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Newbies Nest

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    Re: Newbies Nest

    6 months today!!
    6 whole months of being sober.
    And it is also my wedding anniversary!

    And we also were served eviction notice because the home we rent is being sold. Ugh.

    But sober!! So much to catch up on with everyone but I can't do it tonight. I am unwavering in my al free life and enjoying life very much. It's really such a kicker!!

    Ok sorry I can't stay and hang out. I'm so tired. Just wanted to check in.
    Love to all xoxo
    Day 1 again 11/5/19
    Goal 1: 7 days :heartbeat:
    Goal 2: 14 days :happy2:
    Goal 3: 21 days :happy2:
    11/27/19: messed up but back on track
    12/14/19: bad doozy but back on track

    One day at a time.


      Re: Newbies Nest

      A late night check-in but wanted to stop by...six hour trip tomorrow (actually later today, technically) to watch my son run in state track meet. My husband and son left today so I will be making trip alone tomorrow. So thankful that I won't have to face the road nauseated, hung over, and smelling like a rotted vat of wine.

      Hope everyone is sleeping tight right now - that good sleep that you only experience when there's no alcohol in your system.

      Happy AF Friday-


        Re: Newbies Nest

        Good Morning, Nesters,

        Congratulations on 6 months, Nursie! Well done and here's to the next 6!!

        Happy belated birthday, G-man! Hope you had a wonderful day and found some nice ways to celebrate..

        Susie, I've also been experiencing that pull in the middle of a fantastic day.. which is annoying, but I guess quite normal after having used it for so many years.. whether stressed, annoyed, angry, or on cloud 9, to celebrate. Good for you for getting through it and going to bed sober. I agree with all of you.. there's nothing like having a great night's sleep and waking up ready to take on the day!

        Kim, wishing you a great road trip and fun at the track meet!
        and Tony, sounds like a good plan to bugger off if it gets too out of control with the drunkards! Geeze, the memories of hangovers after weddings/birthday parties are almost enough to make me feel sick now. Thank goodness we don't do that anymore. I hope it will be a fun time for you!

        LS, it's so good to see you..well done on day 3!

        So I don't have so much going on today.. it's rainy and sort of cold outside and I'm heading into my last days of being home from work. I'm happy to go back, but it has also been soooo nice to have this time to pull myself together. I'm a slight bit worried about going back into real life. Not so much because of work load and stress, but because of former habits. I need to put together a good plan each evening for the following day.. to work it through in my head first..going step by step through the day, anticipating any possible triggers and finding solutions ahead of time. This one day at a time approach has been working so well. I think partially because I'm in a situation where I more or less only have to deal with myself.. and I've had all the time in the world to read, write, watch.. focus on being positive. Now I have to bring it into real life! I know I can.. but I'm still a bit afraid. Anyway, I have until next Wednesday to prepare..

        Wishing everyone a good Friday!
        Last edited by lifechange; May 5, 2017, 01:15 AM.


          Re: Newbies Nest

          Nursie! 6 months!! Wowza my friend. NY bagels all round whilst i strum some tunes in the background. One is my ol' classic....'Eviction blues' -

          "Today i got the news
          Goddamn it, we gotta move
          Today i'm 6 months sober
          Not through luck, and no 4 leaf clover
          I took on all adversary
          And pushed on through the fog
          It's my wedding anniversary
          And i'm proudly off the grog"

          Congratulations! You know i might have to consider antabuse meself.

          Hi LC!

          'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

          Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


            Re: Newbies Nest

            Originally posted by Guitarista View Post
            Nursie! 6 months!! Wowza my friend. NY bagels all round whilst i strum some tunes in the background. One is my ol' classic....'Eviction blues' -

            "Today i got the news
            Goddamn it, we gotta move
            Today i'm 6 months sober
            Not through luck, and no 4 leaf clover
            I took on all adversary
            And pushed on through the fog
            It's my wedding anniversary
            And i'm proudly off the grog"

            Congratulations! You know i might have to consider antabuse meself.

            Hi LC!
            Mr G - I found AB a life saver at the beginning. Taking the 'will I'? 'won't I' ? out of it for the first few weeks was a turning point for me.
            Go on .......... do it !!!


