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    Bobbie is our 14 1/2 year old dog and of course she will die eventually, so will I, right?
    (AF since 17 May 2014) 2 years 5 months sober


      Try not to think too much El. I know that some times when I'm feeling down, I'll masochistically begin to look for more ways to feel awful. The last time I did this it occurred to me how dangerous that could be because 1) its not like a tv program which has a definite start and stop 2) negative thoughts can build up strength like a storm does. Next thing you know, you're stuck with all the same problems but now you've got shitty weather to deal with. I don't mean to sound glib or minimize how crappy you feel. You need all your strength to pull yourself through it to the the other side. Big hugs to you
      AF since January 7, 2014 *Never, never, never give up. ~ Winston Churchill*


        I think I'm finally over the work hump! I may just punch out for the rest of the week! We are heading to my niece's tomorrow (3 hour drive). We will get to meet her new BF. She told me yesterday they have been dating 2 months and 2 days. It made me think.... the date they met is very important to her...she is actually counting the days since they met! I count the days of something that's really important to me, quit date! That date below means everything to me. It really was the day that changed my life...totally for the better.
        We will be loading the car shortly for our trip tomorrow. May the car be the only thing that gets loaded!! Get your plans in place and be ready with a NO THANKS!!!! I am here to tell you, come Friday morning, you'll be one happy camper that you did. If anyone needs a buddy, PM me or someone here! There's strength in numbers, so grab somebody!!! Stay matter what and no matter who!!
        Safe travels to all and happy Thanksgiving! Byrdie
        All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
        Tool Box
        Newbie's Nest


          Brand new and hopeful

          Hi everyone. I have been a problem drinker for 12 or 13 years now. I've seriously considered stopping a whole bunch of times, but have been too afraid/proud/unwilling to seek help. I drink wine. Lots of wine. Usually all alone in my apartment. Every time I try to moderate my drinking, I end up drinking the whole bottle. Used to be a regular sized, 750 ml. bottle, lately it's been most of a mag. This morning there was only one glass left, so of course I drank it as soon as I finished my coffee. I feel completely stupid and like a total fraud! I teach yoga (yes, really), and work in the spa industry (also, really..). I should be practicing what I preach, I know this. I am self aware enough to know beyond a shadow of a doubt that I'm isolating myself, but obviously not aware enough to know WHY, or how to stop. I have high hopes that this wonderful site I stumbled upon this morning in complete and utter desperation will indeed offer the inspiration, resources and community I so desperately need to put an end to this self-loathing and stop drinking once and for all. But I'm really, really scared.


            Welcome aboard, Lady Liberty!
            "Don't be ashamed of your story. It will inspire others".
            “To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.” ~Ralph Waldo Emerson


              'Glad to see you, Lady Liberty. Pull up a twig. Many of us here are ex-wine drinkers with stories similar to yours. Maybe hop over to the Toolbox (in Byrdie's signature line above) when you get a chance and check out some of the great info there. For starters, don't be afraid. There are many success stories here and if we can do it, so can you!
              "If you fell down yesterday, get up today." -- H.G. Wells


                Thank you both! Feeling super grateful to have found this forum. A little overwhelmed, but grateful nonetheless. And more than a little curious about what my life would look like without alcohol in it. And afraid to fail. Again.


                  Hey All,

                  Checking in. Enjoying a little family time today. Have to work tomorrow, Thanksgiving fell on my shift this year. Other than that just been busy with work and winterizing the house.
                  Holiday season equals lots O booze, stay vigilant and don't succumb to the "poor me's" .

                  Welcome Lady Liberty,
                  ME TOO! On pretty much everything you described about drinking, trying to stop or moderate, then rinse and repeat..There is hope and you have come to the right place. 477 days ago I posted something similar, and by the grace of God, the help and fellowship from members in this forum I haven't found it necessary to have a drop of Alcohol since. ..I can promise you I never believed in a million years I could actually enjoy life without Alcohol, now I become Nauseous at the thought of Alcohol in my life!
                  Latch on to a twig and follow the leaders, it can be done!

                  Stay Hard and Stay Close my friends!
                  AF 08~05~2014

                  There is a 100% chance I can't do this by myself! ~ Me


                    Welcome Lady Liberty! Stick around and you'll start to read some very happy success stories from us!

                    El your a very strong person, I was reading your story and cringing thinking of if it was me, I would be in really bad shape! Stay strong, and don't help any more little old ladies!(if I read that wrong or that wasn't funny I apologize =/)

                    I passed my personal trainer certification today. I have been studying my butt off for a week along with all the work since I stopped drinking. This is something I know I would not have done if I was drinking and it makes me feel very good about myself. Not only will it make it easier to help myself, I can also help friends and family with my knowledge, and if I am lucky, make 6 figures next year, which has been a long standing goal of mine. I paid myself more for another month of extra work. I really feel like things are looking up.

