday season will help us keep a strong mind to prevent “triggers” from turning into disasters. And as a recent article from earlier in the week suggests, always watch out for underminers, people who don’t understand or respect your decision not to drink….”If you can stop drinking, it means that just maybe they could (and should) too. And they’re not ready to try.”

        And if you are in the U.S...stay safe tonite. Known to bartenders and police officers as “Blackout Wednesday,” Thanksgiving Eve holds the dubious, if unofficial, record as the day of the year with the highest levels of alcohol consumption...let's make sure we are NOT a part of it :check:

        Hopefully everyone is staying AF and as stress free as possible…if things aren’t working exactly the way you planned, hopefully you can adapt..or if not, next year everyone can just got to Peppersnow’s (does sound good) :yay:

        In Recovery and Surviving the Holidays
        Last edited by See the Light; November 26, 2014, 03:24 PM.
        “Hope is being able to see that there is light despite all of the darkness”- Desmond Tutu



          Hey Ican, the important thing is you are back. I am a serial failer who is currently on day 3. One day I will succeed, so I have to keep coming back and trying again. Good luck - I'm sure you can and will beat this thing. FF.
          I can beat this.
          Today is the day I start.
          1st September 2015.


            Hello Nesters,

            How's life ? Life ... As I wonder many times as to its a great gift. And we live it only once. Time an important resource we get it to make use of it and it limited for each and all of us. How long do we live for 70 years 80, 90 , 100? No matter how much it is limited. And what ever we have left we must make good use of it.

            For I have wasted enough time on AL. And my life has been so much dependent on AL and leaving has been the best thing I could gift myself.

            Sober for several months now I see myself and people around . I got young kids, wife who all depend on me. My wife who have suffered for so long , who came as a delicate bud calls herself like a cactus. As she says she has become so cold, having no expectations from me, as whenever she had I was was first to crush them. I blame it on drinking but then she doesn't know that ... I hope the wounds can heal. I hope she can forgive and embrace the new me ... For I am a changed man now ...

            My kids who found a father for the first time ... Thank God didn't see me in the sorry state I was few months ago. They are at tender age and I am so glad they will not have memories of me drunk all the time ...

            I have travels planned next month for a an expo. It will be busy week with lots of meeting etc. and I don't want to go ... I just wish I can skip that.

            No such thing like thanks giving in India but you guys stay sober and safe ...
            Rewiring my brain ... done ...
            Updating brain "attitude" firmware ... done ...
            Rebooting ... done ...
            Restarted program called "Life" ... started successfully ...


              Fat Fella, we ALL go through that. ALL of us have tried to quit a million times. It is not a Fail, we are not perfect.

              We need to show Progress Not Perfection.
              Glad you are here. Don't drink today and keep coming back to MWO.

              YUM Turkey in the Crock Pot! Byrdie, that sounds yummy!

              Love the Bubble Hour Pepper, I can relate to so much of what they say.

              It is not Thanksgiving here in Canada but I will toast my club soda to you all. I hope it is awesome and no one drinks!

              Off the Table, right Pav. No Thanksgiving Massacre this year. How great is that?

              Talk soon,

              "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
              "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

              AF April 12, 2014


                Hi all and a quick checklist check-in (although I can't find a damn checkmark anywhere) on this Thanksgiving Eve here...

                1. Are we AF tonight? CHECK
                2. Do we have a plan to stay sober under any circumstances tomorrow? CHECK
                3. Is it too damn cold where you are and are we tired of winter already? CHECK
                4. Will we not feel guilty indulging in food, dessert and wanting to strangle relatives? CHECK
                5. Are we thankful and grateful for sobriety in our lives? CHECK

                That about covers it for me but please continue the list as appropriate, and everything to be thankful for is appropriate.

                Hope everyone has safe travels and enjoys a Happy Thanksgiving (or just a great day if you don't celebrate this).

                Enough avoidance now and off to my 20lb turkey nemesis...:cuss:


                  Lots of good reading her tonight. Pepper - your post intrigued me. I guess I thought no one would guess my dreadful secret if I just kept up the pretense of "perfection". But I never thought of it as a performance before. Wow - somehow that word matters. It all seems so hollow and shallow now. So bring on the prepared mashed potatoes, and everyone just enjoy themselves!! Good advice.