              Re: Newbies Nest

              Originally posted by tonyniceday View Post

              I was talking on another thread about the wedding and I'm not really worried about temptation - and I'm still on Antabuse so it would be a nightmare if I had a drink anyway, but the only thing I'm really dreading is that I am now finding drunk people, especially really drunk people very annoying and actually quite revolting. Mrs T has agreed that if that gets too much then we'll bugger off back to our hotel and watch some crap on TV!!
              That is great planning Toe Knee :thumbsup:
              You are so lucky to have the support of Mrs T - I never had that Mr S and rest of the party carried on drinking ......
              Sometimes I'd be there to the last - other times I used to have to be rude and say I'm off & leave Mr S there.
              The JOY the next day as they all suffered was the best feeling EVER !!!


                Re: Newbies Nest

                Originally posted by satz123 View Post
                Mr G - I found AB a life saver at the beginning. Taking the 'will I'? 'won't I' ? out of it for the first few weeks was a turning point for me.
                Go on .......... do it !!!
                You know Satzuma. I'm thinking as long as any side effects are minimal, e.g. i can still exercise on it, and sleep as usual etc, i might give it a go. Even if i just take half a tab or less than prescribed would work for me i reckon because the thought of getting sick drinking on it would deter me these days, unlike a few years ago. Thanks for weighing in!

                'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                  Re: Newbies Nest

                  Originally posted by Guitarista View Post
                  You know Satzuma. I'm thinking as long as any side effects are minimal, e.g. i can still exercise on it, and sleep as usual etc, i might give it a go. Even if i just take half a tab or less than prescribed would work for me i reckon because the thought of getting sick drinking on it would deter me these days, unlike a few years ago. Thanks for weighing in!
                  EXACTLY. I was told it stays in the system for 5 days. So was TERRIFIED for those 5 days to even have alcohol in a sauce
                  I don't recall any side effects. I took it at night in case of drousyness....


                    Re: Newbies Nest

                    Originally posted by Nursie View Post
                    6 months today!!
                    6 whole months of being sober.
                    And it is also my wedding anniversary!

                    And we also were served eviction notice because the home we rent is being sold. Ugh.

                    But sober!! So much to catch up on with everyone but I can't do it tonight. I am unwavering in my al free life and enjoying life very much. It's really such a kicker!!

                    Ok sorry I can't stay and hang out. I'm so tired. Just wanted to check in.
                    Love to all xoxo
                    Congratulations Nursie! 6 months is awesome! Sorry to hear about eviction notice. But at least you can deal with all of it sober. Way to go!


                      Re: Newbies Nest

                      Good Morning Nesters - TGIF! It is going to be a rainy one here in NY. But the weekend is almost here and I love my weekends! I feel like I need to a career change. I am getting tired of doing what I do (elementary teacher). I love the kids but at 51 I have been doing this a long time and getting tired of some of the BS I have to deal with. Slight vent - sorry. I need the salary so can't retire early. Maybe it's just getting close to end of year. I always love Sept. with a new group of students and fresh start.
                      Enough complaining - no plans to consume the poison this weekend. I am feeling too good mentally and physically. I need to keep that good mojo going.
                      Have a great day everyone!


                        Re: Newbies Nest

                        Good morning everyone!
                        Hello G, I love the song, you are still the best my friend

                        Nursie, sorry about the eviction and way to go on the 6 months.
                        Susie, I agree, TGIF!

                        Have a good one everybody- one day at a time. Don't drink today.

                        "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
                        "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

                        AF April 12, 2014


                          Re: Newbies Nest

                          Hi! Life seems to just keep handing us all interesting turns, no? LC, glad you feel rested and rejuvinated a bit. Glad you have made a good recovery!

                          Nursie, what a drag about moving. Maybe something better will come of it (but I know moving is not fun!). Keep rocking your months, and congrats on 6!

                          G - congrats on completing your course.

                          I'm getting my health stuff sorted. Still uncomfortable, but managing and getting answers so I'm ok. I'm not getting a lot of work done, but I'll get to it in time I think. Sometimes we need a break to fix ourselves, and maybe plant flowers in the 80 degree weather we will have the next two days!