                    I paid someone new to redo my bathroom, the previous contractor was an ex drinker and really screwed me over. We got lucky and caught a leak in the shower before it caused us a new sun roof. I met the old contractor and made him sign a debt agreement I know he isn't good for. Still, I did it without the anxiety I know I would have in s hangover funk. Lots of good things going my way today. Constant vigilance the next two days though! Happy thanksgiving all!


                      Originally posted by Eloise View Post

                      So maybe it is okay if i focus on my art for once in my life?

                      Maybe this accident is what I needed to slow down and see what is important?
                      From another bet!

                      Welcome LL. Here is a link to our toolbox which I think you'll find very useful and motivational.

                      'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                      Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                        Hi Lady Liberty,
                        This is a great place to get a grip on the truth. We have a problem, everyone has problems, but this site is specific to what we need. Research no further, as everything is at your fingertips. You know, I love that about google. Anything you want to know, trivia, big and important information is right at our fingertips. Same goes here. Anything you need to know and learn about alcohol abuse is right here. Not only can you read for days and become knowledgeable than ever, the long-timers are super supportive, encouraging, and tell you "yes! It's possible to be sober, happy, and live a life you never dreamed possible."

                        I've started and stopped, or you can say relapsed for many years as I stupidly thought I could moderate. But if you're like me or most of us here at MWO, we're here because we cannot drink, not a one. One will take us where we don't wanna go and that is a drunken mess. Isolation. Depressed. Anxious. I know life can be so much better without it, but we have to crawl away, one day at a time. Addictions are tricky, and at point in our journey, that AL voice will try and tell you that one is ok. That's a lie. I'm here and this is my LAFQ (Last and Final Quit). Hopefully you're a much faster learner than I am or was and you can be free of this now. It took me a long time to admit I was an alcoholic, but I have and I am. Now I don't have to fight anymore. It's a part of me, and all I have to do is NOT DRINK. Life is much more manageable without something making me sick daily, every weekend. It's amazing the things we can get accomplished when we just DON'T DRINK. Simply amazing. Al thoughts come and they go. But as I understand, they become much more manageable when we don't fight them. When we get those thoughts, we can ignore them, and distract ourselves. We can do this. You can do this. Imagine teaching yoga and feeling so awesome. Glad you're here.
                        Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.


                          Happy Thanksgiving to all of our American friends on MWO! Hope you enjoy the holiday and keep alcohol off the table!!

                          I'm looking for suggestions as to how help can be given to two young alcoholics. I volunteer with our local youth justice committee and we have two cases before us now, one involving a 14 year old who has had a drinking problem since she was 12. Her 16 year old sister also has drinking problems. Both have been charged with assault and public intoxication.
                          Our committee meets with the young offenders and victims to discover what happened and how the young offender might react in the future to a similar situation.
                          We were able to get the 14 year olds mother to enroll her in a rehab program, something that is beyond the scope of what our committee can do. We haven't met the 16 year old yet but she was arrested at the same time as the 14 year old. The assault was against a female police officer, neither sister recalls what happened as they were both very drunk. The alcohol was supplied by males of legal age.
                          Our committee determines consequences which might include community service hours, an essay, always letters of apology to the victims. A committee member supervises the completion of the consequences and if successful, the young offender does not get a criminal record.

                          I haven't seen anything specific for young people on this site. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

                          Welcome Lady Liberty, you've come to a great place!

                          Stay strong my friends!!
                          AF since 26-02-19 NF since 04-83
                          F*ck PD, cancer, dementia & covid-19



                            Hey Qdub. Cool stuff on your volunteer work.

                            I suppose kids are always going to do what they will do as they grow and spread their wings. I dunno, but my input would be to keep it simple. i.e. Let them know they are loved, let them know they are supported, and let them know a safe place they can go if they need to. Education and knowledge is also power, as in 'kid, put yourself in the other persons shoes for a minute, how would you feel?' along with.....'and these are the consequences of such actions, for you, and for the other person/s'. So expect 'this' and 'this' to happen if you do 'this,' and these are the reasons why.

                            Sounds simple, but I know it can be much trickier and complex. Some kids expressing such behaviour have a reason for doing so. This is where it can be difficult for a community, and of course a young person. Exploring the reasons why is an important part of the deal I reckon. All the best with it mate.

                            Starfish. Where you at my friend? Let us know will you? :happy2:

                            Thursday here and I'm 96 like my friend Q Dubbya but who's counting. Take it easy out there.
                            Last edited by Guitarista; November 25, 2015, 07:11 PM.

                            'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                            Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                              Byrdie,have you heard from Lav? She hasn't posted in any of the threads,I hope everything is ok(yes I'm a stalker)
                              I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                              I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                              Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                                Good evening Nesters,
                                I'm here pauly & have been trying to post all day - keep getting interrupted with work & cooking & stuff, Lol

                                Hello & welcome Lady Liberty!
                                Glad you found us. Wine was my downfall too. Grateful to be long done with that. Stick with us, we will give you a hand.

                                Wishing everyone a safe night in the nest.
                                Matt, have a safe day at work, my son is off this year & today is his birthday too

                                AF since 03/26/09
                                NF since 05/19/09
                                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

