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    Originally posted by Fin View Post
    And what about the mandolin? My true love...after many years of guitar...she's got a hold on me...
    And bluegrass...We had the opportunity to see Jeff Austin with his new band this summer. He's crazy good. Are you playing as frequently FIN?

    Done. Moving on to life.


      Just checking in, working my ass off, dead tired all the time. Would never be able to work this hard if I was drinking like I was. Hope everyone is well, I always read every week. Happy Friday.


        Hi all....very busy day ahead.....painting my living room, getting ready for our new arrival in less than 3 weeks. My son rang to say his baby is due 4 days before Christmas. Fun times ahead!
        Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


          Good morning Nesters, happy Friday!

          Good to see you Dutch, glad to hear your are busy & keeping your quit
          Take a little time for yourself so you don't burn out.

          Daisy, wow a Christmas baby too!
          You have all the reasons you need to eliminate AL from your life to make room for those babies

          Wishing everyone a productive AF day!

          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Good morning all,

            Feeling great on day 4. Have a company happy hour to end the week at the end of today. What are some of your favorite AF drinks to order when you're out?


              Originally posted by dejafoo345 View Post
              Good morning all,

              Feeling great on day 4. Have a company happy hour to end the week at the end of today. What are some of your favorite AF drinks to order when you're out?
              Club soda. I sometimes get a tsk tsk when I suggest this, but I usually get a non-alcoholic beer if one is available, then ask for a glass. I don't chug it because I'm not chasing a buzz and everyone just thinks I'm having a beer so I don't have to deal with "why aren't you drinking?" questions. A club soda does the trick as well, if non-alcoholic beer isn't available because everyone just assumes it's a vodka tonic or a gin and tonic. Cranberry juice works too - everyone just thinks you're having a vodka cranberry.

              You're only on day four though. Is this something you have to go to? Depending on your past drinking habits, you might want to ask yourself if you really need to be there.
              First, a man takes a drink, then the drink takes a drink, then the drink takes the man. --Chinese proverb


                Originally posted by aihfl View Post
                You're only on day four though. Is this something you have to go to? Depending on your past drinking habits, you might want to ask yourself if you really need to be there.
                Thanks aihfl! I have thought about whether or not I need to be there, but unfortunately it's during work hours so I can't miss it. I work in advertising and we have a beer AND wine keg in the office, so it's literally around me at all times. Either way, I'm on some medication that cannot be mixed with alcohol so I can't drink for at least a week.


                  Honestly, I would not attende the happy hour, too risky at this stage...
                  Originally posted by dejafoo345 View Post
                  Good morning all,

                  Feeling great on day 4. Have a company happy hour to end the week at the end of today. What are some of your favorite AF drinks to order when you're out?
                  (AF since 17 May 2014) 2 years 5 months sober


                    Hey Nesters!
                    Great to be home! 6 loads of wash today and putting things back together. We got in around 7 last night and picked up the dog this morning. She was so happy to see us and we were thrilled to see her, too. We had a great trip and were so lucky with the weather! Of course, there's no place like home!

                    I heard the tail end of a radio program this morning...wish I had heard the whole thing, this guy was talking about a study where participants were incented to lose weight but also penalized when they didnt. They found that the group that was financially penalized lost more weight than the group who received money for losing weight. The guy talking said that they found the same was true of addicts. Recovery was more likely when a negative experience happened than when only the positive aspects were realized. That certainly was the case for me. The negatives of drinking outweighed the positives of not drinking. Not sure Im conveying that as well as this guy did, but I sure do see his point.

                    Deja, try to eat something before you go and show up late and leave early. Not sure how this happy hour works in your office, gosh, that is an unusual work environment. Can you just make an appearance and then leave? Once you do it the first time, it will get much easier next time.

                    Hope everyone has a great weekend! Its only Friday, not a ticket to BoozeVille!! Byrdie
                    All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                    Tool Box
                    Newbie's Nest


                      Byrdie, glad you're home safely!

                      RE: the study you heard about, I would comment that the "negative" seems worse the more time we get away from alcohol. I was one of those who always said I didn't have enough consequences from drinking to stop. It is after 140 days AF that I realize just how negatively alcohol was impacting me.

                      Get some space from it, and you realize just how much better life is without it! It's so easy to justify the addiction while addicted.

                      Done. Moving on to life.


                        Good evening Nesters,

                        Darn it's chilly - 40 something degrees out!!

                        Welcome home Byrdie & I just know Rubi is glad to be back home too
                        You will have wonderful memories of your trip & they will bring you many smiles!

                        Deja, I hope your happy hour turned out OK & AF for you.
                        I stayed home for months after I quit. No one was going to tempt me, ha ha!!

                        Wishing everyone a safe & comfy night in the nest!

                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          Originally posted by Byrdlady View Post
                          I heard the tail end of a radio program this morning...wish I had heard the whole thing, this guy was talking about a study where participants were incented to lose weight but also penalized when they didnt. They found that the group that was financially penalized lost more weight than the group who received money for losing weight. The guy talking said that they found the same was true of addicts. Recovery was more likely when a negative experience happened than when only the positive aspects were realized. That certainly was the case for me. The negatives of drinking outweighed the positives of not drinking. Not sure Im conveying that as well as this guy did, but I sure do see his point.
                          So true. There's a phrase in the Big Book that reads that most every alcoholic will come to a day when they "can no longer imagine their life with alcohol, or without it."
                          First, a man takes a drink, then the drink takes a drink, then the drink takes the man. --Chinese proverb


                            Thanks all. Home and totally AF. Had club soda with lime and a splash of cranberry juice


                              Morning Nest!

                              Yesterday my ex came to spend the weekend. He was very surprised to find his half bottle brandy he left last time😄. Immediately asked whether I quit again😄. Then asked if I have ever quit for this long?

                              I find it funny, because it is one of the reasons why we divorced. He doesn't want to see the effect it has on people's lifes. Or the effect on ME.


                                I DID have al thoughts. Twice thought ... Fuckit! Just chuck it!!
                                But I keep seeing 1000... I really have a stronger urge to experience 1000 days AF, than to experience another buzz.

