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    Are you drinking Byrd?????

    Well its New Years Eve in Ausland and to me it means nothing. Once upon a time i used to make promises that i never kept until it actually became depressing. One big ball of depression. My resolution to myself tonight is to stay sober for another year. Finally i know i will get this one right and i will stick to it and i will see it out. That gives me a sense of achievement. I could say i will give up smoking tomorrow which i really want to do but i would be lying so wont do that one. As my mum said "you will only stop when you are ready, like you did with drinking". I love my mum! I hate the heat of Queensland and i am overtired and i am cranky but i love my mum. I will keep telling myself that until i go home lol. Its a lovely relaxing holiday which i am in great need of and the closeness i feel we have now is wonderful, its like we are at peace with each other now i dont drink. I keep remembering visits i have had here and everyone involved me drinking, what a waste but they are gone and sober is so much better. I cant even imagine drinking in 86% humidity.

    Resolve i just loved how you worded "i can stay home without adult supervision". That is so true.

    This is the best time of year for being a designated driver, people love and admire you for not drinking, it is the only time of year they dont put crap on us non drinkers. I love to see their faces light up like xmas trees knowing they can get soooooo much drunker. I do not miss those days at all.

    Stay safe everyone.
    AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


      Good evening Nesters,

      Sounds like everyone had a good day. I was having a good one too until I found another one of my chickens mauled to death Lost one last week too. We installed the recommended hawk deterrent but apparently did not work. Crap.
      I need to get creative & find a way to prevent this from happening again. Building a full roof over their run is just not doable at his point.

      Ava, I'll say Happy New Year to you since you will be the first to see 2015

      Wishing everyone a safe night in the nest, stay warm!

      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Hi all. I hope everyone is doing well. I have been busy with family stuff, so I haven't checked in as I should. Today, I spent the afternoon with a girlfriend. It was fun. We went to see "Into the Woods" and then went for a pizza. It was nice.

        Just staying accountable. I will read back tomorrow morning and reply more thoughtfully.
        Everything is going to be amazing


          Hi Everyone

          Good to be back in the nest.

          Today was Day 1 AF. Feels pretty good.

          We had company for supper this evening and no one was drinking which made it easier for me.

          Looking forward to tomorrow!

          Happy New Year fellow nesters, best wishes for 2015!

          I try to be the person my dog thinks I am.


            Hi nesters

            Welcome Alt and settle in to the nest. Next New years you will be sober a whole year woo hoo

            Mum and i have been out for dinner and watched the early fireworks. I had a nice glass of coke and mum had a wine. The waitress went to give me the wine and i said "no thanks". no thoughts or urges at all, not like last year when i stared at the wine wanting and feeling deprived.

            I cant wait to see what 2015 brings.

            Take care and be strong.
            AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


              Hi everyone! Long time no see! It's been a crazy 4-5 months for me. MIL has lived with us for quite some time now, but FINALLY, Monday, she moves to her new Assisted Living place!

              I can finally breathe again on Monday. (sortof). There is still much to do for her, but at least we won't have to be 'physically' taking care of her.

              I've really done well with the drinking 'overall', but haven't totally abstained over the last few months. Both hubby and I have imbibed some with her here, and I don't feel regretful for doing so b/c we aren't 'over doing'. However, I know this isn't the moderation forum, and soon many will respond for me to go elsewhere if that is what I choose to do. (the mod forum). But I just wanted to come here first, as this is where I started, and wanted to give huge kudos for many of you who have helped me to where I am.

              I will be reading here, and thank you to ALL of you! I pray you all have a wonderful 2015.




                Hi everyone - checking in before heading out for a long weekend trip. I am just a little nervous about it. This is one of the places I've been nervous about going to and not drinking. Thanks TJAF for the tips you sent. I am keeping those in mind and thinking I will tell my friends up front and early that I'm not drinking to nip that right in the bud. And I will get some sparkling cider for the midnight toast. All will be fine, I don't drink anymore. Why do I still have problems thinking that for others, when I say "I don't drink anymore" they will be thinking "I'm no fun anymore"? Ugh...I know better.


                  Originally posted by frances View Post
                  Hi everyone - checking in before heading out for a long weekend trip. I am just a little nervous about it. This is one of the places I've been nervous about going to and not drinking. Thanks TJAF for the tips you sent. I am keeping those in mind and thinking I will tell my friends up front and early that I'm not drinking to nip that right in the bud. And I will get some sparkling cider for the midnight toast. All will be fine, I don't drink anymore. Why do I still have problems thinking that for others, when I say "I don't drink anymore" they will be thinking "I'm no fun anymore"? Ugh...I know better.
                  My advice Frances - is lie if this is one of the major hurdles for you.
                  No point complicating things & causing yourself stress wondering what they are saying.
                  The big announcement of "I don't drink anymore" can wait until a less stressful time
                  Antibiotics works well and will get you over this hump.