                          The alcohol cravings are still high for me. It's the *f* its I think. Getting to the "end of our rope" is not a good place to be for people like us. Good to know that it will pass.

                          Hope everyone has a good and positive day. Hugs to all.
                          Last edited by KENSHO; May 5, 2017, 11:13 AM.

                          Done. Moving on to life.


                            Re: Newbies Nest

                            Hi to all on a rainy Friday. Yesterday was such a beautiful day and I finally got my 1st ride of the year in. A bit of a late start this year but what a glorious ride of a little over an hour. I felt strong and fluid on my bike. Definitely the best first ride of the year I have had in many years. The AF life does pay off. I realized a long time ago that without alcohol riding was more fun, enjoyable & rewarding. Yet for the most part I drank instead of allowing myself to really enjoy my favorite things. For me cycling is the key that opens the door to a happy life and anything that gets in the way of that is to be avoided. Don't ask me why I drank so much and why I still entertain the thought, I have no idea. I do now know how not to drink if I choose. Hopefully this will be my choice going forward. Instead of always trying to 'ride off' a hangover and thinking I could pedal away from anxiety I can now just simply enjoy. All the work of staying free of Alcohol is soul building. The result is a stronger mind and body. I am grateful for this. I am looking forward to a great year of cycling and all the benefits this and an AF mindset can offer. ~ Even though it is literally pouring rain at the moment I know the Sun will soon shine and I also know that today I will not drink... One Day At A Time is how I got here and that's enough for me for today. Wishing a happy and peaceful day to all ! !


                              Re: Newbies Nest

                              Hi all
                              Hope everyone is cosy in the nest this evening: heartbeat: I am good really, kept busy the last few days so I am 'good tired out' in the evenings to keep the pesky wine witch away. Also our beautiful weather means I've been able to get outside which does a world of good I think I have just being sleeping barely with the hot and sticky nights though bleugh!

                              Wishing all a safe and sober Friday
                              To see a world in a grain of sand
                              And a heaven in a wildflower.
                              Hold infinity in the palm of your hand,
                              And eternity in an hour.


                                Re: Newbies Nest

                                Morning nesters

                                Nursie a big congrats on your 6 months sobriety. It does get easier as time goes by.

                                Lovely to see you G and congrats on passing your course.

                                Kensho as long as you dont drink life will always be better. I felt guilty when i started thinking of me as a priority but everyone gets used to it eventually and now we dont drink we dont give in as easily to what others want us to be or do. No point in relapsing now and starting again, as you read, it gets harder and harder each time. Pull out all the grateful you can think of.

                                LC great to hear you are going back to work. Dont think ahead, day by day is all you need to deal with. I changed my routine completely to protect myself with regards to al. I knew if i went shopping on my way home from work that temptation to buy al would be in my head driving me nuts so i went shopping before work, i took enough cash if i needed milk to just buy milk and left my cards at home. I knew there was no greater enemy in sabotaging my plans than ME. You will do this.

                                I have a house of sickness. My son has been in bed for 4 days (loving the peace and quiet) and now taking mum to the drs today. Grateful that i have not woken up with the GSR's from the night before and i can do what normal people do, get up without a hangover being the main one.

                                A big fam weekend dinner next weekend. My ex-bestest drinking (SIL) partner in the world is visiting and my niece for the weekend as it is my eldests 30th birthday. We are having a small party at my place. of course i am thinking the worst of having lots of drunk people and temptation at the fore but i have spoken to the man and plans are in place. I have not seen my SIL for over a year, she says she does not drink very much any more but like me she loved a drink on fam occasions so we will see. I can always walk out of my own house and come back the next day lol, which i am quite prepared to do. Way too much overthinking on my part but its what needs to be done. I know it will be fun and i know i will have a good time and i know i will be sober in the morning and happy.

                                Tony, i hope your fam weekend turned out to be enjoyable. I think my problem is drunks annoy the crap out of me now and to think i used to be one! If you want to tell me something, tell me once sober, not 100 times drunk. That used to be me, my poor children!

                                Take care x
                                AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom

