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    Thank you Mama! Don't let your slip up stop you today. Just focus on today. I know I get so so angry and down on myself the hundreds of times I have slipped up when trying to stop but that really can hold you back. I'm really trying to do this differently this time around. You sound like you have a good attitude, hold onto it today.
    AF SINCE 3/16/2016


      aquamarine, hi! makes perfect sense to me. Besides any post using phrases/words like : grateful ~ appreciate ~ brutally honest with myself ~ You don't even realize you made the wall ~ emotional awareness/intelligence ....... how could it not make sense? Congrats on Day 3!! :happy2:


        Mama - dust yourself off, and give it your best shot starting today. Lots of us have too many Day 1s in our past. I was one of them. It's unfortunate too, because as it's been said a million times on MWO, each quit does get harder - physically and emotionally. But if you stick with it and keep trying, one day something clicks, and you just know in your heart that you don't want to go there anymore. You finally realize that it's easier NOT to drink, because the cycle becomes exhausting. It takes time to retrain your brain and heal your body. It's doable, but even a small amount of AL will set you back. But on a lighter note, if you take a peek around here, you'll see that many people have done it. Some folks were on the brink of disaster, and managed to turn it around. I followed their posts faithfully in the beginning (well, still do), and it helped me stay strong. You did the right thing by coming here and fessing up. We all understand, and it keeps you accountable. You'll get there. Be kind to yourself. It helps.

        Aqua - it sounds like you are doing very well. I like the wall analogy. We definitely put a few up during our drinking days. Some to keep people out. Others to hide from ourselves. Breaking them down can be an uncomfortable yet necessary part of getting sober. It takes some practice, but is oh so worth it. Take care.

        It's a beautiful day in my part of the world. I love spring. I am in the middle of a cooking marathon, so have to run. Take care everyone.
        Everything is going to be amazing


          Daisy-congratulations on 7 days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
          The easy way to quit drinking?:


            New to the nest but not the site. Day 2 for me. Too tired to continue this routine. Congratulations to all who are AF and those who continue to try to be AF.

            byrd, first post in the nest. Thanks for recommending it. :happy2:


              Hi all

              Just a quick check in. Still going strong. So helps to eat an early dinner. Still constantly in a state of anxiety, fear, panic, anger....due to marital stuff. However, I made an appointment to talk to someone on Tuesday, and my husband has indicated he would like to come, so maybe that is a good thing? In the meantime, I have been widening my circle of single female friends, by joining local get togethers in the area.

              Anyway, that is it here. Hope you are all having a good weekend


                Hi Aquamarine - You hit the nail on the head. Our addicted brains view that wall as a wall of protection from what can hurt us, but the reality is that is's a barrier keeping us isolated from the people who love us - from safety - from being part of the world and living a meaningful life in it.

                Just popping in to say hi and welcome -- you can all do this.
                Gratefully AF and NF since March 23, 2014


                  Nesters, please join me in congratualting Daisy on 7 days! Here is your 2-cheeked salute from all of us! :moon: Well done and keep up the great work!
                  Aquamarine, 3 days is awesome! You are operating under your own power now!
                  Coocoo, so glad to see you here, I have seen you around MWO for years! So glad you are here! Welcome!
                  Hanna, keep up the great work, it pays back in spades!
                  Last edited by Byrdlady; April 11, 2015, 04:15 PM.
                  All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                  Tool Box
                  Newbie's Nest


                    Yo fruity's!

                    Congratulations Daisy on 7 days booze free. You're shaking them chains friend! Great work on day 3 Aqua! Keep it going.

                    You are doing an amazing job Hanna!

                    Staying hard on a calm farm. L8tr g8tr's.

                    'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                    Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                      Cuckoo, I have always posted on other threads....all of them lovely, but over this last 6 months have decided to stay here until I get it. I have done better this past year than any other. I will not venture from the nest until I feel secure. Gonna get this done! Both of us ! All of us!
                      Great listening to bubble hour episode titled Getting Unstuck. A great one for anyone thinking about getting started now, or for the umpteenth time. These girls know the routine.
                      Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


                        Daisy congrats on 7 days, keep it going. Dont be pulled into the family bullshit, it will do your head in and we all know where stress leads. Talk to your mum, doing this sober is a feeling of strength and hopefully she will listen and if not walk away.

                        Mama where did you get the al from? Get it out of the house, do not keep a stash for just in case, change your routine so you dont go to the shops with the intention of buying something and then pick up some al. Our al brain will try every trick in the book to get us to drink. it is up to us to be strong and say no and its hard especially in the first few weeks. You can do this and just say to yourself "its not okay to drink" as its not for us alkies.

                        Hanna, that is great that hubs wants to go with you. Dolly steps girl and the end picture will seem brighter without al involved.

                        Byrd, Mia said to me yesterday that she was looking at old photos of the fam the other day and said how much younger i look now i dont drink. Funny but i look in the mirror and cant see an ounce of difference.

                        I had Roberts birthday yesterday and he was so overwhelmed. he did not think anyone would come and he got a ticket for his balloon ride which made him cry. Now i have to save like mad when i get back from Thailand to go with him, $500 pp, wow, and thats just to freak you out! it was lovely to meet his friends and just enjoy his day with him. I could see he was in pain so the mother hen was at the fore but he was the brave man that i love. Now i can only hope he goes home from hospital before i go to thailand! Not the best time to be going away for me but i do need some me time.

                        Well three days till mother arrives so best start cleaning the house and i thought i would be bored when i gave up drinking!

                        Keep up the good work newbies, the worst will be soon in the past.
                        AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                          Available - you hit the nail on the head....I made up some bull***t excuse to go to the grocery store, when I was heading there for WINE!!! It is gone now, but only because I finished it all. It was another BAD night. I am doing really well today. Thank you for all of the encouragement & advise!!!!


                            We all wrote a really big tome on keeping al in our lives and how to get it, drink it, hide it and keep doing it. That is until it becomes so tiring and not fun anymore. if you feel like a drink, which you will, then post on here and tell us how you feel, we understand and we are here to help. I always had a shower and put my pj's on so i then didnt feel like changing again and going out. Eat what you want when you want and watch some al doco's on youtube, they scare the crap out of you which helps.

                            I went to my friend birthday yesterday and drank so much coke zero and water and still had the best time. Its funny but now when i go out i just want a "sip", not a glass so thats great. Not that i would ever ever have a sip!
                            AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                              Ava-I used to think that a sip would cure what ailed me but of course we know where that got me right?

                              Anyway, I've been so busy I haven't met our new people lately. So sorry. give me a few days and I'll be back in full force. I do notice the AL thoughts a lot more when I'm not active here so watch out when I'm back!

                              Have a great night everyone.
                              The easy way to quit drinking?:



                                Good evening Nesters,

                                I hope everyone had a good day

                                Daisy, CONGRATS on your 7 AF days!!!!
                                This is YOUR quit - keep it safe!

                                Aquamarine, great on your 3 AF days - they were the hardest for me. Keep going, you'll love the results!

                                Mama, I had to establish a BS-free zone around me & vowed to never buy another bottle. That was 6+ years ago & I've kept my vow. You can do it too.

                                Cuckoo, hello, great to see you! Hope you are well!

                                Ava, glad to hear Robert enjoyed his birthday celebration. You definitely deserve a vacay

                                Grateful for the sunny & not too cold weather today - we got quite a bit of work done outside & a lot more awaits. I bought myself a brand new shop vac to give the chicken house a thorough cleaning. Those girls can make such a mess!!!
                                Wishing everyone a safe & cozy night in the nest!

                                AF since 03/26/09
                                NF since 05/19/09
                                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

