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    Hiya Nesters near and not so far.

    It is now that i need to remind myself to do the work.....daily. I have had some serious boozing thoughts the last 24hrs with a plan! Sheesh. Sunday morning here. Part of me 'doing the work' to maintain my sobriety is checking in here and reading everyone's posts. Thanks everyone, as i now feel more strength and commitment. I see that self checking and self care/thoughts are pretty essential on a daily basis.

    Take care. G

    'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

    Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


      Good evening Nesters - and thanks for all your support last night. Fell asleep, dead to the world, around 10:30. Went for a run in the morning, and then took my daughter shopping. We had a really great day together. I have difficulty visualising myself never drinking again, so I am not going to worry about that. I need to remember I no longer have any ability to drink moderately. Once I have the first drink, that internal switch in me has been flipped. I won't stop drinking until I pass out, no matter how hungover I was that day. This is my reality.

      Dutch, congratulations on the second baby, what wonderful news!!! Very happy for you both.

      Jenni, I am very sorry that Enzo is so ill, and I will keep him in my prayers. I am so glad that you are sober, and able to be completely available for him.

      Lavender Blue well done on the podcast, and how interesting to be involved in something like that.

      Well I should finish up some work that is due next week, but I think I might take it easy instead. Hope everyone is having a great day, and I look forward to reading your posts tomorrow. Blessings!
      While we may not be able to control all that happens to us, we can control what happens inside us.
      Benjamin Franklin


        Originally posted by Guitarista View Post
        It is now that i need to remind myself to do the work.....daily. I have had some serious boozing thoughts the last 24hrs with a plan! Sheesh. Sunday morning here. Part of me 'doing the work' to maintain my sobriety is checking in here and reading everyone's posts. Thanks everyone, as i now feel more strength and commitment. I see that self checking and self care/thoughts are pretty essential on a daily basis.
        Glad you posted, Mr G.
        A go-to technique for me is to re-watch some of the videos about the science of addiction. It takes me into my rational brain and makes the right decision so obvious! (I think the AL brain is very bored by science because these videos always put it to sleep :wink.
        It came up in the Newbies Nest that it would be nice to have one place to store links to online videos, podcasts, movies, articles, etc. that we've found helpful. If this turns out to be a useful repository of links, perhaps we can ask RJ to consider making it a Sticky. Contributions welcome :happy2:!
        Last edited by NoSugar; March 14, 2015, 03:52 PM.


          NT dont envision never drinking, as someone said not long ago just make it a 200 year plan and in 200 years you can drink. I know i can never drink but that puts a lot of pressure on us alkies so we take it day by day.

          Mr G, i am always logged onto MWO. i start my work computer in the morning and its the 4th thing i log in to. I have it permanently open at home. i always know if i have an urge (not so much now), i only need to open up mwo and read a few posts to keep me determined. i never want a day 1 again. Your support is always on hand 24/7, use it to its best advantage i say.

          jenni i hope enzo is okay. my shitzu now has a neurological condition which i dont know what to do about which she developed after an emergency operation. She walks to the left and is on steroids. Its a hard choice to make to keep her comfortable or delve into it deeper when i have already spent 3 grand. She is still a happy soul so time will tell on her outcome. i wish i had more money!

          Its starting to cool down in Ausland though we are still getting warm days, winter is coming upon us. i do love hibernating!
          AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


            enzo'smom - Good thoughts towards you and your puppers! I was drinking heavily when my last dog (who was also the first I'd ever adopted!) passed away. I'm not saying that to worry you - mine was a very sudden stomach cancer diagnosis, so something else entirely - but just to say that drinking 100% did NOT help at all. I was a mess, and as much as I was there for him I wasn't at my best to give him my best, if that makes sense. I was so overwhelmed by what the vet was telling me, and had no faith in myself to make the right choices. It's taken a long time to get past the guilt, to be honest, even though there was nothing I could have done and thanks to help from my family I know I DID end up doing everything I could. Would have been a whole lot better for both of us if I'd been sober, though.

            Anyway, I'm so glad you're able to be present while yours is sick, and I hope he's back home with you super fast! It sounds like he's in good hands.
            I am stubborn as a pig - but changing what I'm being stubborn about!

            Cigarette Free On: 9/23/2014
            AF on: 8/12/2014


              OK everyone! Last check in for the day. Off and running in the other direction.

              G...where's the Velcro? Byrdie is hogging it again? Give it up girl and pass it around will ya':thumbsup: Ok, I'm buckled in.

              Everyone, stay safe, see you later.
              The easy way to quit drinking?:



                Good evening Nesters,

                We are waterlogged here!!!
                Pav, I wish I could ship some of this rain out to you, believe me!

                G, why the drinking thoughts? What are you trying to fix with AL? It never really works now, am I right?

                Jennie, I hope Enzo is OK - geez!

                Has HBE checked in lately?

                Wishing everyone a safe night in the nest. I have plenty of butt Velcro here so help yourselves

                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  Good morning Nesters!

                  I can't believe no one has been here overnight - uh oh.
                  I'll check back in later, make sure everyone is OK

                  Have a great AF Sunday!
                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    Lav, nooooo -- don't send The Stella. I was here, just didn't post because I went to bed early with a nasty cold.