                  STL - I've never heard the term Blackout Wednesday before, but I was just talking to a GF tonight and she mentioned that she had declined an invitation to meet some friends for dinner. When I asked her why, she said..."well everyone knows that tonight is the biggest drinking night of the year. I don't want to be on the roads." I had no idea. I would have guessed New Year's Eve or 4th of July or any other day of the year. I sure do learn a lot in the nest (and from my friends).

                  Ican and FF - glad you are both here, posting rather than drinking. Stay near.

                  Bydrie, I smell that bird all the way in Wisconsin. How do you make it in a crock pot? Liquid or no liquid? Inquiring minds want to know.

                  I have four days off work and plan to savor each and every one of them. Time to start making Christmas presents for my friends and family so that should keep me very busy over the next few days. Take care everyone.
                  Everything is going to be amazing


                    Good evening Nesters,

                    Yep, it's been snowing here since mid-morning. Stella & the girls are not thrilled. I saw a few of them out in their fenced yard standing on one foot! They hate standing or walking in the snow, LOL

                    Byrdie, my questions is - how big of a crockpot do you have?
                    I have never heard of doing a whole turkey in a crockpot. Do you cut it apart first???
                    Good luck with the crazy family, I know you'll do just fine

                    Welcome back FF! Good time to restart your journey & keep on going!
                    Ican, please get serious with the CDs & keep your plan close. You have to really want this to succeed.

                    Greetings to everyone & sending wishes for a safe night in the nest for all!

                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      Happy thanksgiving to all my friends in the U.S. of A. and everyone elsewhere who celebrates it. No thanksgiving massacre k? k. lol.

                      Take it easy out there. Everything is amazing, and everything will be okay. G

                      'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                      Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                        We are having a small, quiet thanksgiving. I'm trying to limit myself on the cooking. Hubby's favorite holiday and I would like to mm ake it special this year.
                        Beautiful, sunny day here. Sorry Lav. Wish I could share some of the sunshine with you.
                        No matter how far you go or how fast you run, you can't get away from yourself. ....said at an AA meeting. It stuck with me.


                          Pepper, that was a great post and really did put thing into perspective! Thank you for that!

                          Moss, I have a thing about small appliances. I have 6 crock pots! I love them! For this year, I put the turkey breast (yes, FROZEN, 3 pound, this year) into the crock pot with a couple cans of chicken broth and a packet of good seasons salad dressing mix. Set it and leave it for 5 hours or so (internal temp of 170*). When its done, take a ladle and scoop out the renderings (grease). Leaving about an inch in the bottom (you might want to save some in case you want to thin the gravy more ). Then I pour in 2 jars of turkey gravy and cook it some more. The meat is seasoned perfectly and it is so moist and tender! I have done 3 breasts at a time this way, works out great!

                          Early doors tomorrow! Stay strong everyone! Byrdie
                          All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                          Tool Box
                          Newbie's Nest


                            Hello, I've never posted anywhere before, so bear with me. I gotta stop al. What can I expect when I stop drinking (it's a lot), what should I expect for withdrawals. I currently experience anxiety and high blood pressure (withdraw before 5 pm) causing me to realize (finally) it (al) is really affectingly me negatively.

                            Thanks in advance


                              Hello & welcome Evan!
                              Glad you found us & decided to join in - we're a nice bunch
                              Everyone is different so withdrawal symptoms will differ as well. Do you have access to a doctor or hospital in case you develop problems. Do you have a friend to keep an eye on you for a few days?
                              The best thing to do when starting out is download the MWO book from the store here - it's full of information for you.
                              Keeping yourself well hydrated is very important & eat something healthy. Just take real good care of yourself, rest when you can. Our Tool box is full of helpful info to help you put a plan together for yourself. Stay close to MWO & check in frequently. You have made a great decision, be safe & I wish you the very best!!
                              PS: my anxiety & high blood pressure resolved nicely after I quit!

                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                                Hi Evan, I just wanted to welcome you and send you some support. Life is so much better after quitting drinking. You will never regret it, even though it may be difficult at times. Lav have you some great advice about the withdrawl.

                                Great to see everyone tonight!
                                "When you have faults, do not fear to abandon them." Analects of Confucius
                                AF 11/12/11