                    Hi everyone.
                    I’ve been too busy to contribute in a thoughtful way but have been very connected to and thankful for your posts. Today is day 4 and I’m planning on checking in throughout the day to keep myself strong and convinced that I will not drink tonight at the NewYears eve dinner party we’re going to. It will not be easy because it will be with a small group of close friends that all drink wine (I’m in France). I will surely be exhausted too as I’ve got a grueling day in front of me. I find being tired at the dinner table makes it very difficult when company is drinking and dinner is dragging on over wine and cheese. Plan on taking lots of L-Glut and kudzu but worried none the less. I’ve already told friends that I’m drinking tea so that I can be the DD (no, not Drunk Driver!). And maybe try to have a nap.
                    Altaman, good for you, getting a head start for the new year!
                    To all of you, as the french say…”tiens bon” and Happy New Year!
                    Go as far as you can see.
                    When you get there, you'll see further.


                      Byrdie, you caught me. Everyday for months I've been replacing my avatar with a slightly more zoomed in picture of the pine cone! You are right though it is huge. I was pretty impressed that I was able to upload my own picture!

                      Welcome, Altaman.
                      Hi, My way in. I'm sure you will get lots of great advice about how to survive this party. I would go there with a pretty full stomach. That will sap the strength of any craving.

                      Everyone who has started recently has the opportunity to begin a full calendar year AF. That's pretty exciting!
                      "When you have faults, do not fear to abandon them." Analects of Confucius
                      AF 11/12/11


                        Good morning Nesters,

                        Just a quick fly by for me, I am heading out to do a few things
                        Great to see folks thinking ahead & getting their plans in place fo tonight. A hangover free new Years day is awesome, just wait & see

                        Have a safe day everyone, I'll be back later.

                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          Happy New Years Everyone- May 2015 bring you all happiness, success and peace. May alcohol never mess with any of our lives again.

                          :celebrate: :celebrate: :celebrate: :celebrate:
                          “Hope is being able to see that there is light despite all of the darkness”- Desmond Tutu



                            Originally posted by Pinecone View Post
                            Byrdie, you caught me. Everyday for months I've been replacing my avatar with a slightly more zoomed in picture of the pine cone! You are right though it is huge. I was pretty impressed that I was able to upload my own picture!
                            I KNEW IT!
                            Dang you! Why you messin with us like dat?
                            You can't imagine how it used to screw us up when Jane and NS kept changing their avatars!
                            How big you gonna make that thing? We'll be standing by for your close ups!
                            Why did you choose the name Pinecone? It fits you well, you are a sturdy and steadfast member here and we are loving your more frequent posts!!

                            ALT, well done to you.
                            Sarah, good to see you.
                            MWI, great going!
                            MossRose, thanks for checking in.
                            Satz, how do to you!
                            Everyone else, hope you have a peaceful New Year's Eve!!! Life isn't measured by what's in your glass!!!! XO, Byrdie
                            All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                            Tool Box
                            Newbie's Nest


                              Hey everyone,
                              Happy New year's eve to some and harpy new year to some! . My new years eve plans are to pile up on the couch and watch movies with my family. I live in a small town,away from the big city where I work, so glad I'm not on shift today in the big city. New years eve is typically wheels off.
                              I do work part time as a Fire/medic in the town I live in so I'll be on call tonight, but it's typically pretty quiet out here.
                              Cold and icy in my neck of the woods. Hour everyone is doing great!
                              Stay Hard my friends! Ads stay in, new years eve is amateur night!
                              AF 08~05~2014

                              There is a 100% chance I can't do this by myself! ~ Me


                                Originally posted by Pinecone View Post
                                Everyone who has started recently has the opportunity to begin a full calendar year AF. That's pretty exciting!
                                That is so true, Pinecone! I was just commenting to Little Beagle how silly I was to quit in January (sort of like having a baby -- good to do it in December and get the tax write-off :thumbsup: !).

                                But really, if you're having any sort of trouble with alcohol, the best time to quit is RIGHT NOW. From what I've observed, I can almost guarantee you that the relationship is not going to improve and most likely will get worse. It might even worsen to the point that it is no longer your choice whether to drink or not.

                                If anyone is thinking of having "one last night of drinking" tonight on New Year's Eve, please don't. Getting past this especially hard day will make you all the stronger -- if you can manage not to drink on NYE, a regular old Tuesday should be a snap!

                                All the best to the Nest for a fabulous 2015!