                    Dutch, congrats on your happy news. I know you'll enjoy fully experiencing your baby's arrival. Like someone wisely said (and you know from the first one) newborns can also bring stress, so please pace yourself.

                    LB, enjoy those neighborhood walks. As a PT once told me, press down through your heels as you walk uphill. It really helps you go farther.

                    Enzo'smom, I hope your puppy is doing well. I have also had dreams this week in which someone was trying to make me drink. In one of them, I realized that I actually had consumed some wine and I was SO angry. Maybe it's a healthy part of working through our underlying worries and emotions about quitting?

                    Powdered AL? Pure evil.

                    Pav, it's great that you can talk with your son, especially about such important matters.

                    Pie, happy belated Pi day. It's all about you. I wish they had a LilBit day.

                    Available, Fall-into-Winter is so nice. Sweater weather and crisp you have colorful leaves where you are?

                    Overit, my trailblazing hero, I can tell you're keeping busy. It's my strategy, too. I'm gardening today. We live in the city, but I have giant flower pots filled with veggies, fruit trees, flowers, etc. I neglected the poor things when my focus was only on getting another drink but - bless them -- most of them seemed to have survived it. They'll get some TLC today, especially the Bougainvillea.
                    "If you fell down yesterday, get up today." -- H.G. Wells


                      Up early on a Sunday? Me? xD To be fair, I used to drink 'round the clock so weekdays were as bad as weekends, but it's still nice. My family is around more on weekends and I hate being the one who's always up at, like, noon when everyone else has been meeting up to do things. I don't always want to join, but it's nice having the option.

                      I remember back when I was still going to one of the churches around here, too. I tend to have trouble finding churches that feel right to me in the area, for a lot of reasons; but this one I was going to partly for a friend and it was going alright until I learned their views on a few things. Anyway, I HATED going and knowing I'd had a drink before I went. :/ I felt like I was really disappointing myself, but at the time it also felt like the only way I could handle a large group of people. At least next time I check around town that's something I don't have to worry about. I deal with groups of people better sober since I'm not fighting the feelings of shame on top of everything else.

                      LilBit - Thanks for the advice! I tend to have to be careful when I walk, especially on hills. I've got flat feet bad enough that it was actually why I was discharged from the Army when I was younger - my shin splints were turning into stress fractures that could have caused permanent damage. The good news is as long as I'm careful and ramp up slowly I'm usually fine. My brain wants to do the hours-long walks I used to do, but I'm making myself take my time to get back to that! I should probably also get new arch supports, come to think of it.

                      Hope everyone had a good and AF night, and has a great day! I'm going to be grocery shopping in a bit; instead of stir fry this week I want to try one of the "cook like Chipotle" recipes I've found online. My mom's been teasing that I'm turning into Susie Homemaker, lol, but I think it's just that after so long not caring what I shoved in my body it's kind of exciting to take control of it again.
                      I am stubborn as a pig - but changing what I'm being stubborn about!

                      Cigarette Free On: 9/23/2014
                      AF on: 8/12/2014


                        Late check in for me. We are back from our weekend in Charleston. A gut wrenching weekend of cleaning out closets for my step daughter. So sad after a year, it is still hard to move on with the love of your life passes suddenly. She recalled the memories of the clothes and suits we packed up. I guess Im lucky and can come home and leave that behind but she is living it 24/7. It makes me more grateful than ever that I'm sober and not wasting anymore of my life. Dam, I barely remember my 40's.
                        Do whatever it takes akes to get sober and STAY sober. Heres the Butt Velcro, its 1000 times easier to maintain than to start over! Byrdie
                        All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                        Tool Box
                        Newbie's Nest


                          Lil yes we have the leaves changing and falling and i love walking through the park crunching the leaves, it is a beautiful time of year and then............. it gets cold but thankfully not as cold as what most of you go through.

                          Byrd - i thought i just had my 30's and then skipped to 50's. my 40's were a slow path to hell and i nearly got there but my 50's are looking fecking fantastic.

                          Pav great minds think alike!

                          Date night again for me after work and with the same guy as last time (miracle in itself). Looking forward to it i must say and no wanting to chew my arm off anymore in the morning for a quick get away!

                          Have a great one.
                          AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                            Hello all,

                            I am doing a fly y check in tonight. Had a sober weekend, first in a long time. Will write more tomorrow as I am off to bed. Peace.
                            While we may not be able to control all that happens to us, we can control what happens inside us.
                            Benjamin Franklin


                              For anyone teetering or having "Those Thoughts" I would highly recommend watching an episode of Intervention. Wow, that took me right back to thr BAD old days and I can tell you I am SO grateful to be where I am. Dont go backwards, thats exactly what ONE drink will do! Stay the course!! You will never regret it! Byrdie
                              All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                              Tool Box
                              Newbie's Nest


                                Good evening Nesters,

                                May I add AMEN to that statement Byrdie? No way I am putting myself into that position again

                                I am so glad some folks checked in today - it felt weird being alone in the nest this morning! And I sure don't want to pack up the STELLA if I don't have to, ha ha! They all have muddy feet right now, you really don't want to see them suddenly appearing at your front doors

                                Wishing everyone a safe & cozy night in the nest! Can't wait for Spring's arrival in a few days - Yay!!

                                AF since 03/26/09
                                NF since 05/19/09
                                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

