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Newbies Nest

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    Hey guys! One of the reasons I wanted to check in tonight is to comment about yet another alcohol related death.
    My friends father in law was recently diagnosed with liver disease.
    He was treated in Boston and responded well until he was released. He went home and hid out in his bedroom 'recovering' while continuing to drink in secret.
    He has passed away now. Sad. Unnecessary. The shame involved with drinking stops so many in getting treatment.
    (AF since 17 May 2014) 2 years 5 months sober


      My goodness, that is so sad Eloise!!

      The shame is a big obstacle.
      He spent his last days alone in his room, drinking. Knowing it would kill him.

      No words.


        Originally posted by Justme Again View Post
        My goodness, that is so sad Eloise!!

        The shame is a big obstacle.
        He spent his last days alone in his room, drinking. Knowing it would kill him.

        No words.
        Amen to this, Justme. No words, but I understand it. I was going down this path, too.

        What is especially sad to me is that my own health wasn't enough to stop me from drinking. Somehow, I was able to minimize that and say, I'm not hurting anyone but myself, so what of it, I may as well die happy. When something else was about to be taken away, THAT GOT MY ATTENTION. I was willing to lose my life, but I couldn't imagine life without my wonderful husband. He actually saved my life..... I couldn't see it then, but I sure see it now. There is NO GOOD in AL at all. Not for anybody. It's just crazy! Only good things have come from being sober, not all the awful things we think we are gaining because we GET to drink.
        That's one reason I think back with such remorse about trying to moderate. What was I clinging to?? A false hope? A romantic Italian vacation that never happened? It's a lie, perpetuated by AL. I feel sorry for anyone trying to moderate, they are working WAY too hard to make poison work for them. LET IT GO. It is a relief.

        I HATE ALCOHOL. Byrdie
        All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
        Tool Box
        Newbie's Nest


          Now is a good time to remember that we don't drink AT anyone or any circumstance - good or bad. We'd hurt ourselves and nothing outside of us would have changed. Now is the time to be calm and clear-headed, to help and support those around us, to forgive, to be kind, to try to understand, and to love. It is a time to build community, not to tear it down. The Nest is a good place to be.

          Peace to all, NS


            Hi Nesters..

            How was the swimming, Daisy?
            Good to see you, NS.. I was wondering where you were.. I agree with you 100%. It's good to be here in the Nest. We do need to be/remain very clear-headed and calm.
            I hope everyone will check in today..


              Hi LC. Got my 50 lengths in today. Been at the pool 5 out of the last 7 days. Great mood booster!
              Heading to a twilight market in Belfast tonight. Crafts, food, music....should be fun. It goes on until 11 pm.
              A lot of talk today about the seems to be .very mixed feelings all over. All we can do is trust it all works out.
              Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!



                Done. Moving on to life.


                  Just thinking that I'm very glad to be sober and clear headed right now. This election and especially the result would have absolutely caused me to drink excessively if I was still drinking. And that wouldn't do any good for anyone or anything. So here I am, depressed and very concerned, but I am here and I will not drink because of this.


                    Thirdtimesacharm, I meant to congratulate you on your 30 days and to tell you how much I like your top 10 list.. great work.


                      Glad to be here in the Nest today. Soooooo glad I'm not drinking, especially today.


                        Here and sober. Not feeling like posting much. Up way too early to see the results, long day at work. Not such a great day overall, but this, too, shall pass. Have a safe night in the nest.
                        Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.


                          Good evening Nesters,

                          Wow, what a day, huh??
                          I am also glad to be addiction free today because my anxiety level hit the ceiling this morning hearing the election results. Yep, I am disappointed but life goes on.

                          Eloise, sorry to hear about your friend's Dad. AL kills, no doubt.

                          I decided to just allow myself to grieve today then move on tomorrow to live my best life.
                          We have yo learn to accept the bad along with the good

                          Wishing everyone a safe & comfy night in the nest!

                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            Gidday nesters near and not so far.

                            Well with Trump in, at least a little bit of the heat has been taken off me and me hair.

                            Random thought number 42,011. Stick with your course Ava, which i'm sure is your intention. I know you will be a fab worker bringing immense value to the AOD sector.

                            Had a loooong day yesterday. day class, night class, then a 10 p.m. start at work till 7 a.m. this morning. That's ok on occasion, but mum went to hospital with blood pressure issues last night in the middle of things. She's fine thankfully and staying in for a couple of days. My point here is, combined with a 24 hr no sleep day, mum in hospital and weird working hours (just the one night), i started to feel wobbly. In the small lull between seeing mum in the evening then to work later, i began thinking of escaping. 'how can i escape all of these seemingly overwhelming RESPONSIBILITIES'?

                            It was a case of H.A.L.T. I was tired, and a little disconnected and feeling uncomfortable from my safe nightly routine. A nightly routine i could handle. thought of ways i could get on the booze for a few days, and even as a lifestyle again. How do i throw in the new job and start drinking whilst giving them fair notice? Can i also throw in my regular pt. time job and still survive? The answer was yes, i can survive if i had too. Sheesh kebab!

                            But i knew this feeling and thoughts would pass eventually. So i went to work last night, and had a good shift with good people doing work i love. All safe and sound here today. Woke up very happy to not have drank. I am thinking of all i would let down. A sick mum, 2 nephews i've promised driving lessons too on friday and monday, but what struck me most of all was how i would have felt. The disappointment i would have felt in myself. The on again/off again cycle would be back in action. Same old. Nothing changes if nothing changes. Sober today and feeling solid. Day 89!

                            Big waves to all!
                            Last edited by Guitarista; November 9, 2016, 10:12 PM.

                            'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                            Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                              Originally posted by KENSHO View Post
                              3 months sober friend Kensho?

                              Edit: AND - Now just hang on a cotton pickin damn minute here............Jvo!

                              Congratulations on 30 days booze free! You are a freakin star my friend. :yay: :woohoo2:
                              Last edited by Guitarista; November 9, 2016, 10:20 PM.

                              'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                              Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                                Hi, All:

                                Checking in, but I already forgot what I have read and who said what. I can see right above here, however, that J-Vo and Kensho have BIG DAYS. Congratulations.

                                And I see that Daisy is back. So very glad to see you, friend. Make this your LAFQ, as NoSugar coined. I would love to swim more - I am very bad at swimming so I always feel like I'm taking in too much water when I do laps, but I still love it. Maybe that fear of almost drowning kicks the endorphins up a notch.

                                I remember TTAC - that was a wonderful 30 day speech. What I don't remember is if I already commented on it.

                                Ava - so sorry for your friend. I remember those videos you and I were watching when we first came. One involved a mom, out of rehab and drinking again, even though she knew she would lose her kids if she did. There is NO WAY that was her choice - no way. I get so angry when people blame addicts instead of giving them love and care. So sorry for your loss, too, G.

                                More crazy work days, including a BULL&#!^ meeting yesterday. Not a great day in Pav land. I did consider at one point after the meeting that a drink would make me feel better SO QUICKLY. And then I remembered you all here - I don't drink AT someone. It would only give them the power. Luckily I don't have to meet with those people again for a long time, so the next couple of weeks should be a bit smoother. And luckily I don't drink because I would just feel worse today.

                                Off to eat some delicious soup I made and settle in for the evening.


